

11 May


Originally posted by maxwellsgenre

That’s perfect! I’ll try out the wheel again. These devs really do be vibin’ tho

The only downside until we add the bindings is that, if the wheel is open, you won't be able to jump using mwheel. Shouldn't come up too often but worth noting.


Originally posted by maxwellsgenre

Actually I have an update, I remember now why I thought the wheel didn't do as much. I have scroll up and down bound for jump, and the comm wheel has scroll indicated to change categories, but it doesn't work for me since my binds aren't the default. I couldn't see an option to set binds specifically for this in controls either. I hope this helps!!

Upcoming patch has a change where mwheel up and down always changes the wheel categories regardless of other bindings. In the future we'll update it to be fully rebindable.

10 May


Originally posted by Pookanator31

Then upvote so they fix it

Oh, we know :)


Originally posted by maxwellsgenre

I binded the Menu (which is more thorough than wheel) to V. So I can use my thumb to hit V and then use a number combo to memorize the call outs. Very useful. V23 is “Be Quiet” and V35 is “Sorry” and they also call out your location to your team in chat. Very handy and it has a handful of tactics too, Like you can specifically say “Push C” or “retreat and hold back”

Menu and Wheel have the same options; we made both since some people prefer one or the other based on past games.

07 May


Originally posted by bl1nkz

I really hope you guys don't take this game down the route of "low skilled players make these mistakes, let's make it so they physically cannot make these mistakes.".

You're actually voiding a good strategy that exist around players being able to give a glimpse of the spike, for example it would be common to show that you have the spike, then rotate in hopes that the enemies are moving to the site where the spike was seen. This gives you options to punish greedy pushers on defence who saw the spike and think they can sneak up behind the attackers, or punish players who rotate too soon.

I understand you're trying to make the game different to CSGO and I'm not the community as a whole but I hope you are making changes with the mindset that they are testing the waters and can be reverted.

I wouldn't say we voided the strategy at all, but we did shift how it's done.

Broadly, we don't make our choices with the explicit goal of being or not being like any other particular game. We look at how our game plays, our goals for the experience, what players think/do, and then chart a path forward.

There are enough unique elements in our game that a change to this particular behavior makes a lot of sense, and I outlined the reasons above. The way we have spike spotting implemented, you can still bait the enemy team into thinking the spike is in one location and then quietly moving it elsewhere.

You could even argue that the strategy is more powerful in our game because the entire enemy team gets a notification when the spike's spotted, instead of a player having to notice it and communicate. There's a lot of gameplay to be had using the communication systems to deceive enemies, like intentionally getting spotted by a recon arrow to bait a pee...

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06 May


Originally posted by Sarg338

In a game with drones, cameras, and teleporting/dashing characters it was really easy to catch a glimpse of the carrier and get that important info with very little effort.

How about only specific abilities that already show enemy locations, such as Sova's Reocn bolt? Give it to specific abilities rather than agents/vision in general.

Sometimes a player would not know they had the spike (e.g. someone grabs it and throws it onto a teammate while they have the buy menu up) so they wouldn't always position thoughtfully - or simply wanted to peek - and would inadvertently give away the info

That's a player problem. Disagree that you should take that into consideration. I doubt very much any higher-skill player (who you used for a justification in point 3) would not notice they have the spike.

Many of the higher-skill players drop the spike in a neutral spot (robbing the defenders of the c...

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No changes to this are planned, but we'll keep an eye on it. Appreciate the feedback.


Originally posted by Sarg338

enemy players should never show as carrying the spike on the minimap, even if they are carrying it.

Disagree. Hope you reconsider.

edit: or maybe other ways to see the spike carrier while alive, such as if Sova's recon dart reveals the agent carrying the spike, he/his team could see that.

Justification above; sorry for not including it in the original reply.


Originally posted by Trickquestionorwhat

(like agents automatically calling out when they see enemies with the spike

That line is in the same post, are you sure it's not intended for us to see which enemy has the spike? I'm confused cause that really seems like it was an intended mechanic, and personally I think having to hide the player with the spike or the spike itself adds more depth to the game. It also allows for more mindgames by intentionally revealing the spike at one site and then immediately rotating after you've tricked them into thinking you're committing to that first site.

Unfortunately, the post is slightly incorrect. Your character automatically calls out when they see the dropped spike, but not the spike carrier. There's also an announcement that plays for both teams when the spike carrier is killed.

Edit to address your notes about depth and spotting the spike carrier:

Goes without saying, but when defenders know the location of the spike it usually tips the balance of the round in their favor, enabling more confident rotates, stacking, and more focused defensive setups.

We used to have an announcement that played when a defender spotted the spike carrier, but it had a few problems:

  • In a game with drones, cameras, and teleporting/dashing characters it was really easy to catch a glimpse of the carrier and get that important info with very little effort.
  • Sometimes a player would not know they had the spike (e.g. someone grabs it and throws it onto a teammate while they have the buy menu up) so...
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Originally posted by OpinionatedKitty

TLDR; Riot hasn't made any changes to deal with the sexism/toxicity, they're just saying that they're aware of the issue and are planning to do something about it in the future

As well as:

  • actively investigating for fixes on performance dips
  • fixing a bug where the Spike UI will sometimes overlap with the HUD
  • fixing a bug where enemy players will sometimes show up as having the Spike on the minimap, even though they didn’t
  • making sure players are being matched well with other local players, so they’re not being routed from L.A. to Chicago

fixing a bug where enemy players will sometimes show up as having the Spike on the minimap, even though they didn’t

To be clear on this issue, enemy players should never show as carrying the spike on the minimap, even if they are carrying it. It's desired that the spike carrier information remain hidden to defenders until they kill the spike carrier (or the spike gets dropped/planted).

04 May


Originally posted by DukeofDouchebaggary

My f**king left hand.

I read somewhere else that they are already planning to implement it but yes- please- sooner rather than later lol.

Testing it today. Can't promise timing yet.


Originally posted by foonek

Is that still the case? I got aim punch 30 minutes ago which made me look up how the aim punch actually works. After dying the result was 2 body shots from a bulldog

Possible you took damage from someone else during the exchange? By design it's only on headshot and usually works that way, unless you've found a previously unseen bug.

01 May


Originally posted by oCorvus

I think the default binds for the comm wheel need to be changed. Of all of my 8 IRL friends and I who got the beta, I was the only one who knew about the comm wheel after over a week of playing with them.

No one is going to randomly try pressing period or comma in an FPS game, it just doesn't seem like a key that would ever be bound to anything.

Most people I know do not check the keybind menu to learn the controls, they just figure out the controls by playing. Without any kind of on-screen prompt, I feel like the chat wheel goes entirely unnoticed.

Like don't get me wrong the addition of a chat wheel for calling to teammates is amazing and I had been wanting something like this in CSGO for ages. I just think its use could be encouraged a bit more so that new players actually know its there.

EDIT: Also an end of game teammate review would be nice. Similar to the commendation system in CSGO. As in it would be cool to commend your teammates for excepti...

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The plan is to add a small module to the starting tutorial that makes people aware of the features, and then prompt them to rebind to something more convenient if they want to use them.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough easily accessible keys to place everything within reach by default.


Originally posted by Zheif

Had no idea this was a thing until recently, y'all should consider putting it in the tutorial and changing the default bind, because with your left hand on wasd and your right hand on your mouse, who is really going to want to take their hands off of one of those things? No one.

We have plans to add these to the onboarding - just didn't have time for the beta. I agree that it's important to ensure everyone knows they exist.

Candidly, we have more features than conveniently available keys. Our strategy was to add these features knowing that some people would want to use them, and some would not. The ones that want to use them can rebind to suit their needs, and the ones that do not aren't burdened with a feature they have no intention of using taking up a valuable key bind slot.


Originally posted by qatzki

A good communication wheel would do wonders. But also some people don't like speaking.

Comm wheel is available to bind to your favorite key. Same with a CS/Tribes radio tree.

They are on comma and period by default (so you can check them out), but should be rebound if you want to use them regularly.


Pretty harmless thing to add, I'll look into it. Appreciate the other folks sharing the extended info feature (left alt) too. It's really handy for spot checking ability charges for teammates (like availability of Sage heal). And it does indeed include armor status.


Originally posted by GetThatNoiseOuttaHer

I'm having the same issue with the comms wheel. My default setting for the comms wheel is Thumb Mouse Button 2. When I open the wheel, it shows mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down to get to the social and strategy wheels. I bind jump to Mouse Wheel Down, so I can't get to the other comms menus. Even after changing jump back to spacebar for default, it still doesn't work. Nothing happens when I open up the comms wheel and scroll up or down. Unfortunately, I can't always use a mic, so being able to easily access all of the comms menus would be great.

Let me look at the way the controls are set up for the wheel.

Just so I'm clear on the issue: You all are binding mwheelup and down to other things, but you still want to use the wheel to select the other comm wheels? Or would you prefer to use other keys to select the other wheels?


Unfortunately it's a bug. Fix in progress.


This is a bug for sure. We're working on a fix.


What's the issue you are seeing?

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the clarification. We've got a fix for next patch.

30 Apr


Originally posted by nivo92

Playing with centered minimap already fixes this issue, but i must say the version before the latest patch was way better and less invasive, now the icon is way to large

It's the same size as before - just looks bigger because the portrait isn't breaking up the space.

Some folks don't play with player centered so they can see the whole map at all times at a decent zoom. We'll find a solve that works for everyone.