

20 Sep


Originally posted by RandomActsOfToast

It's because Ghostcrawler wasn't married. Meddler has been married for quite awhile and doesn't have time/care to indulge the playerbase with his thoughts.

Not a lack of caring, though I can understand if it feels that way and my apologies. Time has been harder recently I admit.


Originally posted by MemoryStay

How would tanks be viable when conquerer exists?

This one at least I can respond to with a bit more substance. We'll be making some changes to Conqueror in preseason, shifting it closer to a Fervor of Battle like effect. Shouldn't be as punishing against tanky champs as a result overall.


Originally posted by ghostgnome

Ever since Meddler got promoted to Ghostcrawler's position, these posts have become increasingly information-free.

I think that's fair call out. I've found it harder to talk about gameplay specifics now I'm not as close to that work day to day. That's both what these posts originally focused on though and what people most seem to want to ask.


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

Absolute fridge. "This is happening next month". Jesus medler. Can you at least answer some more questions from players other than when is Garen's mini rework coming?

Few more comments there, had to run to something straight after putting that post up. Still light on substantial content overall though.


Originally posted by puberty1

fridge.gif but for quick gameplay thoughts

Yeah, I was on the fence as to whether to do a short post this week or just cancel. Looking at response maybe cancel would have been the better call.

30 Aug


Originally posted by KataFuFuu

I'm scared tbh. don't want the same problems we had during TFT launch to happen again. I could do without clash if this will be the case.

Our approach here's to segment the modes server side basically so overload on one shouldn't bring down the others.


Originally posted by SyriseUnseen

Unrelated, but:

A. Thanks for answering on reddit too

B. Thoughts on leblanc? I dont want her to get nerfed, but since shes more or less in the same state as she was when you guys nerfed her, will she receive changes?


No plans for LB at the moment at least.


Originally posted by SSDuelist

From what you said it sounds like you basically got what you expected and the thing you didn’t expect should be a relatively straightforward fix unlike last time, am I right?

Correct. That issue's been dealt with already. Slight nervousness here more reflects you can never be 100% sure there's nothing else out there and Clash has a history of being a tough process to get right.


Originally posted by DeadNames

Any chance we could get some context on Aatrox' changes? They said they we're aiming for pro negative solo queue positive but these changes just seem like straight nerfs

Yeah, for now we're going with straight nerfs, though hopefully ones that hit pro harder than solo queue. Thinking is to then look at mechanics changes post 9.19, given those tend to need some followup and we'd like to land 9.18/9.19 smoothly for Worlds.


Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

How is support Lux now ? Any plans to buff her a little more ??

No plans at present.


Originally posted by SSDuelist

Guys Clash (mostly) worked DON’T GET EXCITED BUT GET EXCITED

Curb your enthusiasm.

Ok, but yeah, would be lying if we said we weren't also a mixture of excited and a bit nervous to see it finally (fingers crossed) coming together.


Originally posted by ZanesTheArgent

I still resent, although "understand" the team backpedalling on the Teemo changes from before.

Those are some OK changes but still feel weak to what a major revamp both of Teemo and his items could've been better, forcing Teemo into a healthier path instead of just making him stronger.

But here we are, still catering to the nukeshroom crowd.

We had a lot of interest in that larger Teemo stuff too. Conclusion was downsides of changes would be really high though, given Teemo has a wide variety of playstyles and a very diverse playerbase, from those who like him because he's cute and easy to play, to those looking to lane counter others, to those looking to one trick a distinct split push playstyle etc. We felt we'd be able to serve some of his audience well with changes but would likely alienate a lot of others. Looking at past champion changes that have taken that approach (Karma coming to mind especially) we didn't feel the upside here justified the downside.


Originally posted by zombiedo0d

From the sounds of it, separate servers for clash. They have beaten the final boss by stealthing around it.

Kind of. Amongst other things we're taking an approach where we regulate how many games of any given type can be started at once. It's something we did for TFT launch as well. Helps ensure that a spike of demand for a particular mode doesn't bring everything else down for it.

The hardware's more just a general upgrade in capacity to support higher playrates Clash contributes to.


Originally posted by OuterRaven

The Final Boss for Clash will be EUW. If it can run on that server, it can run on anything.

Gotta admit, I somewhat feel the same way...

23 Aug


No promises, but we've also been discussing that as a possibility :)

22 Aug


Originally posted by Zytoxine

Hopefully TFT rewards are exclusive to TFT game modes. I really don't want to feel compelled to play something to get a skin in a completely different game mode. X(

That's our thinking too - rewards should recognize accomplishments for a context you wanted to play in anyway, not leave you feeling forced to play something you're not interested in so you can use them elsewhere.

02 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's a global average. Gets as high as ~20% in some regions from memory, quite a bit lower in others. NA and EU are regions that uses it more so Reddit's going to have more legacy cursor users than is representative of the world as a whole.

18 Jul

12 Jul


Originally posted by Vayatir

What about news on Pantheon?

Still the next VGU to be released, can't say more.


Originally posted by Xajj

Is Pantheon going to be sooner or later ?
