

29 Aug


Originally posted by Vespuczin

To Frosk and Quickshot: Both of you are very vivid casters and gesticulate a lot even though it is not possible for a stream viewer to see that during the match. Had I not visited LEC studio, I would have never discover that.

Why do you do all that extra moves? Does that help you expressing yourselves or is it just emotions taking control out of you?

For me, it's just an expression of the feelings that I have, and that it feels natural. I gesticulate a LOT, like A LOT A LOT. I always move, wave my hands, talk with my body and it just carries through when I'm on air. I haven't done any formal presentation training at a school or anything, so I don't really know if it's good or bad, but it works for me, it feels natural and I kinda like it :P


Originally posted by Constantly-Casual

I have loved this season more than anything. Lots of great little segments like between two Iverns and your web series, like the cooking interviews. There has just been plentiful of well made tidbits that helps us learn more about the players and give us a good laugh!

Without revealing too much, how many new and exciting segments are you working on? Both for play offs but also for next season?

And do more bets on Euphoria!

Right now we are knee deep in prep for Athens, RQ and Worlds. I can say with confidence that 2020 plans are on the horizon, but not yet FULLY activated. The Berlin team tends to go into planning mode around October / November and defining what our goals and strategies are for the next season. It's going to be a hard bar to beat, but you can be guaranteed that we will try!


Originally posted by RoyalCan9

to Quickshot / Vedius / Medic:

what was your MOST Favorite AND least Favorite moment in EU LCS / LEC History?

and to eutriaged:

What Technical Issue was the Most difficult for you to handle?

I think my most favourite memory is FLASH.BEAR.SLAP. I remember distinctly how I planned the call in my head, how I had to fight for priority on the mic, the call itself. I'm just super happy about that moment :D

The least favourite moment, probably the technical pauses and game restarts that have happened in the past. It always feels bad and so difficult to deal with :(


Originally posted by Dalkilol

Imo Laure and Quickshot = MVP



Originally posted by Dalkilol

Who has the best outfit game?

I have a very deliberate outfit style and choice. I try to have fitted suits, solid colour shirt (Mostly white) and then power pattern ties. I want to look serious, responsible (Read old), power pose type suits :P Hopefully you kind of see the same, or I'm not doing something right lol.


Originally posted by nmcc2345

To quickshot :Any chance deficio casts in playoffs or at worlds?(or joins the analyst desk)

To frosk:You were in the LPL for a long time before coming to europe,i'd like to hear your opinion on why LPL always seemed to have that hyper agressive style even when the meta was about late game .

To Drakos:Have you recorded other raps before LEC?.

I can confirm that Deficio will be joining the Analyst Desk for round 2 of playoffs (This weekend) And will be joining us in Athens as well!


Originally posted by robolai

Not a question, i just want to say thank you for the great job you all have done the last year.

Thank you for watching, thank you for supporting!


Originally posted by Bergerzen

Favorite food?


But I always go back to burgers, I love pineapple on pretty much everything and I have a major sweet tooth.


Originally posted by faladu

Do you have any kind of API to track stats like gold leads at 15 and automatically exctract them from the game or does some unlucky intern have to rewatch all old broadcast videos if you decide to track a new stat?

@ /u/RiotQuickshot /u/Barshnip

Tagging /u/Barshnip for help :P She has all the tools and tech, I just ask questions and ask her to dig through the data to find the weirdest things I talk about on broadcast.


Originally posted by mizuzumi

@everyone What is your height?



Originally posted by Dedziodk

To /u/RiotDrakos How did you end up as PBP Shoutcaster and how long did it take you to be where you are standing now? Was it a difficult road?

Also, how is it possible you didn't cast MSI finals? You got the best voice and the way you hype is just perfect. YOU BETTER CAST WORLDS FINALS, not some NA plebs.

To /u/Ovedius Was it tough to "get in Deficio's shoes"? How hard did you have to improve or maybe it was easy to be probably the best colour caster?

To /u/RiotQuickshot Why do you consider stepping down as caster? In my opinion you are doing great job as PBP caster and honestly, you and Sjokz are the face of LEC.

Lots of love to entire LEC crew, you are doing a fantastic job!

I love casting, I will cast for as long as it makes sense, and I will do the best I can to give the best show possible everytime, but I think in the next 3-5 years there is a real chance I'll step back and focus on managing people and finding the next big casters in EU. Helping make people grow and building development systems is very exciting to me. I think there will be a day when I step off the camera, but it isn't right now, and it is definitely not in the immediate future.

I am getting older, I'm married, I have a puppy, I REALLY wanna be a dad and I'm getting to the point where working the show every week is getting harder and impacts my personal life a lot. I can't imagine how difficult it's going to be to travel to road shows and around the world when I have a baby or two, right /u/Ke...

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Originally posted by pajausk

  1. Question for Vedius. Can you explain more your recent tweet about SKT not being punished?

  2. Question for Quickshot. Which quickstat surprises you the most?

The fact that most of my segments are writtten by the rest of the team :P I'm merely an actor in these segments and I give input, but the brains behind the Quickstats are the LEC broadcast members and specifically /u/Barshnip


Originally posted by Indoktor

To the play by play guys u/RiotDrakos u/Mediccasts and u/RiotQuickshot, just want to say that you guys are huge inspirations and I just have to ask what I could do to try and get into shoutcasting? I'm currently working on just watching vods and shoutcasting over that, but I was wondering what other things I could do! Thanks, love you all :)

Set goals for yourself, managing energy, using different descriptors, using names instead of champions, casting ultis only. Give yourself mini games from training, record them, review them, and decide what's worth including in your craft and what's not. Always VOD review, ask for peer review and always assume there is something you can do better.


Originally posted by EvilWhatever

To everyone: is it Cricket or the Cricket?



Originally posted by rmarin98

why did you choose an interviewer with the most thick accent imaginable?

Accents for non native English speakers is a very normal thing. The LEC and me specifically chose to work with /u/Laure-Bulii-V because she is an incredibly talented interviewer, passionate, hard working and a true fan of League of Legends. There are very few league interviewers on the planet as talented and qualified as Laure is. Yes she has an accent, yes some people don't like it, but did you know that Laure is attending enunciation classes, did you know that her content is more valuable than how she says it and did you know that much loved casters like Deficio also had an accent when they first started to master their craft. Give it time, acknowledge she is working on it, we are talking about it, and you will see the growth.


Hello Everyone,

This year has been epic for the LEC We rebranded from the EU LCS, debuted new organisations and players, G2 won MSI, and this was the most entertaining meta in years. We made bold choices with our content, tried new cold opens, had crazy comedic segments, made deeper dives into players and teams and had a few extra special guests throughout the season.

Today several members of the LEC broadcast team, from producers to stats, will be joining the casters to answer questions from 17:00cest to 19:00cest. This thread will be live for an hour to allow everyone to upvote the questions that you all want answered most, and help us prioritize where to start!

To keep up to date with all things LEC, be sure to follow the official LEC Twitter Account and the LoLesports Stats Twitter

The LEC members available today include:

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23 Aug


Originally posted by Morsmetus

I remember while back I didn't really like Quickshot and wrote some bad comment about him, that he stole the line or something that sort. And then he responded on my comment, which wasn't even top and cared enough to explain it, and yeah I was wrong and wrote something stupid, but the fact that he cared to explain it, and he was interested in the feedback made me to think about it and I respect him ever since, and generally try since then to not write irrational angry comments about someone.

It's funny, how easy it is to criticize someone, and most of the time your opinion is formed by the bias, something irritates you unconsciously and on here it might create some kind of 'hate-train' about the person, while for us it's easy to write something mean without taking into consideration how it can affect person and his career.

Thanks Quickshot for being genuinely great person and working hard for the community!

This means a lot <3 BEing in the public eye means you have to find ways to manage, respond, understand and deal with the pressures of public pressure and opinion. I'm fortunate enough to have strong shoulders, and while I've had support to help deal with the more challenging times earlier in my career, never forget you can learn from everything. That was the approach I always took, the most vitriolic hate can still have something you can digest and learn from, and that's what I always tried to find!


Originally posted by ThatLatvian

I'm actually impressed with how disappointing Sandbox was.

Also u/RiotQuickshot was right, 6/11 drakes were infernal



21 Aug


Drakos and Stats, Drakos even made the presentation. I'm merely a puppet to enable other people's dreams


Huge thanks to FNC for playing with us on this video. It was a long day for everyone, but I'm so happy with how it turned out. <3