

16 Feb


Originally posted by takato99

We've come full circle, TFT being a league "official mod" into now league taking the double-up and auguments from TFT

Next step, adding controllable units to TFT, let's just keep looping it around and around


Originally posted by Tirriss

So Singed isn't "so easy you just run" after all?

I mean, he's not all that mechanically complex, but he's got a lot of nuances and judgement calls. Combine that with a really different playstyle to most champs and he's not a great new player experience


Originally posted by TulkasTheValar

Riot clearly underestimates the satisfaction of the shovel BONK.

For those who truly understand the shovel BONK I can think of fewer greater satisfactions. That's a more exclusive group of players though :)


Originally posted by Penguin_Quinn

Everyone involved did a good job with it
VGUs and mid-scopes are what I am most interested in and it just felt like the important part of that section was missing.

Gotcha. Yeah, we'll touch on those as soon as we've got some meaningful stuff to share. Midscopes you might often hear about through other channels though (e.g. Quick Gameplay Thoughts) since they're pretty focused on game health/meta/balanceability


Originally posted by SaucesOfFieri

Hopefully that talk about lore means they're establishing a central lore team so the lore won't be left in the hands of the skins team again (Ruination)

We're figuring out how to have all the different teams (across different games and non game stuff like Arcane) work on the lore in a coordinated, cohesive manner. Not centralizing all decisions though, we also want to make sure many people making creative decisions are on the game/product teams themselves and in touch with what matters to players of those games etc.


Originally posted by F0RGERY


  • No Rotating Game Modes until the 2v2v2v2 comes out in Summer.

  • ARAM satisfaction will be adjusted, reverting death timers, different approaches to balance (Less %dmg, %dmg taken, more %energy, +/- Ability Haste), Tower Rubble scaled back/removed.

  • 2v2v2v2 game mode inspired by Double Up in TFT, involves augments to champs

  • Nexus Blitz still on the horizon... eventually.

One note - there's a slim chance we do manage to also do one of the existing modes (URF or something) before the summer mode. If it's a trade off between landing that new mode well and running an old one again we'll focus on the new. Some small possibility we might have something existing to bridge the gap though


Originally posted by Ok_Regular_9436

did they really say that yasuo, lucian are less difficult than yorick?

It's a mixture of difficulty to be successful on and difficulty to have fun with. Or to put it another way, new players on Yasuo and Lucian are more likely to have fun even when they're failing than is the case with many other champions, assumedly due to things like those characters having broadly appealing fantasies and appearances, buttons that feel good to press etc etc


Originally posted by Penguin_Quinn

Is there something missing from the "Champions & Champion Updates" section (based on the video chapters)?
Feels like just stating something that should be standard in the first place and then jumps to ASU section. Like the announcement part of champion updates was cut.

I think that's just our wonderful, patient, editing team trying to stitch together something that works from the messy takes Brightmoon and I delivered...


Originally posted by fjaoaoaoao

I like the design idea for the new 2v2v2v2 mode, as someone who plays a bit of TFT.

Seems both casual friendly and a lot of opportunity for developing expertise!

I wonder how crazy the augments will get though, and how the fanbase will receive it.

We're figuring that just how far we can push them at the moment. Currently seeing some pretty big swings depending on what you roll, what your team comp is, who you get matched against etc. I think a lot of variance will end up working quite well, given this is a shorter, less pure competitive/"esports" mode and skill still matters an enormous amount. But very interested to see everyone's takes once it's live


Originally posted by CuantosAnosTienes

Any justification for the change from 15 to 22? I support the change but I was just curious what the driving measure for the change is. Is it to just decrease the average number of wins to reach the next division, or is there more to it?

EDIT: just kidding, I don't know how to read!

On one hand, we've done a lot of calculations and modelling as to how this will let people get to an accurate rank quicker, what the extreme potential swings per game look like, how it affects duos etc.

And on the other hand it's also basically a 50% increase that we can try out and adjust as needed.

So some art and some science.


Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

It will be weird having yasuo at 1350 but kayle at 4800.

I wonder also how capsules will be effected, since the drops are determined by price.

New players may not be all that effective on Yasuo, they do seem to have a fun time and want to keep playing though even if they're struggling. Kayle however tends to be a lot more off putting


Originally posted by Piercingforce

The format is excellent and it exactly what is needed. I don't know if you can discuss this yet but is there any news on the essence emporium revamp?

Nothing I can mention quite yet, I'll make a note to get that in one of the future videos though


Originally posted by Nymzo1

Very happy to hear about the double ASU.

It's very important to update those poor models, it will help with selling skins too.

Although I really wonder how long Lee Sin and Teemo are going to be, considering they also have a lot of skins as well.

We're still figuring out timeline as mentioned, should have an update with a rough estimate at least to share soonish. It'll definitely be a while though, as you say there are huge skin catalogs there and we're just starting the work on them both at present.


Originally posted by Tself

The most exciting thing here for me was hearing about the 2v2v2v2 game mode and how much it is inspired from TFT's Double Up. The addition of augments there for your champions is something we've been hungry for since that one Odyssey event (which Mort originally worked on before being added to the TFT team).

Can we just give Mortdog and the whole TFT team WAY MORE MONEY AND RESOURCES, please?

While the 2v2v2v2 mode didn't start with Double Up as a reference point it's certainly been interesting seeing all the parallels between the two as we've worked on the mode. And then yeah, at some point, we just embraced things like Augments as a term and Double Up style health. The level of game to game variance and adaptability TFT offers is the sort of thing we'd like to deliver with this mode.

In terms of TFT resourcing the TFT is dramatically bigger at this point than the team that launched the game :)


Originally posted by SatansShroom

Thank you so much for these quick /dev blogs! It's alright the the video quality isn't what you used to make, and that there isn't a script that you've been working on to make it entertaining. What matters is that you get updates as soon as you can, the moment you're confident about the features that come to League PC. Thank you for being communicative and hearing us out. It means the world to us the players. Keep the hard work!

Glad the format's working for you. We'll probably polish them a little more over time, but overall do want to stick with this 'Grab a space in the office, talk about what's happening, get stuff out quicker' approach


One thing that we missed from the video I figure might also be of interest coming in patch 13.4 is that we'll be increasing LP gains/losses, from an average of 15 to an average of 22. Should get people to appropriate ranks faster. We're making the change based off feedback received and because we'll have two seasons in ranked this year instead of just one like we used to, so doesn't seem appropriate to stick with the same tunings


Originally posted by fjaoaoaoao

Wow, they look a little happier here :p

I mean, still a lot of work to do, but things are feeling a bit better at least!

15 Feb


Originally posted by Heimerstinger

is the February capsule drop just the January one that was extended or is it one for February?

It’s a different one, not just more time to get the January one


Originally posted by IAREOWL

Any insight onto how these negotiations are held? I'm very curious about the decision making behind what kind of loot is given away and the nature of the partnership itself. I think its one of the nicest things any FTP game has done for its users.

That's one of those things we can't really talk about except in fairly vague terms unfortunately. A lot of it though is about trying to figure out what creates the best overall package that leaves both parties as happy as possible (since the ideal scenario is a long running partnership both organizations feel good about). Lots of back and forth about potential options, trade offs, etc while working to understand the goals of the partner org you're talking with.


Originally posted by WolfMafiaArise

Nice, thanks for letting us know! I will say, though, that it is unfortunate that we have to rely on Reddit/Twitter threads that don't have much visibility in order to get updates from Riot. If it wasn't for YouTubers like Matty Loves Gaming, I don't know what I would do tbh

Yeah, this one's a bit of a middle ground. We debated whether to do something through more official channels now or once we had something more definitive to share. Concluded it was better to just jump in and say something where discussion was happening right now, then do more formal messaging once we know what's happening for the rest of the year. Realize that's not ideal for some folks though