Originally posted by LargeSnorlax
Honestly, long needed. I've tried to introduce friends to the game with bots since they were nervous about starting against actual humans when they didn't know what they were doing, but the current bots are such a far cry from competitive that they couldn't beat Iron IV players.
Hopefully this doesn't level up the "other" bots, the leveling scourge that sits in aram/low level rift games wasting people's time.
Yeah, we very much need a better, more tailored to player needs range of bots to create a better onboarding experience. It's a tough game to get into, and right now we see a lot of new players drop off when trying to make the jump from the tutorial to Co-Op versus AI and then again when trying to go from Co-Op versus AI to PVP. Being able to give players more gradual ramp ups in difficulty early in their experience would do a like to help with new player retention, which is really important for games like LoL to continue to thrive long term.
In terms of impact on levelling bots - no, wouldn't do anything to enable those. We did a ban wave recently that hit a lot of those accounts, we've also got some further work underway that should make leveling bots, scripting etc easier to detect/quicker to ban too. We generally avoid talking about the details, exact timings etc on that stuff though to avoid giving bot/script creators any information unnecessarily.