

29 Feb


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could I also ask how the new Viego and Sylas bots will work, given they use parts of other champs’ kits. Do you guys have code for the basic patterns of all champs

Viego and Sylas will not be in the queue on launch, but Sylas might be close to being enabled.

We have a basic pattern for spells to work thanks to the previous tech clean up efforts they did to make Sylas even work in the first place. :)

Viego's main issue is actually handling his invisibility and unique playstyle. Currently we focused on making the tooling sustainable so we picked champions that can work pretty well with the generic behavior trees first before moving on to more custom playstyle champs.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Really like that skins will be back, will ult skins be available, I’m just curious if Lux bot could pick a form

Ult skins will totally be available for them to randomly select!

For Ult Lux though, my gut says she probably would not select a variant in game since that sort of thing requires bespoke code.


Originally posted by LetGoMyLegHo

damn guess that person who was asking about these bots gets their answer

"ask and ye shall receive" -riot apparently?

shout out to /u/RiotSentanel (and others on their team) for the Soon™ meme they mentioned in the other thread and making it a reality :)

edit: i suck at words apparently

Duuuuuude you do not know how much we were like 👀👀👀👀👀 when someone said "okay we will hear more tomorrow". :)


Originally posted by FireDevil11

Can you also make them use wards please. There is a newbie mission that makes you destroy 5 wards, but the current bots don't place any and playing normals on a new account feels really bad since I am put against new players who don't know how to even buy jungle item let alone play the game.


Currently the bots do not use wards yet. Given the bots will be opponents, the player normally will not actively see their opponents warding in comparison to allies. We do have it for consideration for adding post-launch though!

Beyond that, our team is looking at other opportunity spaces to help better teach more strategic or nuanced elements of League, and when in the player live cycle learning those would not feel like "information overload".


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotDashiJador since bots are going to feel more like PvP games and have improved AI, is it intentional to make them harder (even in beginner and intro difficulties)

And can we expect skins back for bots, adds nice variance to matches.


The (ideal) intention for Intro/Beginner is to not make them harder than the current bots but more catered and focused on New Players learning League. For Intermediate, we tried to intentionally make intermediate only slightly harder than they currently are, but not significantly harder as new players are at a much lower skill bar than even Iron ranked players. Regardless of our current expectations, we do want to iterate on this new experience with new players though so we are excited to hear feedback on how we can better tweak the queues!

And yes, for Intermediate queue we have bots using skins and chromas!


Originally posted by eyounan

Just wanted to mention that we appreciate you giving these updates even though you don't have to. :)

Thanks! You should see some bigger comms real from us as well :)

09 Feb


Originally posted by NepthZMob

Hi brother, no news?

For our current status & timeline, I would expect a more widely communicated update within the next month or so.

So yes! News soon and thank you for your patience and excitement.

We are excited to see what players think :)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you know when we might receieve some more info on the bots, thought we must get a glimpse during look ahead or the AMA

I checked the AMA a few times and saw no questions towards bots so I did not tag in to answer any questions.

For our current status & timeline, I would expect a more widely communicated update within the next month or so. :)


Originally posted by Compscitutorr

u/RiotDashiJador I haven't seen any updates around the different queues yet and when they will be released on PBE - any info at all?

Hello! You should hear more Soon.TM! So close that I rather not say more :D

(...But I will! You should hear more probably within the next month or a tad after that!)


Originally posted by Dalnao

Ah coolness

Hiya! Late response but found my name on this thread and confirming this is something we actively tried to address with the new bots.

After we launch the new bots, please let us know if you experience any other similar problems!

11 Dec


Originally posted by ElderlyToaster went to Worlds on your vacation?

That's dedication!

My vacation was built around going once I scored tickets! Worlds hype is real and I love joining the hype traiiiinnnnnnn for Finals. :)

30 Nov


Originally posted by perm-throwaway

/u/RiotDashiJador would love an update from you please <3

Hello! I just got back from vacation, so sorry for the delay in response (where I did indeed go to Worlds so congrats to T1!)

The PBE went really well for us! We got exactly what we needed from it in terms of technical viability measures and player feedback. Due to this, we are currently building out additional behaviors for the Advanced queue as we only demonstrated the Beginner queue (we will remove features for Intro as Intro has a specific new player focus.)

That said, we are on track for a release of Intro/Beginner/Advanced Queue set up for a full release in early to mid 2024. Pending timing of other big beats + building out those advanced behaviors and integrating some of the new SR map changes. (Ex: Driving Shelly)

Expect an article from us early next year with more info on what we are building and hardened dates!

05 Oct


Originally posted by RDLupin

Ahh yup, that would do it. Worlds definitely takes priority.

Thanks for sharing what happened and sorry that it did! Makes sense that the team would be disappointed, but also excited to jump into making the adjustments with all the feedback you've received so far.

Again, thanks for all of your work on the game and for being available in these forums. We're a fortunate group of gamers to have this means of connecting with the devs of the game we love. Cheers!

Yep yep! We are a bit saddened, but we are super jazzed to get back to developing since we had to pause a bit for the PBE. Plus we were delaying some larger refactorings that we knew would make the bots worse before making them even better long term, and we have already begun those refactorings so that we can hopefully launch sooner! (ex:pathing system improvements/threat evaluation improvements).

04 Oct


Originally posted by RDLupin

u/RiotSentanel u/RiotDashiJador - I was sad to see that the queue was taken down today. Was there a reason it got taken down early (10/3 instead of the originally stated 10/10)?

That said, we might try to bring it back sooner rather than later solely so we can try to make it up to all our lovely players who are willing to hop onto the PBE and play. Just depends how easy the fix is and when it makes sense.

Thank you again for playing and we really appreciate all the feedback!


Originally posted by RDLupin

u/RiotSentanel u/RiotDashiJador - I was sad to see that the queue was taken down today. Was there a reason it got taken down early (10/3 instead of the originally stated 10/10)?

Hello! Yea, we had to take it down as we changed some code for the bots that was affecting the way champions were working on the live servers. Since this is the Worlds patch, we had to act quickly to ensure the game was working as expected for players across the globe.

When we started working on the fix, we were hopeful that we could undo these flags and keep our queue up, but due to some underlying code issues, this caused our queue to begin crashing-- you can see a report in this thread of games not starting.

After about a day of triaging with about 3-4 other teams, I decided to make the call to cut the test short and take our time to find a fix for the underlying issues instead of doing any sort of short term fix for the additional days of the test.

Overall, I know the team is a bit bummed that we couldn't complete the full two weeks, but Worlds takes priority for sure. Plus now we have a lot of great feedback we want to act on, so hopefully we can do ...

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03 Oct


Originally posted by Caenen_

Yep this is some fallout from changing affects flags for Beta Bots I am fairly certain. Vex R is a single spell (not a wrapper spell + missile spell composite implementation) which means the missile hits whatever the spell is told it's affects (allied champions, enemy champions, ..., enemy minions, neutral minions, wards, etc). Last patch, Vex R affected enemy champions, enemy and neutral minions and so on, and then the spell script decided what it should do whtn a unit was hit (if it doesnt have String Tag "champion", deal damage and keep going, if it's tagged a "champion", stop the missile, deal damage and put the mark on the target & enable recast). Now the missile just has enemy champions set as hittable.

The change here is probably for bots to better understand what a spell does (Vex Bot would have probably shot the ult at minions before to clear a wave or something), but with some misinformed understanding of what changes for a spell in which case. There are a handful...

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Thanks for flagging! This should be fixed.


Originally posted by ItsEvgen

After lastest PBE patch new bots game doesn't event want to start. I tried 3 times and after everyone picked, it just kicks me back to home screen.

Thank you for flagging! We are investigating now


Originally posted by Frostzera

Played again today and can say the bots felt a bit better, Lux can use E's second cast and it's nice to see them hover towards one side of the lane on mid depending on the jungler's position. The builds are better than the ones on live, but the runes are the same default ones, Grasp for resolve main, Electrocute for domination, PTA for precision and Comet for sorcery, but even in this case, champions like Ahri are using comet, although electrocute would be better and is used by other champs like Rengar. Played the games i used as base for this report on patch 13.20 on PBE

Thank you!

02 Oct


Originally posted by MiraHighness

I've played two games, and I think they're amazing — I'm only surprised with the ADC bot taking (summoner spell) Heal while the Enchanters take Ignite or Exhaust, while building heal & shield power items. I personally think it should be the other way around.

I haven't seen the jungler bot gank in my games yet.

I understand they're Intro bots, but I also find it strange how they gather one for one at the drake objective (ADC standing there alone for quite some time, leaving them too vulnerable).

I've played with bots since 2011, I'm happy they finally get worked on. Thank you for this update.

Hello! Can you try the bots again and see if anything feels differently?