Simplest answer: how do we want this champion to be subject to attrition? Are they easily pokeable (like most melee) and so their resource gating is on Health, instead of say mana?
Longer answer: what will feel right for this champion? Every champion has to be balanced, and being resourceless is almost always a large amount of power that they'll have to pay for somehow.
For example, Katarina definitely benefits from being resourceless in terms of being able to farm for a long period of time, but as a result the poke power of her Q is just really low (as otherwise she would be too overbearing in the attrition war). So she gets more tools to scale in exchange for decreased personal snowball power in lane.
As with a lot of design decisions, it's hard to say that's objectively good or bad - there's tradeoffs - but ideally it fits the play experience that Kat players are looking for.