salty shores night not available in matchmaking? shame.
It will be starting next week.
salty shores night not available in matchmaking? shame.
It will be starting next week.
Thanks everyone!
I assume you're referring to the formatting in the megathread... (Not a new bug btw, this has been this way for awhile, maybe since release...)
Bug: Jager:Sharktooth decal is not centered on the car.
Platform: Steam Screenshots:
Sorry! Totally thought this was the other thread. (But screenshots are always best for visual bugs!)
Thanks for the upvotes, everyone! Passing over to our dev team.
Since your thread has more traction than I ever get around here. Hey /u/psyonix_devin how bout that transparency slider I suggested for the overlay so that I can see ball when it goes up by the ceiling and it's hidden behind the game timer just long enough for you to miss the changing angle?
I remember your previous post about this but I can't find it - can you link me?
Any chance of a small rework to matchmaking for GCs? In Rumble, my queues can be north of 45 minutes but I'll still match against champ 2s, and this is on USE and west during peak times.
If you're a GC and you're matching up against Champ 2 players after a 45-minute wait, it may mean the MM system is having trouble finding players at your Rank for you to play. I'm not sure we can do much about that.
Please fix the jager:sharktooth decal! it has symmetry issues.
Please follow the instructions in the top post. Use the formatting and provide screenshots, please and thank you!
Bug: Blast ray boost and ballistic goal explosion both dramatically reduce framerate
Platform: Xbox One
Don't have a video. Ballistic is inconsequential because it doesn't affect gameplay, but being near anyone using blast ray is a huge disadvantage for me, exacerbated by the fact that it dropped so frequently this weekend (I got 5 and I can't even use it lol).
EDIT: Actually I haven't had the chance to get on yet and see if it is still an issue since the update was released, it just has been an issue. Perhaps fixed, will get on later today and repost this is I find the issue persists.
Thanks for the info! Was aware of Slash Beam frame issues, but not Blast Ray.
Nothing shows up in replays or gif your game clips. Here is an example if it helps, powerup icon is not visible.
It's just visual, as you can't see powerups in older replays either. It first happened just before this event went live, so it might be an issue because of proton.
Thanks! EDIT: Have this bug on the books now, was an old bug that resurfaced. Thanks again!
Example Post
Our latest update (v1.65) is now live. This thread is an effort to get all bug or glitch reporting into one thread.
Any news about replays not showing rumble items anymore?
None of them show up in any replay? Or only specific items? Please provide details if you can, thank you!
I just wanna know why my game constantly crashes if I try to use my cassettes or go to my garage. Or after a game if I ready up to jump into another game.
Crashing as in crash to Windows desktop? I would recommend verifying game files in Steam, or reinstalling.
Patch Notes Link:
Scheduled Release: 6/24/2019, 10 a.m. PDT / 5 p.m. UTC, all platforms
Anything futher on this? :)
Fixed in our next update!
God i wish i could see that list lmao, it's probably the best and worst thing I'd ever see in my life
Lots of l3375p34K and words with s p a c e s.
Looking into this, but it may be a Steam issue that isn't specific to RL.
The only people I've seen get banned are ones who dont try to bypass the filter. That's it. Its a joke.
We regularly update our system with "creative" spellings of ban-worthy language.
Taking a look into this, thank you!