

21 Feb


Originally posted by KoDRPG

It happens when you use the quick buy right after dying without opening the shop, we should make this known to the developers, happened to lots of times as well

You are unable to refund an item after you have interacted with other units. So if you dealt damage (ignite, Brand passive, Morgana pool, Tristana Bomb, etc) or helped an ally (redemption) those items might have helped you in some way and you are not able to refund your items.

This isn't so much a bug, but us making sure you can't buy a bunch of AP to enhance your DoTs after you die, only to refund it and get something else.

17 Feb


Originally posted by MaxKaneMcLane

Thank you so much for reading these! It's nice to know you guys are here.

Do you mind if I ask a question about Diana's implementation in Wild Rift? She's been my favourite champion ever since the main game.

I was wondering what lead to her altered ult. Would she have been too strong in Wild Rift if she could AA while ulting? However, you did give it other benefits, such as it applying Moonlight on enemies and having it deal more damage. If that's the case, then I guess Diana's ultimate as a gameplay solution is a bit reminiscent of rework Kayle's ult and how it now deals damage but locks her into an animation for the first half of the shield duration.

Or was it simply because this ult works better with her other Wild Rift specifics, such as Lunar Rush dealing AoE damage and only removing Moonlight from the targeted enemy? These changes did give her the ability to bounce between targets more and made her reminiscent of Irelia a little bit. If this is the cas...

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Endstep talked about this on his stream a bit the other day. Basically, Diana's rework was being developed on PC at the same time that the Wild Rift team was working on her. So while the core ideas are the same some of the details had changed. If we were to add any additional effects/damage then it would be too strong unless we shaved power from other places. This would have likely made things feel a bit worse as its power would need to be divided into multiple places.


As someone working on champions these are always fun to read.

14 Feb


Originally posted by IvanEarth

It would be great to know what u/r0guefool thinks.


u/Xxmlg420swegxx u/IvanEarth

I just double-checked on LoLPC and you can not cast Kas'sa's R while charging up your E. E's charge time is intended as a lockout and being able to circumvent this with spell casts would remove the intended weakness here, so it is unlikely we would look to change it to allow her to do this.

Kai'sa is also seen as a strong marksman so buffs focused around skilled play seems unlikely.

12 Feb


Originally posted by Xxmlg420swegxx

I think this would mean every single champion could play 2 or even 3 different keystones, which really isn't the case sadly... I don't know what the numbers say about this, but from what I've gathered and seen so far, font of life is considered suboptimal by a lot of people on most supports, especially enchanter supports who now basically only play Aery. Remove aery for a patch, and you will need to buff font of life back to what it was (I guess it was nerfed for a reason? :P) or add another rune that could replace Aery... But in that case, what would lethality varus or top j4 play? For Varus, I don't think conqueror or fleet footwork are great ideas, nor is electrocute by the way (as a Varus main with over 540 games :D)

This also could be problematic for the competitive scene. If I understand your point correctly, building a brand new UI would be a pain and take too much time. But if such a system is developped into the game, the competitive scene will have to either play ...

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Competitive would be a concern for sure.

Though I do want to push back on the point about champions not having 2-3 keystone options. The issue here is an issue of it FEELING like champions don't have multiple viable options. When looking at our data the vast majority of champions have 2 keystones that each preform relatively equally. The issue here is one of feeling/perception not actual power.

That isn't to say that this means it's fine as is, how something feels of equally, really more, important here. And we would like to get to a place where each champion feels like they have at least 2 options. Some examples here is that for enchanters FoL is as good as Aery, but it isn't as feel able/noticable. And for bruisers Grasp is in a similar situation. Part of this is that conqueror is just generically good. (who doesn't like damage?) So when you see so many players taking the Keystone, you assume you should too. The reddit echo chamber doesn't help here either. We a...

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11 Feb


Originally posted by damoreweed

Hi thanks for everything y’all do. I’m a PC lol player and I want to love this game, but it’s extremely difficult due to a few reasons:

  1. Slow Champion Release

I know that likely half the player base has not played PC lol, but the issue is that with slower champion releases it makes the game not as fun, choices feel limited, and repetitive. Especially for PC lol players. I also have fewer lane counter picks for certain champs I play against which makes it tiresome. With a champ release per month, it would take 3+ years to catch up to PC lol.

  1. Poor MMR matchmaking in normals (and ranked somewhat)

I know playing in normals should be a lighter and less serious game mode. However, there is nothing fun about stomping 5 unranked players. I know sometimes they balance it by giving the other team a Diamond player to match a Diamond player, but then it becomes a contest of which team feeds the Diamon...

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  1. So to be clear we never said that we were only releasing once champion per month, just that we were slowing down. That is how things have ended up so far this year, but I have been told that I can say we have more than 12 champions planned this year.

  2. I'm not going to get into match making here, it isn't the area I work on. But we do hear you and the people working on this are aware of the pain points/feedback. I just don't know enough about the details to speak on it.

  3. We feel you on this, and it is something we want to improve. You've seen us adding items, and like we said above we have plans for more. It is fun for the team, and good for the game.

  4. Sorry this is also not my area either, so I can't speak to much here. I suspect this is a problem for hard core players and the generous amount of blue motes that are given out. But its tricky to give enough for casual players and also cover hard core players. Though again this i...

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Originally posted by damoreweed

If the rune system was changed (which I think is fine) it could provide more options

That's possible for sure, but it could also be changed and give fewer options. It sounds like the issue is a feeling of a lack of options, and that can be handled with the current system, just with more options added.

I'm not trying to sound like I am splitting hairs here, I just want to make sure I understand you. The problem statement isn't that you dislike the system, it's that you feel like you don't have enough options. Still useful feedback for us for sure.


Originally posted by damoreweed

Asol does well because people don’t understand him since it’s rare. I’ve seen him probably 5 times in the past 100 games I played, especially in Diamond elo rank.

Sort of, We've talked about this a few times in other places, so I wont go too much into it here, but Asol is a popular champion for players to try out, but none really sticks with him. His winrate isn't being boosted by Asol one tricks, its still high even with those new Asol players.

This means that a lot of players want to like him, and like his theme, but that his gameplay turns them away. But even in these games you are still more likely to win with Asol. Players just don't stick with the champion. It isn't a power thing, so much as it is a perceived power/satisfaction thing. We still see powerful champions with low playrate, or weak or 50% champions that players love to play.

10 Feb


Originally posted by Agleimielga

That thing is massively strong on control enchanters in ARAM, especially combined with Locket. Denies so much of enemy all-in damage and back to back fights.

In general I think some sort of anti-shielding mechanisms need to be introduced, but in ARAM it is a particular case where the synergy is overtuned, since it’s so much easier to proc CCs in constant team fights.

It is a concern for sure, but Locket already has something built in to reduce repeated uses. We can tune the item in ARAM if it becomes dominant.


Originally posted by DrWallBanger

A+ community manager

Just wanted to say

I'm putting that on my resume for when I swap to become a community manager.


Originally posted by D0n0thing

I was thinking if the UI doesnt support more runes couldn't you guys change the runes each season? Like rotate them sort of like how there are free champs to play.

That is an interesting thought. How would you feel if your favorite one rotated out, knowing that it could come back at some point?

What about the risk of a champion/small group of champions feeling like they don't have a good keystone during a period of time?


Originally posted by coffeebrewcrew

I think the main issue is low variety. Seems to be more of a thing for ADC/Bruisers since conq is the only thing worth running.

So that sounds more like an issue with the options rather than an issue with the rune system itself. We do agree that we want to include some more options here, the issue being the UI problem we have talked about.

I'll quickly add that while there is a lot of perception around Conq being the only viable option. Grasp, and Fleet Footwork look to be performing as well as Conq for Baron lane Bruisers. On several such as, Baron lane Wuknog, Irelia, Gragas, and Garen Grasp is their strongest Keystone.

Marksmen tend to do fine with Fleet Footwork, but we agree it isn't an ideal situation for many of them. And we would like to give some options they are happy with.


Originally posted by SRKFRIES

Any possible chance of getting a PC like rune system?

What is it you feel is missing with the current system? A change is always a possibility, but is unlikely, especially in the short term, the UI alone would require much more work, and if that is already slowing things down you can already imagine what a larger scale change would be like.


Originally posted by Positive-Thanks7510

Now this will be Rakan's core item. And by the looks of it it might make aurelion sol viable.

Ya let's all feel pity for the designer who will need to balance this on ARAM.

Asol has been viable, even strong, for a while. The problem is that none enjoys the playstyle and his power is hard to appreciate.

Anyway time to go see how ARAM is doing.


Originally posted by Positive-Thanks7510

Wait so... Hextech megadrive cc cdr is intended to work multiple in one??? I thought that the bug was something normal?

A bug it be, a fix you'll soon see.


Hmmm, do something with Blitzcrank???!!!!

To the Riot cave!!!


Originally posted by metroslasher

What about on gaining vp points in ranked game? I think its not normal to gain 10 pts per win and lose 15 pts when losing on a 57% winrate

Sorry I'm not familiar enough with those systems. I'm on the in-game team, basically stuff that happens once you load into the Rift. So I don't know what is being worked on or what challenges those teams are tackling.


Originally posted by MonoAsMe

Do we need them? Maybe, but this has been talked about before as in the stats of those boots are already added to the base stats of the champs.

Why did they do it this way? So that you actually have a choice to buy different boots.

Correct, the AS was put directly into champions, and the mpen allowed for the creation of Infinity Orb. This opens the door for champions who would previously build AS/Mpen boots more choice in what they can build. Now if they need vamp or tenacity they aren't losing out on dps.


Originally posted by draggles

Ya this isn't true at all. We have new items coming in 3.1, and we added new items in patch 2.6, patch 2.4, and runes in patch 2.3. Runes are a larger topic that I feel like Endstep covered at length on his stream -- something I didn't even know was that runes contribute less to the overall power budget of an individual game (vs something like items and champ levels)! But the team has def been talking about the overall rune set and whether it's hitting the right gaps in gameplay overall. /u/r0guefool and /u/endstep probably have much smarter thoughts than me here.

Yep yep yep, we haven't said that new items are not coming and not being worked on. Items are something the team always very excited about. If you read my last item blog post, about patch 2.6, you might even be able to peer through the veil and take a guess.

To Draggles' point we would like to add more Keystones but like it has been said before it takes a bit of extra work, this doesn't mean we won't/couldn't do it, just that it'll take a bit longer than we would like.

We also have a major bug fix coming for Megadrive in 3.1. Basically late into it's development (like after it was announced late) a bug popped up that made it so if you CC multiple people you would only get one instance of the CC. This has been fixed and now CCing multiple people will grant multiple instances of the refund.

07 Feb


Originally posted by Geonaryentarg

Thank you for response. My concerns about match making are not as "strong" as most in this post.

My hypothesis is that you have a system that is designed to keep players at some minimum mmr range once they finish placements. You can climb if you put in the work but system is going to protect you from completely falling down because it runs a risk of bad user experience.

In this screenshot you have a player in plat who played 200games in this season and by no means is fit to be there. Your stats page clearly shows that they have not performed. I cherry picked this 2 examples because it proves my hypothesis because it does not allow for other fsctors such as trolling or bad behaviour. This 2 players are extreme case.

They are maintaining their win rate and not falling down to their respective ranks because system is in place that gives them a much higher mmr player to win the game for them in order to keep them at 50.

Is it normal that players who...

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We do have that, it's called Iron (Iron is the lowest right?), and Challenger at the top. Noone can fall below Iron regardless of how many games they lose, or go above Challenger.

But really though a minimum MMR range has the same kinds of issues I was talking about before. It also means that a player can't drop in skill, and we have seen plenty of players on this same subreddit talk about how they have dropped in rank.

It would also put a lot of extra stress/pressure on those first placement games (that already have a bit of pressure), and that seems a bit off for us to do when we removed promos between tiers because of the added stress/pressure they created.

I don't know the details of the system (not the area of the game I work on), but I do know that the goal of the matchmaking system is to create fair matches where in a single game each team has a 50% chance of winning. However this system only lasts until all 10 players have hit accept, and a lot ca...

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