

15 Feb


Originally posted by CorruptDictator

No promotion lasts forever, and I definitely got my value out of this one while it was there.

Hey folks - I wanted to jump in and provide a little context to this conversation. Jumping on top comment to help with vis

Our original partnership with Amazon was just for 2022. We have, however, been talking with them about a potential 2023 version. In the short term, while those conversations are ongoing, we’re going to do a February capsule drop that’s the same as last year’s.

In the long term, we’re still figuring out whether something’s possible and if so what it might look like (though it’s unlikely to be the same as the 2022 version). We’ll share the new details with you as soon as we’ve got something concrete

24 Jan


Originally posted by DKRFrostlife

So we are skipping 13.2 ig? If hotfix is named 13.1b (or C) we go directly to 13.3?

I'm just curious for statistical purpose, because it will be the first time ever we skip a patch.

Next regular patch in two weeks will likely be called 13.3 yeah, even in 13.1b or whatever is the name we use for the hotfix that replaces 13.2.


Originally posted by Cloudpot26

Does this include the removal of bots in low elo because that shit is getting on my last nerve.

It'll help with bots, though there's some other stuff needed there as well.


Originally posted by n1c0_93

Just say which changes will be included in this hotfix. Like we all undestand you have rough times but just tell us what. It cant be that hard to just name which numbers you wanna change.

Full notes out later today. Patch includes fighter items, buffs to Lillia, Orianna and Zoe, nerfs to GP, Heimer, Kass, Lucian, Kindred, Maokai, Nami (RIP me), Ryze, Udyr and Yuumi


Originally posted by yukine95

Are the Annie changes in the hotfix of Jenuary 26 too?

They're not the sort of changes we can hotfix, so will need to wait for 13.3 (next regular patch in a couple of weeks)


Originally posted by ahambagaplease

Only the Annie's changes aren't going through IIRC.

Yeah, Annie changes aren't all the sort of thing we can hotfix, so they'll move to 13.3


Originally posted by Tuxxmuxx

Bruiser/ADC Item changes still good to go then?

Fighter items should still be in the patch yeah. Patch notes will go out later today


Originally posted by F0RGERY

I know it isn't your area of focus, but any info on if/how this affected LoR, or the patch planned for the 31st?

LoR patch development has been impacted, we’re cautiously optimistic though that the patch for the 31st will be able to go ahead however


Originally posted by Apollosyk

can i ask will asol still hit pbe today?

Last I heard PBE was still likely a few days from being back to normal with future patch content. We're looking at getting some ASol gameplay videos out from internal testing as a small way to help bridge that gap though for what it's worth


Originally posted by Proxnite

Today, we received a ransom email. Needless to say, we won’t pay.

You can’t even convince people these days to pay ransom for nudes, they’ll tell you to release that shit and f**k off, so how did anyone think Riot will pay? It’s not like it’s a work in progress game that’s under NDA, it’s just some additional content for a 13 year old game. What are they gonna do, spoil the upcoming game mode to the public? Oh no!

The only real concern is potential new cheats but even then, I feel like league (for better or for worse) is already intrusive enough that even new cheats will be detectable in one way or another.

Being honest, yeah, there is some meaningful risk of additional cheating happening (or at least being tried) when stuff like this happens. One silver lining is that as we mentioned briefly in that video a week or two back, updating anti-cheat with a new system was something we were looking to do anyway in 2023. Going to try and accelerate that work given all of this.


Originally posted by itstingsandithurts

I hope you guys only receive positive feedback on this whole situation, you have been transparent and very obviously trying to bring the patch to live asap. Thanks

Thank you. Not our favourite sort of thing to deal with of course, but hey at least it's a chance to keep working on that better communication thing we've talked about...


Impact on League's next patch or two:

"Quick update, players. The team completed a hotfix that will include a lot of the content that was scheduled for patch 13.2. It’ll go live on January 26, but unfortunately, we won’t be able to include the Ahri ASU and some other stuff, which we will move to patch 13.3 (Feb. 8)."

And for TFT folks

"We’ve completed work on a hotfix that includes a lot of what we had planned for patch 13.2, though due to hotfix size limita...

Read more

20 Jan


Originally posted by tjbelleville

Hmm I've had massive packet loss on valorant. I wonder if this is related

Almost certainly unrelated, internal development environments and processes get kept really separate from the live game wherever possible (not saying it's impossible, but odds are real high there's something else going on with said packet loss)


Originally posted by aluxmain

Good luck with it, sometimes i hate balance/champd diff/afk/troll... but in the end it's a good game :)



Originally posted by Zarathielis

Does that mean Aurelion Sol will be pushed back a patch? :(

Currently still aiming for 13.3. Possible that could change as we learn more, not currently assumed though


Originally posted by aluxmain

should we change password on league and all other servicies that share the same passowrd?

how the password was stored? salted slow-hash (bcrypt/argon)? salted "normal" hash? plaintext?

in my case it's unique to league but might impact other people

No player data, including your passwords, were affected here.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler, do you think this will affect Wild Rift's release cadence as well, since I saw VAL was having issues too

We're still assessing. Current take is probably not, since WR development as a mobile only game goes through a different process. Should know more for impact on all the games next week though.


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

damn I was really looking forward to new skins on tuesday after a month :( I hope you can get it fixed soon

Fingers crossed. We've got a lot of people digging in right now, should know more after the next 2-3 days.


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

oh this explains why pbe is boom

Yep. We'll likely test changes on the PBE by hotfixing to that, then hotfixing to live, so potentially some changes there over the next few days


Originally posted by MZLeothechosen

Dear God, 13.1 meta is gonna get extended isnt it

League specific impact:

TLDR - if the patch doesn't go ahead on the planned date we're going to get as many of the planned+tested balance changes out in a hotfix instead

Edit: For those who also play TFT, same situation and plans to hotfix balance changes where possible