How does giving him a resetting grappling hook and a ms steroid mitigate high safety?
The grappling hook does not work if the target gapcloses onto you, unlike other marksmen's escape tools.
How does giving him a resetting grappling hook and a ms steroid mitigate high safety?
The grappling hook does not work if the target gapcloses onto you, unlike other marksmen's escape tools.
Hey just in terms of design pillars the team is still referencing the: benchmarks your outlined a whole back right?
I really like how the team has outlined specifications and levers that give us a behind the scenes look into the choices you make. Nice bit of transparency and keeps the team accountable.
Yes sir, we typically benchmark new champion health using the metrics on there.
Riot: Lucian is too toxic of a solo laner
Also Riot: Allow ourselves to introduce, Akshan!
The goal with Akshan is to mitigate the areas in which other solo lane marksmen were historically frustrating (lane bully pattern, high safety, high kill threat), and shift the power budget towards roaming/contributing to sidelane plays. The intention is that his lane is not nearly as oppressive as Lucian, Tristana, or Kalista in the 1v1.
Assuming 600 AP / Level 18, she'll heal for 212HP over 3 seconds, per champion hit, and 130HP against monsters.
Maximum healing would be 1190HP over 3 seconds, or 397HP/second.
Hard to really gage its strength with the other changes and Lillia's nature as an extremly squishy champion.
The healing is reduced signficantly for subsequent targets
Personally I have the most fun when the enemy picks something that isn't an enchanter, assassin, juggernaut, tank, mage, marksman or skirmisher.
Can ya expect until tomorrow and see what the actual nerf is?
Nono ziggs kill
These Lillia changes... I would much rather they leave her in the gutter as she is right now than whatever the f**k they think this is good for.
Removing E passive procs makes her ganks completely and utterly useless and no, a 40% slow will not make up for it and makes it so it doesn't even synergize with her kit, might as well give her a different spell than this.
Edit: The E change was a bug thank god. That was the change I was most ? about but I guess its fine if that's not final. As for the rest it will require some testing but I can't say I like them IN THEORY, a whole other story in practice though so we'll see.
E still procs passive, it's a bug in PBE likely.
Idk why it says “Lich Bane (Adjust)“. It's clearly a nerf (arguably a small one), but let's not pretend it's anything but a nerf.
That isn't true. Using the league wiki, 5 AP is worth upwards of 100 gold, while 2% movespeed is worth 80 gold.
That sounds to me that Lilia top and maybe mid is coming to Pro play.
We are working on ways to keep the changes from making lane Lillia better than jungle. We still want to keep it playable for those that really enjoy it, but like you mentioned, there is still a major risk of flex-pick Lillia causing her to have more pro priority than we want, even if we reduce her pro-skewed traits.
Ravenous Hunter (and while you're at it, Ravenous Hydra as well), ALL of the legend runes and wards.
thanks for the response
The omnivamp ones were because the way we calculate omnivamp got changed and with that the tooltips went bye bye. I can look into working up a solution to get them back. The legend ones I've noticed being weird myself, I'll take a look to see what's up.
I don’t disagree with this line of thinking. But hiding those changes as “buffs” is just a really bad way of communicating those types of potential changes.
Like you guys did with the most recent Senna changes, just have a separate page in the patch preview that lists the changes and some logic that explains what the changes aim to do. If it’s a net buff overall but requires shifting power from X to Y for consistency which allows for base stats/dmg buffs elsewhere, then communicate it as such and I think people will be more than understanding!
It’s really bad that we at the Aphelios mains subreddit needed to demonstrate to the community using math and charts that some of the changes listed under the buffs were not buffs at all but were straight nerfs. I think if most of the Aphelios mains subreddit saw the changes with your comments as context, they would have been more on board with it.
Yeah this is great feedback. I think the way it (previously) was communicated went like this:
Designer sets a target for the list (example: +2% winrate in SoloQ, +0% presence for pro)
Designer writes a big list that includes general buffs and some compensation nerfs that are pro-skewed
Gets shipped off to patch notes team, twitter, or localization and stuff and is read as a buff because that was the goal/target (Aphelios is underpowered, make him better).
Gets published as a Buff to players even if some of the lines aren't buffs, because the general list is a buff.
Yes thank you for removing the huge chakram AA DPS nerfs. If you actually think those are warranted, please have a separate change log about the logic behind shifting power from X to Y in his kit. Having those nerfs listed under buffs was just grossly dishonest. I’m hoping it was just an oversight in how the tentative changes were communicated to us!
The general idea was to reduce Aphelios's highest end power (which was chakram + severum), and shift the power back towards baseline (AD scaling+MR) and some weaker stuff (turret damage), in order to bring up his SoloQ winrate without influencing his pro (highest level) play power. My assumption is that the Chakram changes got pulled after his pro priority has looked low enough that the Severum change should be sufficient.
The philosophy is that if only some guns are "viable" X amount of the time, his win-rate will rest too low relative to his pro viability, making him tough to buff and evaluate the power of. So this list should flatten the guns a bit but not as drastically as the list that was communicated previously.
the patch notes are a very different change from what they initially said, its a lot closer to a buff than how they originally stated it tbh
Yeah this overall should be pretty significant. .6 AD growth in itself is pretty large and the MR should help a lot for a number of matchups bottom lane and mitigate a bit of jungle/mid burst.
PLEASE FIX THE RUNE TOOLTIP BUGS, they've been going on for several patches now
surely this isn't such a huge ask right?
Which ones are these again? I can check to make sure they are on the radar
Maybe in a few months when riot remembers she exists.
Work's being done
Also could you look into guardian's horn stat tracking in Aram ? Would love to see that. Thanks a lot for your work !
Solid idea. I'll think about this, thanks for the suggestion.
This isn't entirely a request, but do you think that Predator's stat-track should remain as DMG done, or should it be changed to something like max movement speed or something more oriented to the rune itself?
It's not really clear what should track on these. My general philosophy is that we should track things that inform your future decisions. I'll chew on this for a bit.
what about ravenous hunter missing healing now and legend runes showing percent to next instead of actual amounts? I think the old info was a lot clearer and showed more relevant info
Healing is weird because it's a philosophical question of whether vamp/lifesteal should track. Typically we want to do only PvP interactions. Will chew on these ones a bit.
Another one I'd love to see is damage mitigated by Aftershock, but idk how mitigation is calculated so it might not be as feasible as other stats
Good idea, added to my personal list of opportunities.
Wonder if its possible to show the extra damage lord doms does as well?
Definitely. I started working on this one already, I've been learning how to make these as they seem like nice player value adds.