

30 Nov


Originally posted by Xxmlg420swegxx

What do you think about balance changes regarding champions that were not popular but got popular rapidly without real reason ?

I'm thinking of varus. Before, and even during 2.4, he wasn't seen a lot, and people used to think he was "meh", as in "alright but there are champions that are better". But now he is seeing a lot of success in the competitive scene without any buffs nor any really impactful nerfs on other adcs or adc items.

Also I would also like to have your opinion regarding draft balance in general. I don't know if it's just me, but as a midlaner, I feel like I am kind of "forced" to play an ap mid. I like yasuo a lot for instance, but since there aren't any real ap junglers or toplaners, i feel like it would throw off the team balance to play yet another ad in the midlane. Right now as ap junglers we have evelynn which is a good pick against squishies but not that great against tankier comps, nunu but as a tank, his primary goal is not to deal damage, ...

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Inc AP Jungler and Baron Laner, just like you wanted.


We do want players to be able to play their favorite champions. Typically a high ban rate points to the champion being high frustration, but it can also mean they are perceived as powerful. So we do take ban rates into account when making adjustments. This doesn't always mean nerfs though, but it can mean we shift their power around into less frustrating areas.

All this is to say that we do expect some champions ban rates to increase, and are keeping an eye on them for if adjustments are needed.


Originally posted by WildWestCollectibles

Watch Asol get nerfed due to “higher pick rates”

Problems I wish we had.


Originally posted by kimmyy06

I'm also looking forward to the Ixtali Seedjar! I think it might be a little confusing to use in the beginning but eventually we'll probably see some really cool plays.

We do expect it to have a larger learning curve than most items. But our hope is that we made it intuitive enough for people to start using. I am super excited to see what you all do with it.


Originally posted by MagicAnes

Introducing URF mode

Lux: prepare for the trouble

Morgana: and make it double

Lux: To root you to your devastation


Originally posted by VigilantOverthrower

Well having Potions/Consumable items on WR would be too weird and it would not fit on a Mobile MOBA platform at all. But, i just hope that you would include some new runes and new items from League PC to Wild Rift soon enough, we'll keep waiting for it.

We keep an eye on how things are performing on LoLPC for sure. If we believe they would help address problems in Wild Rift we are likely to look at bringing them over. This was a big reason for bringing over BV and EoN from LoLPC. It takes some time to build everything, but don't worry we hear you.


Originally posted by Beusselsprout

Release Sugar Rush Braum next, please ;)

I have no idea what the skin plans are, watching these videos is basically when I find out what skins are coming.

My plan was to start begging for a LeVAhri Burton skin.


Originally posted by Brusex

Does anyone think that they will ever implement potions in WR?

We currently have no plans to add potions. Instead, we opted to add Honeyfruit in each lane. We feel this creates a similar use case, but also opens up more gameplay (stealing fruit, forcing opponents to take it, knowing where they will be when they do), they also arn't very feelable, it's really hard to feel good about slow ticking health regen), whereas burst healing is something you notice. Potions/consumables would also require more buttons/screen space. So these reasons pushed us to find something else, in this case, Honeyfruit in lanes.


Originally posted by VosBaba


It has been hard not to spoil it.

28 Nov


Short answer, he is fine, people undervalue him.

He is unique and it can be difficult to fit him into a comp, but if you are looking to win lane or need an AP top. He can do alot, he is also good at ambushing or winning objectives with a trail of shrooms before opponents even get to it.

27 Nov


Originally posted by DCFDTL

When exactly is the season ending? Any news on that?

Nothing that I'm aware of, sorry.


Originally posted by Nakamura_Aki

To add to the discussion, I think that even with sona hitting his powerspike in the late game there would aready be anti heals and mercury boots to counter her. I'd argue Seraphine is the better pick in how she is relevant all parts of the game in Wild rift. LoL pc is a different story in which Sona definitely outdo Seraphine due to her late game scaling.

I guess I should have spaced the darius vs riven part, I meant to say that I am stating that older champs have a hard tine to keep up with new champs then the darius vs riven part. ( bad english and using reddit in mobile sorry)

I think the best part of Sona is her ult which is huge compared to pc. The worst part of is it gets reduced to oblivion by mercury boots and the rhino rune. If I want a heal, movement speed champ with a great initiation ult I would pick Nami who also scales very well late game due to her scaling.

Thanks for taking time to discuss with the community, I really didn't expect a feedba...

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That's what I am saying though, Sona isn't a a flat out worse support. There are, and should be, situations where one is better than the other. But if you line them up side by side Sona is winning more games. Now it might be fair to say that Seraphine is better early game, and that you value the early game more than the late game. However those kind of options/differences are important for champions to have for them to be different. If I as a player/team want to have a stronger late game, at the cost of my early game, that option exists. And doing anything that puts power into Sona's early game means we need to pull it from her late game. This makes these characters more similar and dulls the strategic choice between them.

When it comes to initiation I don't think either of these champions is great, both can do it in a pinch for sure. But both are better at following up an initiation. Though I'd argue Seraphine is better at following up here, while Sonas is better if you ...

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Originally posted by Nakamura_Aki

Yes its kind of hard for some champs to keep up with others with the new kits. Right now I main Riven after losing to her everytime I face her as Darius or even Camille when I want to try to survive the lane. Its kind of a relief actually to play a champ that has free movement especially when I hit 50 cdr where I can dash around the map. My main arguement about Sona is how well she does in lol pc because of late game while in wildrift its hard to reach that point of powerspike due to the fast paced gameplay and how most supports can shut her down in lane. I only compared it to Seraphine because she feels like what Sona should be in wildrift due to its fast paced nature. I think applying Sona's passive on her ult would make her viable vs most other enchanter who can provide a ton of utility than what Sona right now can offer or some kind of rework. Rammus got a dash on his ult and he is a good pick in master-chall tier, I would argue one of the best jungles because of his ganks.


You are right that Rammus is a powerful and under appreciated pick by most players. However you are wrong in saying the Sona isn't viable, even when directly compared to Seraphine (using the definition we stated earlier) Sona is a fine, and actually a stronger pick than Seraphine. Sona is THE late game support and pays for that with weaknesses in the early game.

Even talking about newer vs older champion kits, both Riven and Darius are rather old kits (from PCs release dates), but even then Darius is the newer kit.

It is understandable that you are saying dashes can be frustrating but Sona is actually rather uneffected by them. Her abilities are targeted, and her ultimate is very quick with a large AoE.


Originally posted by Nakamura_Aki

Yes I see your point, and I am one of those who play less popular champions and I don't see them as weak rather outdated and unable to keepup with the more modern champ design. Why play sona when there's seraphine who can do most of the same thing but better. Thus leading to them getting insane scaling or stats per level buff in order to compensate and when they become viable they get higher pick rates win rates then get nerfed back to C tier.

P.s Im not trying to argue, this is rather a long rant and thank you for taking the time to notice this post. If this reply sounds a bit offensive then I am sorry in advance because I do not know how to word properly since english is not my first language

No worries at all, I'm always happy to see engaging discussions on here.

What do you mean by "keep up"? When I read this I assume you mean they struggle to stay relevant in the game when other champions are added. That is a concern when we create new champions for sure. We don't want to release a champion who is just a better version of another (in multiple aspects, but here I'll focus on power, theme, and role/identity).

There will always be some overlaps, and those can be good, think of the champions with very little overlap (Teemo, Singed, Asol) and you see some of the most misunderstood and least popular champions. What we want to avoid is too much overlap.

In the case of Sona and Seraphine, there is a lot of overlap at a surface level. But Seraphine is primary a mid laner, requiring levels and exp to do her job. While Sona brings powerful (and hard to appreciate auras and team buffs. Their Ultimates and Ws (2s) are similar for sure, but even with tha...

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Originally posted by Nakamura_Aki

There really is no perfectly balanced game, but atleast in some games most of the champs are viable even in the highest of ranks. I'm just kinda tired of seeing irelia riven yasuo zed tbh. Can't play asol, nasus or garen anymore without having to worry about those four

But do you think these champions are more popular because players enjoy them?

Let's say every champions was perfectly balanced at all elos (in this case I'll define perfectly balanced as having an equal chance of winning in their intended 1-2 positions. IE a 50% winrate). Do you think people have preferred playstyles, or champions that are more appealing to a wider audience?

If yes then those popular champions would show up more frequently than the, equally balanced, but less popular champions.

Then when players don't see the less popular champions as often they assume they are weak. Thus these champion's pickrates go down further. This won't hit 0, every champion has players that enjoy them, but it is a cycle. We see this with many unpopular champions, even with they are objectively strong.

25 Nov


Originally posted by mazzaman1989

Here I am, getting to Diamond by pretty much just playing Amumu jungle, reading all these comments like: 😶😶😶

Do people genuinely think Amumu is bad...?

People tend to over value flashly champions and champions who are good at getting multi-kills. The reality is that having a tank on your team is a good sign you are going to win the game. And Amumu is one of the strongest at any rank.

24 Nov


Originally posted by Gradontron

Arcane is some of the best television I've seen in recent memory. I've watched it 2 and half times through already 😅❤

Ya I need more, the team knocked it out of the park.


Happy to hear you enjoyed Arcane and are enjoying Wild Rift. There is plenty of both on this sub.


Originally posted by Xxmlg420swegxx

Thank you very much for you reply :)

You are probably right, playing a full AD comp is probably not as bad as I make it out to be. However, currently the jungle meta is junglers that can clear relatively fast, and that isn't the case for Fizz, Diana or Gragas. Nunu is a very fine champion, I am not saying he is bad at all, but as a tank his primary goal isn't to deal damage thus not really "counting" (an ennemy tank will most likely entirely ignore nunu's damage output and focus on other champs when building their items).

Do you have any info that you could share regarding Varus' VFX rework on LoL PC that could possibly come to Wild Rift in the future ?

P.S- This probably isn't said enough especially here on Reddit, but thank you for the efforts you guys at Riot put to give us such a good game, and for free on top of it. Much appreciated <3

I wouldn't worry too much about the "fast jungle clear meta" fast clear times are always important sure, but really all those champions I listed are doing fine and some of the highest winrate jungles have slow clear times. (Amumu and Rammus have always been some of the highest winrate jungles, regardless of elo, and aren't thought of as fast). You are right that tank Nunu is the preferred build, but his AP off but shouldn't be terrible.

Nothing on Varus that I am aware of, or could share if I was. Sorry

Thank you for the kind words! It's always great to hear people enjoying the game.

23 Nov


"Hoping this won't get me banned"

Oh it would.