Any news on the healing visuals? The glowing butt is still a little weird to look at
I think should be fixed this upcoming patch
Any news on the healing visuals? The glowing butt is still a little weird to look at
I think should be fixed this upcoming patch
I feel like the team that did lilia did not get enough credit, she is super fun and super simple
Thanks! She's awesome imo totally not biased take
This is an ultimate level execute ability, so it having more consistency (through an indicator) makes it more exciting rather than frustrating for the user.
But we have another ult executes without any indicator like Darius or Garen.
Akshan R has variable charge time and you can easily be punished for charging too long (the opponent can access the counterplay by ducking behind cover). Having the indicator gives the Akshan a clear indication of how long to charge without having to have X games on the character to feel out all the breakpoints
Whats about Darius and his 5 bleed passive? Just interesting. Especially with his reset mechanic that needs kill for trigger.
Yeah I posted somewhere else that those have been historically pretty learnable, but it's totally possible we aren't doing the best in this space and that there's room for improvement. It'll be worth a discussion at least which I'll likely have internally at some point soon.
What about Garen and Darius? Darius gets a reset from it so it matters quite a lot.
Yeah maybe. I've personally found the damage those do to be more learnable, but with that said it's possible if they need some love in the future that we go that direction. I'll bring that up
Anecodtally, MOBA's as a genre have not seemed very mainstream, especially in the west. Inversely, sports games and shooters are very popular in the west proportionately to the east.
In the end though, being picked on for what you enjoy is lame, and I personally wouldn't consider them good friends if they teased me for liking the hobbies I do.
Riven. Maybe I missed something because I only play her when I have no other options in ARAM, but I don't feel like I understand well what will and won't be in execute range for her R2.
I wouldn't expect us to add it to Riven as hers is an AOE ability that is equally useful to use for just damage. It's often correct to cast Riven R for maximum targets hit rather than for executing a single target, so adding the indicator would actually encourage incorrect casts, unlike Akshan, Pyke, Cho'Gath, etc.
As other people mentioned in here, my theory is that Nasus is a stronger scaler in the recent metas as melee mids and tops are far more popular than historically. Also tanks and control mages are low popularity now, and those champions (in teamfights at least) can hold nasus down long enough to be kited by high DPS classes like marksmen. As of late, Nasus just paths through a fight Q-ing each squishy target he passes by, regardless of game length.
Akshan's indicator is there for a couple reasons (that are mostly consistent with the other champs you mentioned):
Good callout, we are planning some mitigating mechanics changes pre-ship I believe for ARAM.
Can I ask from a design perspective why it seems like new champs have such overwhelmingly full kits in comparison to older ones?
They might seem that way, often when characters are revealed and first impressions come out, people will just rattle off mechanics back-to-back without any context. The same can be applied to a lot of old champions.
Karthus: Stays alive for 4 seconds after he dies, high radius AOE magic damage, reduces all magic resist on enemy team, high dps spammable aoe ability, global nuke ultimate from anywhere on the map.
That said, we have a philosophy to never re-print the exact same ability twice. This means every new champion will have 3+ things that haven't been seen before, and can be jarring for players at first release, then becomes more comfortable over time.
We aimed to give each unique mechanic in his kit some pretty large trade-offs, especially in both DPS and counterplay.
If he runs marksman mythics how do you stop him dealing good dps, particularly considering his 3 hit passive seems to have no cool down. I assumed he would run lethality Are his base stats just that bad?
He will deal good dps for an assassin but not for a marksman. It's all relative.
What's to stop him from just being an ADC?
500 range, low AA dps. Also power budget in W roaming, which is mostly inaccessible from bottom lane.
Read more2 questions, if you don't mind.
Kit "fluff": It feels like it's not only common, but almost expected at this point that champions with this many small extras on their kit will inevitably lose some of them at some point. Akali, Azir, Irelia etc. While I don't imagine part of design is adding in bits and bobs so that some can be removed at a later date to help balance, losing parts of your champ's kit is arguably one of the most frustrating things to have happen.
So aren't you almost inevitably setting a champ like this up to lose mechanics and do you think that that's an acceptable way to design a champ?
Intended gameplay vs actual gameplay: Now, you guys clearly have more data here than I do, but I can't help but feel that his "ideal" gameplay pattern will be overshadowed by his "real" gameplay pattern.
And by that I mean the ideal is clearly: You start roaming bot as a fight breaks out. Your bot lane dies, takes the enemy support with them and the...
Some general notes: W Revive only works if they are recently damage by you (similar to Rengar/Katarina). This is to keep him from just tagging everyone and calling a teamfight won.
As for the last points related to "game ruining experiences", the same can be said for a lot of champions. When Karthus presses R and gets a pentakill, ending the game from 6000 units away, that is an experience that happens very rarely, but sometimes. Defining the health of a game based upon the very best/worst case scenarios for every ability in the game is disingenuous, but keeping an eye out for how frequently they occur is important. If it's trivial for Akshan to flip games using his revive, it will be adjusted, but in testing that has not been the case.
So if the target dashes to where you will be you mean?
Just confused what you meant, like if the target gets in your face the hook doesn’t keep swinging or something?
Correct! If an enemy is very close to you (touching practically) or in your path, the swing cancels. This keeps it from being viable to escape champions that gapclose to you.
Can you also share his max order, i assume its q->e->w
What do you personally take on Akshan in playtests, i imagine PTA and Kraken sound pretty sweet with his passive
PtA and Electrocute are crowd favourites. For mythics we like galeforce for burst, but kraken/shieldbow are nice as well.
What about his base damage? Sololane trist can kill people level 2 and Lucian can take like a 1/3rd of your HP away with auto e auto lvl 1.
His level 1 is quite good (Passive+Q), but after that he gets less combat power than Tristana/Lucian. He does not consistently bully/solokill like those mids
One common thing I’m seeing now just browsing Reddit was how much text is in his passive and his W.
How do you guys go about making passives? Like his three hit burst makes sense if he’s supposed to be a rouge assassin, so does the MS speed thing if it’s to help him get away after the kill, but couldn’t you have just made it those 2 things Instead of also letting him have a shield and second auto, what determines if someone has a Zed passive vs. someone like Akshan? They are both assassins (I realize Akshan is burst marksmen though)
Akshan's shield in particular allows him to take trades in lane on an infrequent cadence, similar to Viktor Q. Without it, he would need very high damage stats (particularly base AD) to trade into most midlaners due to his low AA range.
Passives are assigned during initial champ development based off however the character is meant to be played. Using Zed as an example, his is meant to increase his burst on lower health targets, giving him clear opportunities to W in or commit to kills. This would not have fit the pattern for a ranged marksman like Akshan.
The grappling hook does not work if the target gapcloses onto you, unlike other marksmen's escape tools.
Also it doesn't go over walls