

10 Dec


Originally posted by IJcast

I was kinda disappointed that the amount of stars that asol can get in urf doesn't change

We are sad about this too. It was actually one of the first things we tried to do when we got started on URF.

The reason it didn't make it in was that it was actually much more work than you would expect. So much so that we wouldn't have time to optimize several other champions for performance, and thus would have required us to disable multiple other champions in the mode.


Originally posted by TwinShad0w

I think they assumed because it's mobile the player base would be casual about it hense they went with og urf. They underestimated the sweatyness of lol wr players.

But I agree after this month of urf I'd prefer ARURF to avoid the super sweats

We wanted URFs first time out to be the OG version that allowed everyone to pick their champions. Everyone is excited to try out specific ones and we wanted to allow for that here.

09 Dec


First, if I have Font of Life, and I hit 5 enemies simultaneously (eg Nasus Spirit Fire) , do all of them get fonted or just one, and if one, who exactly?

It won't be everyone, I believe we set it up to apply to your closest target.

Second, if I heal or shield everyone simultaneously (eg locket), do I get 4 shield triggers or one? I’m also curious how this interacts with Athene’s consuming blood.

You will get multiple triggers, but I am unsure how it interacts with Athenes. I would guess either gives the bonus healing to the lowest health target, or the closest.

Third, with the now 4 items I’m aware of that trigger off heal/shield, do you get multiple of their effects if you heal/shield multiple times, eg getting 40+ extra ability haste from staff of flowing waters.

Buffs with the same name do not stack. You will apply the buff to multiple allies though, but...

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05 Dec


Originally posted by JinkoNorray

What about its current stat makes you feel this way? Is it the stat line, or the chosen stats themself? Or is it in relation to the item's effect? Or both? If the item is weak you can expect us to buff it, this could be its stats, price, or something with its effect. But we wouldn't want to reach a situation where it is overloaded with stats and the effect is secondary.

I will start by saying that Ionly have 700 games on Wild Rift, I am a Jinx one-trick and I am only diamond, and thus we are speaking about items I only ever used in ARAM with other characters. I am not a part of the player base that could be actively be using the jar, I just love the concept. I hope my opinion can be valuable to you anyway.

It is a good alternative to Zeke's. While Zeke's is good in team fights, this item was intended for a bit of roaming/being on your own. This put it in a place where you were unlikely to get both, and they would compete fo...

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Sorry for the formatting, I'm writing this on mobile.

" I hope my opinion can be valuable to you anyway."

It is helpful for sure. While Jinx isn't expected to be buying this item she would still be interacting with it in her games. And we want it to be understandable to its core users, but also not unapproachable to the rest of the player base.

" For me, Zeke is definitely one of the reasons why I see the Seedjar as lackluster. I do understand that you gain 5 more armor and magic resist with the jar, as well as 5% move speed and a cute gardening ability that may or may not be clutch. But who will choose that over Zeke's ability haste, mana and powerful passive? I am aware that you can buy the jar and Zeke, but I just feel like any other item is just at least a tiny bit "better". I am relatively new to LoL and Wild Rift, so seeing that the way to make an item stand out is to give it +5% move speed is weird for me. Like, 5% is not much and multiple other ite...

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04 Dec


Originally posted by JinkoNorray

If we had tried to give plenty of details, such as seed growth time or per seed CD, its tooltip would be very long and wordy and turn people away

I think this information is unnecessary because the UI and cooldown markers around plants are good enough at making some of the item's mechanics obvious. I just wanted to point out that in a training mode context with no pressure of enemies trying to kill me, it still took me some time before noticing the dropped seed because the description misled me.

But the Blastcone's made this annoying/painful for melee champions, they would hit the Blastcone go flying, then walk back to pick it up. It also annoying for ranged champions who interact with the world at range and would need to put themselves more into harm's way.

I did not even think of this. It seems you made a very reasonable choice.

By making you pick up the seed yourself you both A...

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If finding seeds ends up being a pain point for the item then I expect we will be looking into ways to make this clearer. Though I am not convinced it is in most cases. The first time seeing/hearing about the item will likely lead to confusion for some players, but even in those cases, I expect that after the initial confusion it will come together well.

Making sure players could quickly understand the item is a key part of its success or failure. In playtests, we would tell testers the name of the item, and the brief concept, before seeing how quickly they figured it out. Generally, testers were able to understand everything they needed to know rather quickly, but if that doesn't translate well into the live environment we can look into it.


Originally posted by RazorNemesis

Just out of curiosity, if the item does need to be buffed later on, would you consider allowing it to pick up enemy wards when you break them too? While I (and I think most of the community) do really like the original and fresh thought process behind the item, I think it is kind of hard to pull off plays with it in solo queue and I don't really know enough about coordinated high level play to say if it would be good there.

Making this change/buff would, imo, flesh out the whole vision game a bit more, while also being a budget zombie ward (from PC League), which (at least from what I saw in pro play) seems to be an interesting rune to play with.

Also, uh, I think wards are plants? Their icon looks like a flower or something, idk lol

It would be very unlikely to make a change like this. We don't think vision control is the direction for this item (though that is an aspect of it) or is something that should become the primary responsibility for one role.

We do expect there to be some difficulty, especially early on with this item. But luckily Honeyfruit and Scryer's Bloom don't take much coordination.

If it ends up needing some love we have different directions we can take. It just depends on what the problems are in that situation. This might be with the items stats, build path, or tweaks to the effect itself.


Originally posted by JinkoNorray

I forgot to add this:

From testing the item alone at first and noticing that I was getting seeds directly from breaking the plants (with Jinx, a ranged character), I expected to get seed directly by standing close to a plant an ally destroyed. That is due to the item's description: "when you or an ally..." implying that both situations will lead the same result.

For two minutes, I tried different ranges at which I was expecting to be able to get the seed from my ally until I accidentally walked on a dropped seed, which is when I understood the seed dropping mechanic. Now I wonder, from a game design POV, why did you make it so that when you break the plant yourself, you instantly get the seed, but not when an ally does? Is it to leave you the choice of when you want to get a seed instead of having teammates force it upon you?

Maybe the dropped seeds should be a tiny more obvious, and the item's description should be a bit clearer?

Good questions, these are the kinds of decisions that designers need to deal with that most people don't tend to think about. Because of the complexity of the Seedjar we knew we couldn't fit everything into the tooltip. If we had tried to give plenty of details, such as seed growth time or per seed CD, its tooltip would be very long and wordy and turn people away when we put so much work into making something that we hoped would be easy to pick up and run with rather quickly through the item's theming. Though that doesn't mean it couldn't be clearer, and we could look at rewording it if needed.

Originally it would just drop the seed and if you had Seedjar you would need to run over and pick it up. But the Blastcone's made this annoying/painful for melee champions, they would hit the Blastcone go flying, then walk back to pick it up. It also annoying for ranged champions who interact with the world at range and would need to put themselves more into harm's way.

We ...

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Originally posted by JinkoNorray

Thanks for the insight and the developpement anecdote... I live for these. Actually I would be happier if the team forgot or missed funny bugs such as the one you mentionned, because as much as I loved breaking Vainglory, I cannot seem to find any interesting bugs in Wild Rift so far... Good job, I guess! But let a few ones slip, pretty please... :P

About the Seedjar: I really wonder how it could be picked over another item tbh. Because other items have almost identical stats, if not better or more interesting ones, on top of objectively better passives. The jar is a great, fun, original item and I love it, but in its current state I would call it "The Singed of items" : doomed to be off-meta, adapted to only a single playstyle/character, and basically considered a troll pick by most people. Which I find sad, because again this item is cool and fun and I want to see it being used, just like I wish I saw Singed more often. But, who would use it?

Lastly, thanks for th...

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We have talked about different kinds of tweaks/changes we can make if it ends up being weak or too niche. We do this for major content updates, but obviously, it gets adapted and changed on a case-by-case basis.

A lot of what I have been seeing is about the item's state line, we choose this line for a few reasons.

  1. It is a good alternative to Zeke's. While Zeke's is good in team fights, this item was intended for a bit of roaming/being on your own. This put it in a place where you were unlikely to get both, and they would compete for the same slot.
  2. We felt it was more exciting for tanky/roaming supports than enchanters. While initially, we thought the idea of a gardening item fit better with the babysitter mindset of enchanters, it ends up being less interesting. Enchanters put themselves into fewer risky situations so giving them more Honeyfruit felt wrong, similarly, the Blastcone is more interesting for tanks too whereas it doesn't do much for an e...
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Originally posted by TNARGi

Watching this has opened my eyes to just how awesome this item could be if they'd just made it better.

Make the scryer explode 360 degrees if it expires, giving brief but massive vision.

Allow hitting multiple seeds at the same time and stacking blast cones to launch a whole team halfway across the map together.

Make the blast cone explode when it expires so you can set it up in enemy territory when preparing for a teamfight.

This item could be so good with some changes.

This is actually something we originally talked about doing, but moved away from due to the added complexity and what it would do to the tooltip. Seedjar is already a very complex item and we did a lot of fiddling to help with things like picking up seeds (the video did a great job showing these).

Fun fact, early in dev we had a bug with player-placed blastcones. If it was used next to a tower it would knock the tower's hitbox, health bar, and fire point (basically all the logic but not the model) away. So visibly you would still see the tower where it was. But it would actually be firing from behind a wall or where ever you knocked it back to, but visually the tower would still be in the same place.

Because of the item's learning curve, both on the player with Ixtali Seedjar and their team, we expected to see early feedback that it was weak. If this continues to be the case we will address it, don't worry we are not putting it out into the game without monitoring...

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03 Dec


Originally posted by ximm0rtal

if im not wrong the max mana doesnt change the abilities just dont cost mana

Correct, ability's mana costs change not your total mana pool. The Mana Charge passive will also still stack up on Tear of the Goddess items (actually faster than normal). And bonus mana is converted into bonus health, so you'll still be putting that mana to use.


Originally posted by niceicebagel

Don't really know how to share images over reddit, but I'm sure my game is already updated because I already see the new items/champs in game. Actually just finished playing a ranked game against the new Mundo.

Sorry about that, this was a typo. The cost of Needlessly Large Rod did not change.

02 Dec


Originally posted by True-Can-2091

They didn't add them so champs can have item diversity when picking boots. The AS you would get from greaves are also already embedded in every champs so you basically have AS boots stats + situational boots

Yep yep yep, this is the same for Mpen boots (though we didn't build Mpen into champion's kits) and why we created Infinity Orb as a replacement Mpen item.

Basically we felt those boots stifled choice and this pushes players to get the right boots for each match. Got problems with Veigar? Merc Treads work great against him. Want to zoom around? Swifties are an option.

01 Dec


Originally posted by joaoCDC2020

Nah, it won't have cooldwon by enemy receiving CC, but by every time you suceed using a cc ability. It means you can hit all the enemies, you still will just have 15% cooldown reduction. The stats also give a little of everything, but just a little, not too much to really have a power spike. But for Nami, Janna, Lux and Morgana that can abuse it because of their kit, looks like will be a good item for them.

To clear something up here if you land a Leona ultimate on 5 people (stunning them all) it will reduce your active items cool down 5 times, for 15% of it's current cool down each time.

While this will happen instantly from the player perspective, behind the scenes this doesn't come out to 15*5 (75). But instead reduces it by 15% of the remaining cool down, gets that total, then reduces it again and repeat.


Originally posted by uopuh7

I was just wondering if the spawned Honeyfruit will also proc the Sweet Tooth rune?

Oh that would be sweet, wouldn't it?


Originally posted by Brusex

I think a good option might be to give us passive stacks on teammate plant kills(?) that can be used to gather more vision with a second sweeper lens or a third ward. Maybe like +12?

The blast cone didn’t feel natural to me however.

I think the only learning curve with this is letting your teammates take plants kills, along within getting and using the benefit of more vision.

How can you implement this? Well I think an enchant would be one way to go. Another would be a new rune to allow some more synergy with the sweet tooth rune that also gives some competition between running st/nr or st/anything.

If it were an enchantment it most likely need less stacks since it can’t stack before the enchant was bought.

Both options give you a chance to have either a new item or rune for supports.

But hey what do I know?

I think a good option might be to give us passive stacks on teammate plant kills(?) that can be used to gather more vision with a second sweeper lens or a third ward. Maybe like +12?

This sounds like it might be gearing towards a different item. Vision is a part of it for sure, but a bit goal of the item is roaming and the seed collection/blast cone (hopefully) help here.

The blast cone didn’t feel natural to me however.

I'm very interested to hear your thoughts once you get to try it a bit. Planting, and using these is the primary worry about the complexity of the item. So early gut reads are helpful to understand expectations here, then hearing how it actually works out as people become familiar with it is particularly interesting.

I think the only learning curve with this is letting your teammates take plants kills, along within getting and using the benefit of more vision.

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Originally posted by Riyasumi

Hope the sp who drop the seed will get gold from other destroying the ward too

The Scryer's Bloom should be treated like any Scryer's Bloom you normally see on the map. I believe that means that if you hit the plant, and reveal enemy wards, you are flagged as the one who revealed the wards.


Originally posted by Jason1143

This has 2 answers. If you are working on a strict button limit for consoles still then you might not have much of a choice and might have to replace something like trinket.

But this is a phone game, just add another button for anything important.

I'm very much an advocate for maximum control customizablity, so toggles in option for what gets replaced if you are going down that road with the specific target buttons would be good. If you have multiple equal power control schemes I'm an advocate for adding both and letting players decide.

Also, it's not even a but annoying for you to ask. So many games don't and then end up with a bad system that could be averted with a quick question and answer with the community. It's great that you are actually asking.

We want to avoid creating new buttons and overloading your screen, your right it is technically possible and we MIGHT do it one day, but it is something we want to avoid as it creates clutter, and can be confusing (especially when players can change their button layout).

As for settings options, our thought is that settings should have a broad use case, and we want to avoid settings that only make changes in very niche situations. Settings are also something that most players don't interact with so finding a good default is still the best way to go. For example if replacing things were to become very common in the game we might look at making a setting for it, but we would still want to have a clear rule/default that we were happy with.

"Also, it's not even a but annoying for you to ask. So many games don't and then end up with a bad system that could be averted with a quick question and answer with the community. It's great that you are actually asking."


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Originally posted by Significant-Damage14

Wouldn't it be better if it were like the button of Thresh's lantern? I assume junglers and supports will be the primary users of this item. It doesn't make sense to remove their sweeper if they are looking to make a clever gank.

You are right that roaming supports and junglers are the primary users here. Temporarily losing access to a sweeper is a cost for sure, but it still felt like the best place rather than overloading a button that already gets overwritten. The tower button could be an option here, and it was discussed but we felt the trinket fit better with what has already been established.

We avoided the minion button in part because that button is typically used for ability overrides (Senna and Thresh) because it is easy to reach in combat, the trinket button is a bit more out of the way and less likely to be used in combat (though still reachable when needed).

(Fun fact, Thresh was being developed at the same time we started work on this item so we had to figure these out alongside each other.)


Originally posted by jamesdickson

Your trinket slot is the thing you have that you put down (be it herald or wards) so it would make most sense for it to replace that until it’s used.

That was our thinking too.

30 Nov


I'm going to do that designery thing that can be annoying but work with me here. How would you expect/want it to work?

We have something that I think works well, but this item does risk having a higher learning curve than others and I am particularly interested to see if the implementation is understandable/accessible at a glance.