Read moreWhat do you think about balance changes regarding champions that were not popular but got popular rapidly without real reason ?
I'm thinking of varus. Before, and even during 2.4, he wasn't seen a lot, and people used to think he was "meh", as in "alright but there are champions that are better". But now he is seeing a lot of success in the competitive scene without any buffs nor any really impactful nerfs on other adcs or adc items.
Also I would also like to have your opinion regarding draft balance in general. I don't know if it's just me, but as a midlaner, I feel like I am kind of "forced" to play an ap mid. I like yasuo a lot for instance, but since there aren't any real ap junglers or toplaners, i feel like it would throw off the team balance to play yet another ad in the midlane. Right now as ap junglers we have evelynn which is a good pick against squishies but not that great against tankier comps, nunu but as a tank, his primary goal is not to deal damage, ...
Inc AP Jungler and Baron Laner, just like you wanted.