

28 Jul


Originally posted by Xerxes457

That sucks, she won’t be available for worlds. Is Naafiri available? I believe some region playoffs are playing on her release patch but she’s disabled.

Naafiri will be available for Worlds


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

She'll be out before Worlds yeah. I don't believe she'll be playable at Worlds however since she'll be a very recent release (possible I'm wrong on that and she'll be disabled for playoffs but available at Worlds, will check)

Yeah, Naafiri will be playable at Worlds, Briar will not be


Originally posted by Unknown_Warrior43

Can we get any Insight on when exactly the next Dev Update is going to be released?

We don't know exact dates yet. 4-6 weeks is our general target. We'll go more like 4 weeks if there's a lot of stuff we've identified we can/should talk about, more like 6 if we've got less for this particular round but want to stay in the habit and cover some stuff. Going to start looking at potential topics next week, I suspect we'll have a fair bit this time so might be closer to 4 than 6, can't make any promises yet though


Originally posted by lepetitemre

so can we assume that certainlyT is working on a new ip other than league?

Oh sorry, when I say "League" here I'm just shorthanding "League of Legends the PC game", not implying that he's on something unrelated to the League IP


Originally posted by Buffsub48wrchamp

I think it's a genuine question because riot did mention that they may consider going back on the mythic system

We'll share updated thoughts on Mythics in terms of what we've learned, future plans etc whenever we talk preseason gameplay in detail (plausibly this next update, depending on how many other topics we have possible that ends up in a deep dive slightly later)


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Huh, that's pretty neat.

Makes me wonder what the meta would have solidified as with an extra player, given how experimental season 1 was.

Yeah, hard to say given how much has evolved over time. Looking at current state of things, I'd imagine a 6th player would mean a lot of additional roaming support style play from said position, probably with some jungle camps being taken as well? Guess could also be a second duo lane with some degree of roaming, but I suspect two champs generally out of FoW + more ability to contest jungle camps including on invades probably trumps presence in lane


Originally posted by RiotAugust

hey i nerfed Jhin at least 4 times after the 44 buffs

I mean, if an example from more than 7 years ago is the best case you've got...


Originally posted by Wooden_Sherbert6884

So i guess she's out before worlds then? Seems reasonable.

She'll be out before Worlds yeah. I don't believe she'll be playable at Worlds however since she'll be a very recent release (possible I'm wrong on that and she'll be disabled for playoffs but available at Worlds, will check)


Originally posted by F0RGERY

OW2 goes 5v5, so League goes 6v6.

Piece of trivia - League was originally 6v6 back in internal alpha (2008, maybe early 2009?), and the old Nexus art reflected that (hence 6 statues on it instead of 5). It's the reason Hexakill was relatively easy to add in the early days (code was all set up for teams of 6 already). Change to teams of 5 was well before my time at Riot, my understanding though is that teamfight clarity and lethality were both really problematic in testing at the time, and cutting a player per team did a lot to help things out.


Originally posted by DrSpycy

I'm sorry if that has been discussed before or if this is not something that can be shared yet, but what is the anticipated scale of the bot update? Can we (eventually) except them to be challenging even to higher-skill players ?

I'm not one of them but I'm genuinely hyped by the idea of practicing against players/AI that would beat without having to lose alone and face my would be teammates' flame

Our first priority, and likely focus for quite a while, is going to be on better bots to help players get into the game. To state the obvious, accessibility for new players is a real weakness on League's part. A healthy flow of new players is essential for long lived games though so that's very much on our minds, given we want the game to have a vibrant community for a really long time if possible

Assuming that new player work goes well, we would like to try for other use cases after it though (to be clear, I'm speculating about future years). Things like better practice environment for players who know League but want to learn a new kit or like taking over from a disconnected/AFK player at whatever levels that can lead to a fair experience for both teams etc. Maybe someday a challenging experience for high skill players? Would very much like to, but our focus for bots is going to be on other use cases first, with other features and updates aimed at/prioritizing higher skil...

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Originally posted by bz6

Is there any chance of CertainlyT coming back to then Champions Team? I think the team and the game misses his designs.

I'd be very surprised, he's working on an a new, unannounced game at the moment and seems to be having a great time with it. While I'd be thrilled to see him contribute some more stuff to League, I think he's very focused on trying new things in other genres instead (though as a side note, he was a really helpful advisor for some of Arena's development, so he's not completely uninvolved with LoL)


Originally posted by nitinismaldingXD

u/RiotMeddler when Auberbaun tweeted about the duo mmr restriction being lifted for the start of the season, many people quote, with some big streamers, quote retweeted it asking for duo to be brought back. Is there any world in which duo could be brought back?

We did look recently at both potential changes to duo MMR/tier restrictions and at the solo only nature of the highest tiers, since we'd like to remove barriers to social play where possible. Conclusion, at least right now, was the edge cases and abuse cases would be high enough to make it a bad idea unfortunately. Wouldn't take it off the table entirely in the future, but don't want to reintroduce the range of issues we used to see in the past


Originally posted by Ramus_N

We are still waiting to find out if Ixtal is a real place or if Milio is a paid actor.


Originally posted by vixiara

I don't know if you're able to answer this, but once you lock in the kit for in-dev champions, are they more often buffed, or nerfed from that state?

In August's case, usually a few thousand rounds of nerfs.

On average, we probably still end up taking power out overall more often than not. Often have to push power up to get a good read on new mechanics being tested if someone's playing a new champion against people on champs they've played many, many times.


Originally posted by Ramus_N

Varus is a model/rig update off a full ASU, got lore, art, VO, Icons, VFXs, voice and even gameplay updated already.

True. I think overall there's a lot of benefit to bundling all that stuff together where possible, feels more impactful, cohesive, exciting etc. But certainly better to make gradual progress if that gets improvements out meaningfully faster overall


Originally posted by Ramus_N

Well, there is not a whole lot in this update tbh.

Yeah, sometimes we'll have more to cover than other times. Want to still be in the habit of talking, even if some of it ends up being a bit more reflections and comings next type stuff like larger updates on approach and changes. Should have a noticeably chunkier list of topics for the next video


Originally posted by namegeneratorsystem

Hype for new ability icons since stuff like that along with vo updates should make ASU's/visual updates easier to make in the future

It can make future updates a bit easier/quicker in some cases yeah. Other times though an update will change a champion's overall theme, kit etc though, so sometimes even new icons will still need an update. Workflows like icon updates will often try and prioritize champions with a solid core who just have some outdated elements as a result (personal take - Orianna as a great example, kit and theme have held up, art and audio are showing their age though)


Originally posted by bz6

Weird that the video is mostly focused on the casual side of League. I guess more SR news is coming later?

As for the quick mention of SR, is this preseason only slated to have a "big item update"? I remember /u/Reav3 mentioning that this upcoming preseason is big, and for the sake of League, I really hope it is. Item changes are just not enough. The game flow needs a shakeup as well. That constant evolution is why League has stood the test of time.

We'll talk about preseason, and potentially even a bit of season start related stuff in the next update. We do want to make some meaningful updates, we're not going to just change things for the sake of short term novelty either though of course (so targeted evolution, not random change etc)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler would you have an update on some of the other projects announced in previous dev updates like the Co-Op vs AI overhaul, language swapping, and the new direction for lore, since we haven't heard much on them in a hot minute

Co-op versus AI - we've got work on bots underway. The first step of that will be a new bot or two on PBE for testing for an extended period. More about that whenever we're at the point of starting said testing

Language swapping - being worked on and on our list of topics to cover whenever we've got something concrete to share in terms of date

Lore - That one's out of our (the League team's) hands, given it's a wider Riot topic. A lot of different teams contribute to the IP (use of champions, factions, story states etc). Talking about it isn't a forgotten issue in the slightest, it's not something I can offer an update on or take a stance on by myself or at present though


Originally posted by Wooden_Sherbert6884

When is briar coming out? I need my redhead vampire waifu jungler NOW 😡😡😡

You'll see her on PBE at least between now and the next dev update. Dev updates are generally 4-6 weeks apart, though timing will vary depending on what else is going on and how much we've got ready to talk about