

25 May


Originally posted by HanzoKurosawa

Random question, not sure if you're who to ask but hopefully you could pass it on to whoever is the right person to ask.

Would it be possible to get stat-tracking on Guardian like most other runes, and almost all the new items have? At the moment it just shows it's current shield strength, but it would be awesome if it also showed how much total damage it had shielded over the game. Like a mini locket of the iron solari.

I’ll look into it, this is a reasonable request


Originally posted by Vangorf

So, if I understand it correctly, Tank Senna is too strong, so while nerfing her range gain from souls, they throw a shitton of buffs at her (Lethality and AP ratios). how is that supposed to meaningfully weaken tank Senna? Cuz now she can just go Frostfire into Ap like Ardent. Do I miss something or Riot legit this incompetent?

Frost fire gauntlets effectiveness is reduced over 50% on ranged users


Originally posted by CreativeAd481

A little confused over the Senna changes

In the notes it says

E now grants AP when camouflaged

but it also says

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 20% ⇒ 20% (+1% per 20 AP)

Does her movement speed scale off of AP, or does she gain AP?

Should be “scales off AP”.


Originally posted by PR3D8OR

Ahri's E - Charm no longer causes jungle monsters' health to regenerate if used out of combat



We did it Reddit

20 May


Originally posted by GhostCalib3r

You're not accounting for a fundamental bias in that line of thinking.

The players who deviate from the status quo are already more critical-thinking oriented, and therefore are better players on average than those not thinking critically game-to-game. Therefore these players, even if making an item choice that would lower their winrate by deviating from the normal build, may actually win more due to being better players.

A Sylas building Ludens thinking to kill the enemy ADC faster because the Jhin was 2/0/0 in the first 5 minutes is already better in his critical thinking and more likely to win regardless of item choice, even if that Luden's purchase is incorrect over Everfrost, for example.

Did you account for this bias?

That's an interesting thought, with that said it's very hard to measure that or estimate it. There is definitely some non-0 bias there, but I wouldn't have the expertise to really estimate how much that matters. My gut tells me that over a large enough sample size (which we tend to have) it mostly washed out to less than 1% of a total winrate increase. But my guess there is likely as good as yours.


One thing that's important to note about these stats outlined in this post is that pick rate =/= viability. Mythic diversity manifests mostly in what items are viable on a champion, and the items are different enough that certain gamestates call for certain items.

Using your own examples, Sylas (in the last 30 days) purchases everfrost in 88% of games. However, there are 3 other mythics with higher win % than it, one of which is Ludens with a 3% higher winrate. If players were more adaptable, they'd identify the situations where other mythics were more optimal than Everfrost and opt into those alternatives depending on gamestate.

The unfortunate problem with mythic diversity is that it's really tough for us to beat player psychology, which is to play what's comfortable or popular rather than critically think game-to-game. I don't blame players though, as up until this season there weren't meaningful decisions to be made so that skill hasn't been trained.

17 May


Originally posted by idkdudeyournameissus

Biscuit nerfs serpent's fang buffs are a god send

Serpents fang pog


Originally posted by ANGELWlNG

Thank god Hail of Blades is getting nerfed I've been saying the rune is broken for so long. All the meta bot laners take it its so aids.

I've been the "HoB Doomsayer" at Riot for the past few months, seems we are at the boiling point, it'll be nice to see it lose some dominance.

16 May


Great points you're making here

13 May


Originally posted by Boomslangyo

Do you consider Range an AD Steroid ala Kog'Maw W? (Granted that also grants on hit damage so it is not a 1:1 comparison.)
Her base range basically matches Caitlyn and her Reach with Q is about double the range of any other ADC. Caitlyn is already a frustrating champion to play against from beh ind due to her range and zone control, and she doesn't have the shroud, hard CC, or slow from Glacial Augment to keep you at bay.

Yeah I do. It's worth noting that Kog'Maw also gets 100% uptime attack speed on his Q and Caitlyn gets a ad/crit steroid on her headshot that both increase their dps from AD.

But to your original point, range is a steroid in a more theoretical sense. With more range you're likely to get more autos off from safer positions, which can sometimes manifest in higher DPS (less time not in range of targets), but sometimes doesn't contribute as many additional autos as just raw attack speed does (or as much additional damage as just more raw AD/Crits).


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's true. As mentioned on the other post, adding the gold/min from the "value" of the stats on the souls does place it decently higher, but in comparison to other marksmens base stats+growth it's not an abnormal amount.


Originally posted by [deleted]


That wasn't what they actually said, but I did include some context on that below


Originally posted by [deleted]


Stats from souls are interesting because they are meant to actively off-set the stats other champs get ambiently. In that calculation above I did not count the stats, but I can below:

Comparing Senna to her closest neighbor (Caitlyn), Senna starts with 50 AD and gets 0 every level after. But, her souls grant her .75 AD each. Caitlyn on the other hand starts with 62 AD and gets 4 every level after. Doing napkin math, for Senna to match Caitlyn's natural (free) AD at level 18, Senna would need 100 souls.

Secondly, Senna faces some large disadvantages that actually make AD worse on her. First, she has a low AS ratio (.3), which means she gets less multiplicative DPS value from attack speed than other marksmen. Also, she has an increased auto attack wind-up (twice that of Caitlyn), so her attacks come out slower. These two factors make her DPS-per-AD lower than her peers in the role.

Lastly, Senna is completely lacking marksman steroids in the traditional sense....

Read more

Originally posted by mublacksmith

Nerf Senna and especially this brainless tank build that is a result of how broken her support item is, she gets more gold than enemy adc without csing lmao

Support items give 1000 gold total, and if you literally did it as fast as you can from lane start (2 minutes), it would take you until 10 minutes to get 1000 gold. For reference, last-hitting 80% of minions until 10 minutes is 1600 gold from just farm alone. Not to mention the support item goes from (max) 132 gold/min to 18 gold/min immediately following 1000 gold received.

Senna souls grant you around 32 gold/min (of course not counting the stats), so in total Senna gains up to ~164 gold/min until 10 minutes then ~50 gold/min every minute after, while players that farm decently (80%) get 200 gold/min for the entire game.

So while you might end up with more gold than a marksman that isn't farming well at all, it's not actually true that you get more gold by not farming.

12 May


Please note: 200% was just the "proof of concept" number, will likely be tuned down to something more reasonable before launch.

04 May


Originally posted by asakyun

Couldn't it be a break point where if you had 40% or less crit, it deals magic and above 40% it deals physical, or the damage split depends on the amount of crit?

i.e. 20% crit = 20% phys/80% magic split, 60% crit = 60% phys/40% magic split

Yeah probably one of those is a viable (yet messy and heavy handed) solution, but in the end is the low clarity worth the moderate gains (if there are any)? Plus current physical damage makes LDR more effective than it would have been otherwise, which is fairly essential when there's no hybrid pen option.


Originally posted by Treyhova

Has the idea of reverting it back to on-hit magic damage been floated around. I feel like that gave it a really solid niche as a tank/bruiser killer, since its hard to itemize against duel damage types and on-hit has been historically about early damage and tank busting. This also doesnt hurt squishys as much, since they have low resists (since they dont buy much more) anyway and the damage will be hit by both resist types.

Yeah the design reason this specifically is avoided is because in development we had scenarios where marksmen would build crit for most of the game (minus IE) then when the enemies bought armor they would swap to rageblade and a large % of their damage is magic instead. This rageblade does far more on-hit damage than last season's rageblade, so it can't be magic damage.


Originally posted by 1amh0peless

Thanks for replying! I fully understand that line of thought. But have you guys considered maybe giving back the hybrid pen or hybrid stats to rageblade instead? It seems that champs like AP kaisa or on-hit varus for example were hurt by the loss of those stats

I agree with the problem (no hybrid pen), I'm not 100% convinced that rage-blade is the best item for it. I'll have that conversion with the teams sometime in the future as I do think it's a gap in the current item system.


Originally posted by 1amh0peless

Disappointing rageblade buffs in all honesty, as its more of a buff for support Senna than actual on-hit adcs.

While yes support senna primarily builds frostfire these days, she still goes rageblade in 26% of games, which is more than vayne, kaisa, varus, etc. These buffs will just make it easier for her to pick rageblade up on limited income while actual onhit adcs will still be forced to build crit if they want to keep up with damage

We thought about doing the "on hits applied every 2 autos rather than 3" change and adjusting the crit->onhit ratio to keep it neutral, but overall was spooked by some potential low counterplay abuse cases (Namely Vayne Varus and Kindred), so this seemed like the best avenue remaining. Increasing item efficiency by ~8% is a size-able buff for any DPS item. Means spiking earlier and 8% more DPS/gold with no tradeoff


Originally posted by Novaeth

An actually potentially worth MR item. You love to see it. I'd kind of prefer them favoring the tanky side over the damage amp side, but I'll take what I can get at this point when there's not even one generally good MR item like visage used to be.

I almost pitched increasing the MR instead but increasing the unique output of the item was too cool for me to not like.