

16 Feb


Originally posted by friendmode

Subjective first reaction, as someone who's played League for 15 years and does about 60%/40% ARAM + ranked nowadays: I was excited about the new game mode up until reading about augments. There's a huge hole in game modes to be able to pick the champ you want to play, play it in a match that typically takes <15 minutes, and not have massive mechanical gimmicks that makes everything play like a different champ. I do understand that's a challenging mix to make work with League pacing, but having a quick game mode to pick a champ and have roughly transferable practice/muscle memory to rift matches feels like such a clear opportunity that's currently missed.

The first iteration of Nexus Blitz was the most fun because it was the closest to that model, and each successive version that introduced more Mario Party-style mechanics just interrupted the essence of what made it enjoyable/sticky. I think Ultimate Spellbook actually struck closest to the best balance on that otherwise....

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I think you might be pleasantly surprised, or at least I hope so. As an example here's a quick rundown of a playtest game I got in last week:

  1. Picked Alistar (I've played him a lot in ranked, wanted to see how he'd do here).
  2. Wasn't duo queueing, so got matched with another Rioter playing Nautilus. Ok, not ideal to have two lower damage tanky support types...
  3. Built a bit more AP than I normally would, early rounds went ok but not great for us
  4. We both independently get offered an augment that adds a true damage dot to targets you hard CC. We grab it and swap to making a really lockdown, drag out the fight comp going super tanky and ability haste heavy now that we actually have a victory condition. Still feels like playing Alistar and Naut, just with some significant modification.
  5. A later augment gives us a lot of health regen when on low health. Further helps with the gameplan!
  6. Make it to the state where it's just us and one ...
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Originally posted by BarackProbama

Meddler wanted it but one pricing meme was enough ;)



Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

I wonder if the wild rift ports are part of riot accepting wild rift is somewhat dieing or was a failure - giving up trying to entice people over with unique skins.

Personally I never saw the appeal of playing as complex a game as a moba on mobile, and play/activity rates at least in the west seem to reflect that pretty heavily.

Not at all. WR's been going well. We have generally seen people want to play on one platform or the other though (comparatively small number of players want both a PC and a mobile MOBA). Makes a lot of sense from both a player and a business perspective to share the most resonant skins etc across games as a result


Originally posted by ThunderCrasH24

Get those LoR skins in there too.

Which particular ones are on your mind?


Originally posted by Leyin99

Do you have already a first expectation on how much the new change will affect new champs? Since while I agree these stuff need more focus would be for example sad if we ony get 2 new champs in a year or so

Not certain. If I had to guess I'd say 3-4 in 2024, but that's a very rough estimate


Originally posted by EkkoThruTime

This is probably a controversial opinion, but I don't think every story across all mediums have to be 100% consistent with each other. There's a trade off between cohesiveness and creative freedom among different teams; finding the right balance is undoubtedly a difficult task.

I think what's most important is understanding and staying true to the core identity of the champions, the little details don't need to always be the same if it's a detriment to the creative process IMO. For example, I know some LoL lore fans are upset Arcane doesn't follow canon 100% but to me it's not that big of a problem as long as Arcane's canon is consistent with itself and doesn't betray the core essence of the characters. The Last of Us show is another good example of what I mean. There are a few details that aren't "canon" to the game but they don't break what's fundamental to the story, in fact they enhance the story for the given medium that it's in. I hope this makes sense.

Agreed that 100% consistency on literally everything isn't a desirable goal let alone realistic. The exact placement of a Zaun shop you see in Arcane versus potential portrayal in a LoR card? Not really important. But key things like critical character motivations, relationships, important world events? Huge value in those being consistent, recognized and respected across different experiences IMO


Originally posted by thatwitchguy

When you say not centralising do you mean like for example, arcane is still its own thing outside of canon but how they do something would influence canon and vice versa?

We want to get to a state where Arcane, LoL, LoR etc are all clearly building in the same canon so that that's not even a question that needs to be asked or point of confusion :)


Originally posted by GGABueno

'Grab a space in the office, talk about what's happening, get stuff out quicker'

I like seeing glimpses of the Riot office like this, it's fun.

Also can't wait to see future Champions, skins and updates leaked through someone's monitor!

We've already had to blur some monitors and/or discard some promising takes when stuff like that was up prominently in the background! I'm sure we'll get it wrong at some point and leak something, seems like a reasonable risk/trade off though


Originally posted by JailsinhoHue

Can you talk more about the 'Less New Champions' topic please

What in particular's on your mind there?


Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

Hey Meddler, can I ask if there is any expected timeframe for further lore news? Is this a general "talk about it later" or is it coming within the next couple of months?

I'm not quite sure yet. Sorry that's super vague, lore stuff with this new direction is trickier for me to talk about given there are a lot of other folks across the company who are part of the whole process. Will definitely update when we have more to share (or you might just hear from folks outside of the LoL team too of course!)


Originally posted by TemiOO

Seeing devs communicate like this is always good so thanks Riot for putting in the effort

On theme with the pricing changes, I wonder if Riot will ever make all champs free in practice tool. It elevates the new player experience by a lot imo, being able to make a more informed decision with your BE is pretty big. I remember having champions that I wanted to buy for weeks and when I finally got enough IP I realised I didn’t like them as much as I thought I would

Potentially. It's something we're going to talk about soon internally, with a plausible outcome being we then just try it out in a trial region and see how it goes. What we'd want to understand from that trial would be:

  1. What affect does this have on the new player experience? Are people actually more likely to stick with the game if they're spending more time in practice tool instead of in regular games? Seems plausible, but would want to confirm

  2. What effect does this have on revenue? Money's far from the only thing we optimize for, we do have bills to pay though so need to understand what sort of trade off we'd potentially be taking

  3. How does this affect server performance? Practice tool takes about 5 times the server capacity per player versus a regular SR 10 with 10 people in it. Need to make sure we don't completely overload things at the expense of all other LoL games


Originally posted by Halfscan

Augments sounds like fun. I want medic Ziggs back. I imagine the 2s mode will have a new map? Maybe like Ascension with a center focus point to force players into each other?

New map or a VERY heavily modified version of an existing one. Think multiple separate arenas where 2v2 fights happen - it's not a free for all 2v2v2v2 all at once thing, but a series of 2v2 rounds


Originally posted by myraclejb

Smurf accounts about to go OFF

I mean, yeah, that is a genuine downside here unfortunately. We don't want to avoid significant improvements to the new player experience just because it can make smurfing easier too, it will add even more pressure on us to detect smurfs quicker and get them out of games against actual new players though


Originally posted by TabaCh1

Props to the rioter who came up with Jhin at 4444

No prizes for guessing who argued for that (I'll give you a hint, he posts about Jhin and Jinx any chances he gets)


Originally posted by Dawnbringer_Fortune

Thats the Answer. Shes just too complex for newer players to understand and therefore shes one of the least fun Champions

Pretty much. Her theme's also one a fair number of new players gravitate towards trying out, which exacerbates the problem further, hence the cost increase there so that players are more likely to try her later when they've got a bit more experience under their belts


Originally posted by Commercial_Trifle975

Rioter might be looking for comments to reply to in this thread, so I am going to inhale all my copium and ask.

In the future, far or near, will it be possible for Mordekaisers dragon to come back?

I think that's very unlikely. Sorry that's not the desired answer, but I can't see us putting that effect back on Morde in the foreseeable future.


Originally posted by G0ldenfruit

Feedback on the 2v2v2v2: Augments sound very fun but one of the issues with nexus blitz was repetition of gimmicks. Once you've seen each a few times - only a couple remain fun, others get frustrating.

Hope this can help and 2v2s in LoL itself is the base for the fun of the mode rather than needing extras :)

Yeah, I think that's a very fair note. For augments we think we can avoid some of the issues many players had with Nexus Blitz events by letting players choose their own augments (versus game chosen events), having a large pool of augments (so you don't see all the content too quickly) and designing augments such that they synergize with what your champ/team comp are trying to do, rather than forcing unnatural/undesired play (though don't get me wrong, some will definitely change playstyles if you want to opt into them)


Originally posted by AsamasHMR

What I am curious about are older game mods like blood moon, nexus siege, project, etc. You don't mention them anywhere which leads me to believe we shouldn't be expecting them at all? Just feels a little worried that Riot almost pretends they never existed.

A lot of the older modes got played once or twice by players who then went straight back to SR/ARAM. When it comes to deciding between bringing those old modes back versus trying something new like this 2v2v2v2 experience we're trying the new things as a result


Originally posted by basedandrevv

is the modes team the group that deals with clash? has there been any news on when it will be back?

Different team. Clash got delayed when we lost a patch due to that security breach recently. It should be back in March and we'll bring ARAM clash back as well sometime since that was popular with a lot of positive feedback


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

Next step, adding controllable units to TFT, let's just keep looping it around and around

To be clear, this is very much NOT the plan