

24 Jul


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Hey Meddler can we get an update on whether we'll get a season Start cinematic next year? It's been nearly 8 months. Feels like a good time to start setting expectations on whether we should expect one or not.

There will be a season start cinematic next year in January, yes


Originally posted by HoglordSupreme

I apologize for the delay in my response, as I wanted to get my hands on the new gamemode and changes before I formulated my opinion. I also could not find a suitable thread to mention you as I didn't want to put up red flags for anyone else. I'd also like to note that for what its worth, This is feedback from a 10 year player with all purchasable content in game (outside of chromas and tft).

As for the the 2v2v2v2 mode, this is honestly some fine work. Pristine work actually. I'm very happy with how it came together. It is a much needed break from the regular gameplay loop SR and Aram offer.

People have been begging for a new perm gamemode for a very long time, And and top of that just begging for some gamemode release consistency. Arena is in my opinion, over all the other gamemodes, the one that seriously needs to be implemented as a new perm mode because it is just dissimilar enough.

I would love to see some rock hard promises from riot on content incl...

Read more

Glad to hear it's treating you well!

We're going to need to see how engagement with Arena trends for a little bit before we can make any commitments regarding its future. We'd certainly love to put more time into it, got a large list of stuff we'd like to improve or add.

18 Jul


We're going to be filming it tomorrow. Editing, processing, localization etc means should then be ready to go out around the end of July or so.

14 Jul


Originally posted by NotRelatedBitch

Where'd they say that?

A few places, though easy to miss. Confirming it's the case again here too!

11 Jul


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler are you able to share if you're going to record the next dev update this week or next, iirc you mentioned wanting to get one out in late July

Yeah, we’re still aiming to record soon (probably next week) and then get the video out just before the end of the month

26 Jun


Originally posted by -Raeque

You're a legend, Meddler.

Thank you for all the work you and your team have been putting in this year.



Originally posted by N30NWH173

Is there wasd movement :pleading:

Same movement as on other maps


Originally posted by vegetablesandcum

When will the new mode hit PBE if you don't mind me asking?

Tomorrow, barring any unexpected issues. Probably early afternoon LA time at a guess


Originally posted by 1BRIE1

I'm confused, they said they will drop a lot more information about the 2v2v2v2 gamemode on monday together with a few gameplay clips. Is this it? Or is it still coming? Because this shows basically nothing about the new mode

You can see some footage of it in the event teaser here:

And then it'll be on PBE tomorrow


Originally posted by Rumbleinthejungle8

Damn I didn't notice that. Why the hell did they announce it so soon? They want two cycles on PBE I'm guessing?

3 week PBE cycle, so still just one patch, but a longer than usual one.


Originally posted by OnyxShadow321

Hopefully we get more 2v2v2v2 info soon.

Hits PBE tomorrow!


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

They're part of the new gamemode. If you've played TFT before, you get "augments" as the game progresses which are like a selection of power-ups you choose from (hence why Lucian has a Shield around him in the Senna Lucian vs. Yasuo Yone fight). I presume one of them is an ult reset if you get a kill.

Pretty much! Though I believe this particular augment (unless it's changed since I last played it) is just that you can cast your ultimate a second time each match, kill or not

24 Jun


Originally posted by uBorb

Meddler, i have a question about the 2v2v2v2v2(?). It will have bans? there can be the same champ on other teams?

- team 1: akali and illaoi
- team 2: akali and zed

Yes on bans, yes on duplicate champs being possible. You won't see other peoples' picks until in game either


Originally posted by Nicuriq

Hey Meddler! Dunno if you can answer this, but who's the announcer VA in the video?

Not 100% certain, from memory though it's a new VA we haven't worked with before


Originally posted by Piercingforce

So is the video on monday going to be our usual dev update with other stuff or will it just be focused on the 2v2v2v2 game mode?

Will be a while (late July most likely) till the next Dev Update. Stuff on Monday will be a pre PBE trailer showing a range of things that are part of Soulfighter, including a bit of 2v2v2v2 footage

23 Jun


Originally posted by scullys_alien_baby

okay, but what does that mean in relation to this teaser? I couldn't tell if this was

  • something about the league fighting game

  • some sort of 1v1 limited game mode

  • some sort of unique community 1v1 tournament similar to clash

hell, I still have no f**king clue what this teaser is actually advertising

This is the fight you’ve been waiting for.

Soul Fighter opens the stadium doors July 20.

Made in collaboration with Wizz and CRCR.

none of that means anything to me and I've been playing league since 2011. Is this just going to be another battle pass grind-athon with generic daily missions?

This is just a small teaser today. Lot more substance on Monday in a longer video


Originally posted by paperclipestate

Can’t believe riot made an entire separate league themed fighting game as a summer event



Originally posted by Shabolda

Is this new gamemode gonna have ranked and stuff or is it just a casual rotating mode?

Will have a rating system, similar to the one TFT uses for HyperRoll


Originally posted by DocTentacles

I had a brief, terrified moment where I thought Riot had actually named their fighting game "Soul Fighter" like some shitty shovelware game from the mid 2000s that tricked your poor grandma into buying it as a Christmas gift because you said you wanted "Street Fight or Soul Caliber" for the PS2.

Also, who's voicing the announcer? I know it's an "announcer voice" but it sounds like a LCS or LEC caster that I can't quite put my finger on.

We're instead going for Street Kombat Soul Tag Guilty Versus Ultimate Edition Z.


Originally posted by SaengerDruide

Normally I support the unique skins argument but you are right that this can work as well. Odyssey Kayn as an ultimate skin would have worked, too. And as much as seraphine release was a fiasco on many fronts, her skin being this kd/a tie-in was a great idea.

Agreed, Odyssey Kayn's a great example. I think even as a Legendary he gets a lot more compelling if you've seen the associated Odyssey stuff that fleshes out the world he's part of a bit more