Really great to read stuff like this. :)
Really great to read stuff like this. :)
Hello! I'm Jag, and I'm a Game Designer on Champions Team.
Seraphine, League's Starry-Eyed Songstress, is taking the stage and will be available on PBE starting today! She'll officially launch to Live in two weeks, and the team is looking to collect feedback and fix any major bugs that are discovered by PBE players. If you stumble upon something strange related to Seraphine or her KDA skinline in your games, you can us know by leaving a comment in this thread. This can be anything ranging from strange SFX/VFX to incorrect ability behavior. As always, detailed information (e.g. bug repro steps or video clips) are very helpful at helping us fix issues before release.
Thank you!
External link →The replies in this thread make me happy. This was a really risky decision to me but I felt it was really important to make Immolate a baseline output instead of opt-in. I'm glad the tank players here feel the same way.
This is a fun thread.
lol wow
That is awesome.
Unable to see the flaw in this logic.
I did not see this coming.
That's pretty sick.
That's sick.
I interpreted that his health proportionally would stay the same, so if you had half health and mana you would still have the same after buying it, you’d just get half the stats right away but the rest would still be added to the max. Did I misinterpret that?
That's accurate.
This thread is nice.
I remember we did try this on Aphelios a while back in development - each weapon had some relative downside. That version was really hard to play because you had to track both the current weapon's weakness and your backpack's gun's weakness to figure out how to optimize your basic attacks at any given moment.
I'm not on SR team so I don't have any say here, but my take is that I don't really think he needs fundamental mechanics changes yet. He's an ADC in almost-2k20 without a dash and frequently without a CC, so when his damage isn't high enough to kill divers on the entry I think he'll feel pretty reasonable to play against.
Want to first say I'm really excited for these changes. However I was curious to hear why you guys didn't revert the e change from way back, the stated reason for slowing down the second e was he abused Rylai's and made it undodgeable, that's no longer a problem. I'm sure you had your reasons. Just curious.
I felt we had at least two problems we could address - reliability of E augment and satisfaction of W augment - with the same clean solution (slow from W augment).
Fully expect the W augment change to be reverted but otherwise these changes are incredible. Huge props to u/RiotJag and u/RiotZhanos for listening to the Viktor Mains community.
Haha, I'm a little more optimistic but we'll see...
I don't see this going live at all unless they cut power somewhere else. Free rylais passive is absolutely nutty on that champion. His damage is absolutely brokenly absurd if all of his abilities actually land, which is probably the reasoning for the theme of delayed damage to begin with.
We certainly do need to account for the power we're adding. We know there's a real risk here, but we think the upside is worth it.
I agree, but Riot most of the time, for some reason, is flat-out putting their foot down when making some changes, namely some prototype mechanical changes, in that if and when they don't work out, they don't revert said changes, but rather try to keep the last set of changes, whilst making bigger massive changes on other areas of the kit that no one really asked for or wanted.
Basically, it feels like they don't learn much from said experimentation, or, rather, are sometimes doing experimentation/different shit just for the sake of doing it, and not because it is necessarily better in any manner. As if they don't fully understand what aspect of any given champion its players actually like and play said champion for.
I see what you're saying. For instance, I know a lot of Kled mains' response to the healing reduction changes were basically "stay away from my champ, he's fine". On the other hand, I think a fair amount of other ones were also pretty excited about upping his competitive viability. One of the problems with collecting opinions on forums (particularly on Reddit) is that it's very hard to believe a dissenting opinion has any real amount of people behind it (not saying this is you or anything, just in general).
A lot of these experiments carry a lot of risk and are pretty hard to tell if they're successful without giving them some time. As an example, I remember a lot of people thought the Volibear E change to deal extra damage to airborne units was a bad one, but now it seems like Voli means really like that aspect of him and are pointing to it as something they'd like to keep. We're doing our best to learn, but there's definitely hits and misses.
I didn't do those changes, but I think we targeted Kled/Kat specifically because they hadn't seen much play in a competitive environment, so they were good candidates for these types of outputs. Varus has been a staple in pro play for quite a while so it didn't make sense to give him another tool.