

21 Aug


Originally posted by OneTwoTrickFour

First S04, then FNC - think we will get a sketch for each playoff team with a different LEC personality?

I want to set expectations, we weren't able to do one for every team, but we got 3. Only one more coming, guess the team and caster ;)

19 Aug


Originally posted by Omnilatent

He seems to be the "leader" of all casters in LEC as well. There was one behind the scenes video of riot a year back or so and he was always the one pushing for more in meetings

Quick derail (I'd prefer if this thread stayed focused on Soaz's story!)


Thanks so much, last year around MSI I was promoted to EU On-air Talent Manager and it came with extra responsibilities in the office and some wiggle room to change things (Wardrobe + Guests for example).

It's been challenging, there is a lot to do behind the scenes and it wouldn't be possible without the support of the entire broadcast team. The casters I work with are talented and driven and broadcast team behind us are so invested in the show, its those reasons the LEC has had such a fantastic year.

Literally everyone in Berlin from broadcast to publishing to social and every other department are all pushing the boundaries. We set a high bar this year, it's gonna be tough to repeat it, but rest assured we will. No single person is responsible for all the amazing things you see and we're grateful for your support all year long.


I had a lot of fun making the content with Beko and the players. It was actually really hard for me, because I'm awful in the kitchen and had to try run an interview as well, we wanted to keep things personal and try stay away from current league standings and team stuff, because the goal was to get a different perspective on players.

Thanks so much for the kind words in this thread and for watching the first batch of videos, there are 4 more coming soon and I hope you watch them all as well!

PS This was my first interview, and the toughest, I was learning the set, trying to hit the goals and attempting to assist soaz. Sorry to Paul cause I was a little all over the place in our interview lol :P

18 Aug


Originally posted by G2Esports

You'd better watch out u/RiotQuickshot

My knife technique is awful and I have no flair in the kitchen. I can't cook to save my life, so this series was extra hard.

17 Aug


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

What? This casting was f**king amazing. Ender's dead pan serious critique commentary was great with Quickshots random shit.

Different tastes and different preferences, thanks for the support! Not everyone likes the choices of direction for tone and storytelling and that's fine, it's the nature of the work.


Originally posted by Skykeep

Yeah, I felt the same, Ender's slightly mean spirited jokes doesn't work if there is no good chemistry

For interest sake, did you watch G2 Vs XL and if you did, what did you think? How was it different to this game?


Originally posted by CaptainCaptainBain

I wish the casters (mainly Ender) wouldn't give up on the game just because there are no stakes or because the players are having fun. His attitude was just annoying and not adding (rather retracting) any fun to the experience. If the game is crazy, you can relax and let loose, talk about other topics (see LCK casters), or just stay in the game. His constantly flaming and whatever attitude left a bad taste in my mouth.

EDIT: People are really flaming him and asking for him to walk out and leave/retire. I mean, he had a bad game, he has his flaws like any other casters but he's learning, and he's improving. As an example, he did way better on his tri-cast on VIT vs SK right after this game. I think we should all chill out a beat and lower our pitchforks and just provide acceptable criticism.

It's a super tough situation and as a caster, whatever angle you decide to take, it won't be to everyone's taste for a game like that. Ender and I decided together before the game began to be banterful, and even said at some point really early we were gonna have a slightly flamey cast, while we had some fun, the nuances were a little lost on the audience. We absolutely will review the game and see what we can learn, but truthfully, I still think trying to do something different was the right call for the game.

Side note - Ender and I have a really playful relationship off air. We rib each other a lot and tried to let some of that come out on air haha, it was funny to me, but that doesn't mean it's funny to everyone watching lol.

Thanks for the feedback here and below!! Definitely heard it loud and clear.


Originally posted by FrostBlade_on_Reddit

Production with the early ending sequence LuL

We all wanted that game to end haha.


I posted in another thread - But wanted to say that Ender and I had planned to be a little negative / flamey towards the crazy plays and one another. We for sure will review the game and see what jokes landed and failed, and also I think me not ribbing Ender back made the contrast way more jarring.

This was a super tough game to cast, and I'm so thankful to get a bunch of feedback! GG to FNC and RGE and for a fun game, despite some of the slower pace and not breaking the G2 records haha.


Originally posted by Bigroom1


It's cool that you took the time to respond, especially in defense of your colleague.

I don't know if I've said it in the thread, but I did enjoy the cast in general. As I said above, there's kind a limit and at times the banter felt over the top. There was never any doubts you're friends- I never got to the point where I was like "shit do they hate each other?" Fair enough if it was planned, in which case it's probably a me problem.

I feel a bit ungrateful to be honest. Picking holes in what has honestly been the greatest year of LEC production to date.

Edit: Bit of reflection, If you were planning on this kind of style, in future I recommend making jokes back at Ender's expense. It feels bad having him just piling onto you, but if you're giving it back I don't think it would rub me up the same way.

Thanks so much for the feedback!! <3 I'll one hundred percent that keep that in mind for the future.


This was one of the craziest games I've ever cast, one of the most challenging, but one of the most entertaining. I'm so glad Ender was there to help me set up the quickstats points and let loose with some fun! I hope you guys enjoyed it, because at the end of the day This Is What Peak League of Legends Looks Like.


The last two games of the day where definitely something and Ender and I made a call to try something different. The G2 match up had enough pace and tempo to allow us to stay focused on gameplay stats jokes but the FNC game slowed down a lot and we needed to find a different angle to consider. Before the game we actually said we wanted a little more playful banter, and maybe the slower pace and lower stakes combined to make it sound more confrontational than intended. Ender and I are super good friends, we rib each other a lot and there is no malice or ill will. We made a call together and I think we have to review to see what we would change for next time.

It was a super unique situation and a super weird game and that made it really hard to cover. We both had a lot of fun for both games and while it may not be everyone's tastes, we had a blast.

16 Aug

10 Aug


Originally posted by neberhax

Ironically, rekkles has the biggest champion pool on his team at this point.

It was really nice hearing Rekkles talk about this topic in PGL and addressing some of the champion pool discussions from seasons gone by.

05 Aug


Originally posted by Hamzasky

LEC might be a good region but it doesnt have the quality casters like the LCK and the community like the LCS that make them much enjoyable. Europe casting died back with Joe and Deman and recently with Deficio



Originally posted by Didgeridrew9

color caster in the middle of a really interesting point

Pbp: "I'm gonna have to cut you off there as the blue support gets a little too close to red's blue buff it looks like red jungler might think about the engage here, but decides to back off and go for the safe gromp while in the bot lane they're still farming it out no huge action yet but blue adc will be able to back soon for a pickaxe"

Not even remotely true 😚 we practise intentionally to not cut colours off unless they set us up and queue the PBP to start.

03 Aug


Originally posted by Additional_Geese

Dude how are you surprised Ezreal/Tahm Kench isn't winning lane?

Very fun game/cast though.

I'm surprised when Atila + Jactroll played so well, it was the players piloting the champions that impressed me, not the duo specifically. Maybe I could have made that more clear, I'd need to review and see what happens.


1. Garen sucks

2. Excel Esports LA LA LA LA LA

3. I really bought into the Excel come back.

4. Vitality early game, and final fight was solid. Their mid game was not.

That was a fun game to cast :D

02 Aug


I really enjoyed the tri-cast today. I felt like Ender and Papa had great synergy and we hit every single story we wanted to tell going into the game. Really stoked with the first day Papa had casting LEC today!


Originally posted by Flhux

I rarely saw a single fight going on for so long. Barely any interruption in the herald fight between 12:30 and 15 minutes.