I apologize for the delay in my response, as I wanted to get my hands on the new gamemode and changes before I formulated my opinion. I also could not find a suitable thread to mention you as I didn't want to put up red flags for anyone else. I'd also like to note that for what its worth, This is feedback from a 10 year player with all purchasable content in game (outside of chromas and tft).
As for the the 2v2v2v2 mode, this is honestly some fine work. Pristine work actually. I'm very happy with how it came together. It is a much needed break from the regular gameplay loop SR and Aram offer.
People have been begging for a new perm gamemode for a very long time, And and top of that just begging for some gamemode release consistency. Arena is in my opinion, over all the other gamemodes, the one that seriously needs to be implemented as a new perm mode because it is just dissimilar enough.
I would love to see some rock hard promises from riot on content incl...