It just happened to me
There's still a way to do it in the current version, unfortunately. Let's not go into details.
That said, it's fully fixed in the upcoming patch this week.
It just happened to me
There's still a way to do it in the current version, unfortunately. Let's not go into details.
That said, it's fully fixed in the upcoming patch this week.
Easy enough and pretty harmless. Will add it to my list.
Current crosshair is a placeholder as per the devs
Not placeholder, but a limited version of the full system we want to give you all. We'll be adding more options over time.
Upcoming patch. We're orienting all fixed maps with Defenders on top and Attackers on the bottom. We're also adding an option to display your starting side on the bottom.
153 because that person got tagged, fell back and got healed by sage, then you tagged them again.
If you hover the encounter with your cursor (either when dead, or by toggling the cursor at the start of the next round) it shows a flyout with timestamped events. Can shed some light on these sorts of situations.
Is it a bug or is it meant to be like that. That's why I posted it here not bugs.
It's not exactly a bug; more of a limitation. We want to address this but it's a non-trivial task and it's competing with a lot of other high priority stuff. We'll get to it at some point, but unlikely to happen soon.
Hope that clarifies, at least.
It's fixed in the update.
Glad to see the Raze nerfs. But I'm surprised to see that Omens paranoia didn't get a small buff. Also no spam spike removal :(
We did include a fix for the ping spam. It was excluded from the patch notes in error but is in the update. Patch notes for the patch notes being updated tomorrow:
Disable ping spam
Post-patch, pinging items on the ground will be rate limited the same as other pings.
Was hoping they have the fix of limiting ping spam on guns/spike that can cause game client fps to tank by griefers.
We did. It was excluded from the patch notes in error but is in the update. Patch notes for the patch notes being updated tomorrow:
Did they also fix the people who spam pinginging guns/spike dropping to single digit fps. Doesn't happen much but usually one in every 5 or 6 games there is a troll doing this.
A fix is part of the patch, yes. It got left out of the patch notes but will be added in a bit.
We have a change in internal playtesting for this. Removes the portrait for your own icon. Should help quite a bit.
looking forward to it! Just out of curiosity.. is there a reason why the Bind minimap has a different orientation than the other two currently? The sites on the Bind minimap go from left to right.
Not intentional. We're unifying all of them.
Oh I was wrong then, sorry for misinforming. It felt super off
No worries! Thanks for bringing it up - the clarifications and discussion help everybody, and we're human beings so will occasionally miss things. No harm in making sure.
I bought them weapons via menu, did not drop
Weapons you purchased for teammates via the request system factor into their econ rating, but will not negatively affect yours.
We're working on better tracking for weapons purchased and dropped the traditional way.
In this case the UWidget is most likely part of a UWidgetComponent which treats it’s UserWidgetObject as part of the collision on the component. I don’t know if the widget it’s self is hit testable. But the widget itself would intercept a line trace since it’s on a widget component.
You are right though.... hit testable is specifically taking about widgets. I really meant to say the components collision profile
We're on the same page, and I simplified my response. :)
For riot. This bug is likely caused because you are using a UWidgetComponent which by default is hit testable. Just change the collision profile of the widget component to IgnoreAll
This bug was caused by a misconfigured collision setting in the parent component of the UI prompt. I've fixed it on our side.
Guys wheres the spike I couldn't hear
This is fixed on our side. Will patch when we can.
Read moreI made this comment based on trailers and without playing the beta. They have less impact than I had thought they would, although to me it makes things a little redundant if it's used for a team chat replacement, because you have the ping system (thank you for this system, very much needed in all games imo), it's not redundant to an extent it should be removed, so maybe a thin layer of overlap is a good word for it. TBH the system is working well, better than expected like I said. When coming from CS, I imagined CS with this feature, it'd destroy the game in a strange way i had thought. But it works well here so far. Thanks for commenting and I hope this feedback is valuable to you.
EDIT: A few moments after I had an after thought, the system doesn't seem to be created for hearing impaired like you mentioned, I understand it may help with their ability to play, but the number of sound queues, from ults, to abilities, to reloading and specific gunfire sounds, possibly more...
Thanks for following up! It's good to hear that you are finding the feature useful but not overbearing or damaging to the core gameplay.
why not have a "apply own skin" option like apex legends does? so u get it with your friend's skin but u can apply your own skin if u dont like that one.
also i heard buying and dropping guns hurts your econ rating while just fulfulling requests doesn't. if that is true then it needs to be fixed.
It's a nice little feature, and something we can definitely add someday.