What about news on Pantheon?
Still the next VGU to be released, can't say more.
Is Pantheon going to be sooner or later ?
9.15 - 9.18 - Smaller patches, focused on stability and lower scope balance work. We'll be looking to avoid things with big systemic impacts here in particular (e.g. reworking items, changing strength of different positions significantly relative to each other, changes to objectives etc).
B... But Pantheon?
This is all from the perspective of balance/widespread meta impacting work. New content like skins, champs etc will continue to release as usual.
Not taking a stance on when Panth's coming out either way but:
"This is all from the perspective of balance/widespread meta impacting work. New content like skins, champs etc will continue to release as usual."
Reference there to smaller patches is balance wise, not new content.
Off topic but does anyone know when we get the next champion roadmap?
Instead of a regular champion roadmap we're planning on doing some detailed dives into how progress on Fiddle and Voli is looking as a followup to the recent VGU voting. Should expect a couple of those, one pretty soon, one later in the year. At a guess next regular roadmap's then around end of 2019/start of 2020 as a result.
Rate Limiting is valid and necessary.
Yep. Probably just a short term thing though at least, especially with NA open and TFT not yet on other servers. Amongst other things contributing we're seeing some folks playing on NA who normally play elsewhere which will assumedly stop once TFT's fully rolled out.
All I know is that missions for TFT will come next week, so if it's where you obtain the free little legends, you'll have to wait a bit.
That's correct, the various rewards you can earn are distributed through the mission system effectively so they'll be available once that's switched on.
Don't you feel they're too gimmicky for Summoners Rift? I understand that you want people to get 'the bang for their buck' but I feel it just doesn't fit on SR.
Not sure yet, and at end of day what players feel trumps what I personally feel. ARAM will hopefully be a useful test of sentiment there too, alongside getting an initial read on combat clarity impact.
Isn't it just ARAM and not SR?
Just ARAM for now. Interested in SR too at some point, but would require we solve for visual noise. Might involve things like them sitting on terrain Swain Raven style or just vanishing entirely when people are in combat.
Cant wait for Riot to discover that the Earth is, in fact, not flat.
We're waiting on more data.
No Tahm Kench nerfs? is he getting a skin soon?
Giving the round of nerfs we just did a bit more time to settle before considering further ones. Open to if needed.
Just two basic things will make it look better.
1. Shadows for Champions.
- Permanently enabled hex grid.
Just those two things will make it look much better, imo.
EDIT: Interesting that in some other videos the champs do have shadows. Huh.
Yep. If you've got the settings on low shadows and other stuff gets disabled. Same as regular LoL.
Talking about hex grid as a toggle potentially.
Still working on a range of things. What feels particularly janky to you in these videos?
When is TFT going to be on PBE?
Trying for tomorrow, depends on how bug testing/fixing today goes though.
my guess is that its not gonna be on PBE but it will be there on live server launch
Not quite. Ranked will come along slightly later once we're sure everything's stable. Could be 9.14, depends on how things go though.
It was canceled
It was not. We'll have an update on where our plans are up to later this week.
Alright so they went full bruiser on him. Sustain in lane will be nice, seems like he'll go tiamat into cleaver (or some variant of that) now due to the fact that his AD ratios are down or gone across the board. The clone doing damage obviously seems strong, especially when paired with the fact he gets a 20% damage boost if he gets 5 hits off, which i think in the immediate confusion of all the clones is basically guaranteed. overall probably gives him a few more positive matchups in top, now that he'll have more sustain. Assassin Wukong was fun to play but when it was strong it was not fun to play against, so i'm glad as a whole they went in this direction.
Edit: removed the first part about ulti knockup tick rate, feel pretty stupid that I complained about it without checking if damage and knockup were still tied together, just assumed because of the complaints back when I actively played wukong more oftern. Been long since fixed which means my only real complaint isn't ...
Knockup already checks extremely quickly and has done so for at least a year at this point from memory. Damage ticks and knockup ticks are no longer on the same timer.
Hey Meddler just wanted to clarify that the Yi changes are still being shipped and aren't covered by the "not doing compensation changes" bit.
Yes, they're shipping. It does make it a bit harder to assess where he'll end up because they're happening at the same time as the Rageblade changes. We'd want to do them even if Rageblade work wasn't being done however so they're not in response to Rageblade.
Ooooh Wukong changes. That's very exciting
Hope so. Looking forward to feedback, expecting some things people will like, some that will probably be disliked (some shifts in power) and some people fixating on numbers that just haven't been balanced yet.
We're not doing compensation changes to champs who might be affected until it's clear what sort of changes are or aren't necessary. Expectation is there'll likely be at least one champ who needs a bit of work, given the number of current Rageblade users.
I sincerely hope this is specifically referring to Kog'Maw. He's sitting on a 2% P+B rate and relies heavily on Rage Blade + BotRK, both of which will have been recently nerfed as of 9.10.
He's one we'll look at yeah. Can't guarantee any changes, but putting time aside to assess.