27 Apr


I will fix this right now.

[Edit] The lever is partially marked as "blocking" (like a wall) which is preventing the click interaction (because you are not allowed to click things through walls). Fixing...

03 Apr


Originally posted by developershins

u/RhysGGG Is HasImplicitMod a boolean condition or a numeric one? Or (unlikely but I can dream) did y'all go crazy and add names for all implicits that we can now check just like HasExplicitMod?

It's boolean.

21 Sep


Hey, we've figured out the problem with Timekeeper's Hideout (and Ghost-Lit Graveyard Hideout) missing certain decorations. It seems that if you had entered the hideout for the first time post-3.19.0 then it failed to place/grant those decorations.

This will be fixed soon; you will be able to use the "Use Default" button while in the relevant hideout to get the missing decorations back. Please keep an eye on the patch notes to find out when the fix goes live.

Anyone who purchased (and actually used/visited) these hideouts before 3.19.0 should be unaffected.

Sorry for the hassle.

[Update] This was fixed in Patch 3.19.1c. You can now go to your Hideout and click "Use Default" to reclaim the missing decorations.

02 Aug


Originally posted by Bex_GGG

Never. For every toucan posted, I'll delay it 10 minutes.












21 Jul


Currently, the Cartographer's Hideout is automatically awarded the next time you enter your personal Hideout after reaching the Epilogue.

08 Feb


Certain monsters cannot be Desecrated, including the Undead Vaal Archers from The Vaal Ruins, usually because there is some problematic mechanic involved. This has always been the case with Desecrate.

03 Feb


Originally posted by developershins

/u/RhysGGG Can you clarify? Do the names of Archnemesis Mod items == their base type (and therefore we have two different ways to filter them), or is there an unannounced base type that they all share (like Prophecies did)?

They are similar to Itemised Prophecies, in that all Archnemesis Mods share a single Base Type. They also have new Item Class with the same name as the Base Type.

So for generic Archnemesis Mod filtering you could either use BaseType "Archnemesis Mod" or Class "Archnemesis Mod" and those would both match all Archnemesis Mods.

If you want to filter for specific Archnemesis Mods, that is when you need the new ArchnemesisMod filter (note there is not a space between the words), eg: ArchnemesisMod "Toxic"


Originally posted by Nickoladze


Is there a HasInfluence name for the new guys when items drop with their implicits?

Yes we are adding ways to filter the new impicits: HasSearingExarchImplicit = 6 and HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit > 3 etc. The news post has been updated.

26 Jan


Originally posted by Qipz_

Quick question, restoring unconditional rampage doesn't mean the rampage on hit will go away, right?

It will have both

25 Jan


Originally posted by Kibehs

Any chance we can get cyclone MTX to apply to Dervish cyclone?

I'll give you a solid maybe


Originally posted by Amongalen

And what about Ruthless? It doesn't work with channel skills so I guess it won't work with the new swords. Did you take into account when rebalancing it? Just wanted to make sure :)

Yeah, the smaller pool of support gems has been taken into account. And it's still no trouble to fill out a 6L.

24 Jan


Originally posted by Akimasu

Love the changes but had one question;

Will multistrike still work with it?

Good question. Multistrike will not work with their new channeled Cyclone skill (making it consistent with players' Cyclone), but the minions are being rebalanced accordingly.


Originally posted by Siarei3712

Why not just make it so minions would trigger the rampage. I would take it over anything else.

The Dervish minions still have 25% chance to grant Rampage Kills on hitting Unique monsters / bosses.


Hi, quick update on The Dancing Dervish: we will restore the unconditional Rampage mod. It was not intended to be a nerf. The goal is to reduce the need for multiple Writhing Jar flasks and reduce the investment needed for flask charge reduction etc. Also, to make running out of flask charges and/or losing the Rampage streak less of a "brick" against bosses without a lot of minions, which currently forces you to waste a portal to town/hideout just to refill your flasks. However, for builds that simply don't (or can't) deal Melee hits, there is no reason for them to be made even more clunky.

Also, some clarifications on certain mechanics:

  • "Manifest Dancing Dervishes" summons two Dervish minions, similar to the (soon-to-be-legacy) Dancing Duo.

  • As noted in the ...

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19 Jan


Originally posted by NeverSinkDev

I've never used the numbers only syntax but that's a good find!

FYI it's not really something useful. The number is treated as an unquoted mod string, not an operator. So HasExplicitMod 0 "Energy Shield" is equivalent to HasExplicitMod "0" "Energy Shield", but since the string "0" doesn't match any Mods there isn't much point.


Hi, thanks for the detailed investigation.

  1. If the operator is not present, then the token is parsed as a non-quoted string match, but since there are no mod names containing "0" (or other numbers) it doesn't have any effect.

  2. Those three operators are indeed backwards. Will fix.


18 Jan


Originally posted by SirGuySW

Unfortunately this isn't always the case (even when the current tab is the map tab). There's a bug that occasionally causes a control + clicked map to be added to the map tab without loading the correct sub-tab (the sub-tab will show an incorrect number of maps and searching for the added map doesn't always work--or doesn't work at all if searching for some unique string on the map; ie: in the vid if I didn't have another Palace my search wouldn't have shown any results).

This appears to happen rarely when quickly manipulating multiple map items across multiple subtabs, but is more common with high server latency and/or packet loss. I'll see if I can fix it.

[EDIT]: You can fix it by closing the stash and reopening it. This will cause all "lost" maps to reappear, and be searchable with the search bar.

17 Jan


Just FYI if you accidentally ctrl-click a map into your Map Stash and lose track of it, you can switch to the map tab and it will show you the correct subtab for that map (the most recently deposited map).

Otherwise (e.g. if you accidentally ctrl-click two maps) you can simply search for it with the in-game search box, e.g. "Elder" or "Occupied". As long as you don't leave the area, the game knows about all maps you have placed while in the area and can find it.

If you leave the area then all stashes are unloaded for performance reasons, so it's more difficult.

05 Jan


/u/Rossmallo is correct when he said:

The whole setpiece of reconstructing the Map Device causes all the weirdness.

With a little luck, there's a chance that with the endgame changes coming in the next patch, this may be the last time we go through this song and dance if we don't have to repair the Map Device...

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