

29 Sep


Following up on this

27 Sep


Originally posted by Adarkes01

I wish they’d just admit the 2Q change was a mistake and find something else to do.

Overall I think it was a huge success, he's getting play at all brackets and the win-rate discrepancy is much smaller. Is he OP? Hell yeah. But that's a simple one to fix now that we've remedied the deeper problem.


Originally posted by Captain_Chogath

51% wr adc and 48.5% support, fun fact multiple members of the playtest team main her and samira.

Hello I main Kayle

13 Sep


Originally posted by LezBeHonestHere_

Poppy buffs

Removal of halved ult damage when tapping R would be great


10 Sep


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

How did Vex ultimate dash turned out in playtest?

Did it feel weird for a vulnerable mage to get in the middle of team fights with the second cast?

The second cast has so much damage so its inevitable that one has to use it

But like if you get into middle of team fights being a squishy mage, like suddenly from a ranged position to a melee position, isn't it awkward to position out of that chaos again, to move to a new place?

Like imagine dashing and then getting 1 shotted by the many assassin, skirmisher, junglers, irelia, darius and maybe even the enemy mage because you are throwing yourself into them and if you dont then you are not doing much damage? If lucky then you kill one and die or maybe kill two and die.
Doesn't feels very exciting

This is same type of weird awkwardness that Neeko's kit has. Range Q E and suddenly melee R. Maybe Vex will be a hit in Neeko playerbase but not in Lux, Sera's playerbase

TL;DR Yes, Vex R dash was a strange interaction with her kit for a lot of development, but we think it's in a good spot now.

Originally I felt similar to how you felt (Vex R placing you in a suboptimal position often), however through continued tuning of the W ability in particular, we have hit a decent spot as far as viability of R casts, since the shield and burst should reward you heavily for taking "riskier" Rs. While this may place your body in danger, the trade-off of your HP for the damage you are dealing is frequently worth it, especially against ranged characters.

Speaking of ranged characters, a secondary positive effect of current Vex R is that it places you within range of W against ranged characters, which otherwise would often be a "dead spell" as far as the damage is concerned against them.


Originally posted by popegonzo

4) Soraka: this was a big buff. We may need to pull back, probably on the R healing, but we're unlikely to revert the change; we think it was right for her (for now, at least).

5) Singed: this was a big buff. We’re okay with this for now, but we’d like to see more games with him to confirm.

This highlights just how huge GW is to the game - by not needing to build it, Singed is fast-tracked into bigger item-based powerspikes. By removing GW, even for a moment, Soraka's ability to influence a fight skyrockets.

I'd be really curious if the Gameplay Analysis Team has ever done a series of games where everyone has 40% GW by default for the whole game & see how it affects the game.

We have not done this specific test case (global grevious wounds), however my general hypothesis is that many champions' builds/rune selections/kits are tuned around phases of the game (early-mid game) being low grevious wounds density, resulting in proportionately longer fights. I imagine if we cut all healing, especially in those phases, by ~half, some classes of champions would really struggle.

09 Sep

04 Sep


Originally posted by Veggiematic

Also there’s this “pyke smite” group running rampant. No one really does anything about it because rioters don’t get trolled in their solo queue games in high ELO.

Pyke smite recently played with doublelift and ruined his promos.

People do still troll us unfortunately

11 Aug


Originally posted by GameBoy09

Does Braum's W activate Lucian's passive?

Yeah it does, general idea is anything that procs Aery on ally

10 Aug


Originally posted by Kenzie_Fam

does it trigger from stuff like liandries/demonic from lets say a zyra or brand

I don't believe so? I think it's separate spells/auto attack hits but I could be wrong. Anything that procs Conqueror etc.


Originally posted by Elidot

Yep 47 R shots at 100% crit.

Amumu changes are on Surrender at 20, Q has a second charge that can be used with a 3 sec cd (still has 14 sec recharge timer), less W dmg and shorter R stun.

To be clear, the W does more damage early and less later. The idea is to increase his clear speed and early fighting power while decreasing his scaling and "game-closing" power in late-game.


Originally posted by elanti2000

The question is if they proc it everytime they attack a champion marked with his w or if it happens only once per w.

Every time the W is interacted with, he gains 2 Vigilance Stacks. Can be multiple times per W

28 Jul


Originally posted by Dbash56

Maokai "buff" is interesting. Basically trying to push him back toplane and remove the "Spam E and win" support builds

That's the intention, the target is a top buff with support nerf, but with any list of this type there's some risk to being inaccurate so we'll see how it lands.

23 Jul


Giving some buffs that are low barrier to entry (base stats) so they are easy to evaluate the power of by the end of the patch.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Did you guys test iterations of Akshan with more power allocated to damage and if so was it way more frustrating

Yeah, before we tuned his damage down to the (aggressively) low numbers they are now, games would get out of hand fairly quickly due to his propensity to roam. Similar to Taliyah mid, gating his 1v1 power has kept him from running over his lane then the game, which previously was his win-condition.


Originally posted by Elidot

At which point (time spent on live and winrate) would you consider buffing him if he does end up looking too weak and, to add to that, which aspects of his kit look to be a target for such buffs? This isnt me asking you already to consider him for buffs but just hypothetically speaking.

We usually do a quick check to see if he's micropatch worthy (that's today, actually), then would look again come next patch.

We would likely target areas that make him "easier" for people less familiar with his pattern. This could be early AD/waveclear to assist with farming or base durability so he gets less punished for misplays.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Don't mean to be rude, but I guess I just don't see how his abilities really fit into each other? Why does his passive (with the double-shot and cancelling it for MS and shield) work the way it does? Why is his ultimate a charge-up Caitlyn ult? The revive is one thing, but considering he's supposed to be a marksman assassin, the rest of his kit doesn't seem that well suited for it? Like, he intentionally has low DPS and all of his utility is in his revive, sure. But how does he assassinate someone? Wait till they're low, stealth in then Q-AA-R? How does he snowball? What can he do except hope for a shutdown in a teamfight if he falls behind? His laning doesn't even seem that good for a midlane marksman.

Sorry if this is a lot, I just see his kit as being more scattered and all over the place than any release since, I don't know, Neeko? Despite all the balance complaints, champion kits in the past few years have usually done a great job of being cohesive and properly communi...

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The points on kit cohesion are less my wheelhouse, so I'll defer that one to a designer.

As for the "How does this all add up to a functional play pattern?" part, that I can speak to. Akshan's power is meant to come from opportune roaming, which each portion of his kit is meant to feed into. His Q is meant to provide wave clear so he can push for priority in mid lane to have first moves on roams. His W (the stealth and MS and mana regen) are there to enable him to arrive at a fight undetected and quickly. And lastly, his E and R are meant to chase down those that get away.

To your point though, his DPS is low, his targets being full health usually makes them non-targets for him, which is why roaming to fights that your team has initiated is his strength.


Originally posted by WmWzK

Can we expect his mastery curve to be shared after players settle into his playstyle? Would like to see how hard he is and how he compares to champs we have mastery curves of in difficulty

That's an interesting idea. I'd love to find an opportunity in the future to share my (and my team's) learnings from Akshan development/launch, including things like mastery win-rate growth.


I figured I'd take this opportunity to post some quick personal thoughts on how I see our game design in league of legends evolving. In response to Akshan, the general consensus has went from "Look at all these unique tools Akshan has, how can he possibly not be OP/overloaded and exist in the same game as Udyr/Annie?" to "Wait, this champion is REALLY weak and his W is holding him back". And this evolution in thought is interesting because it really speaks to how much there is left to learn about power budgets in League of Legends.

Champions can win in a variety of ways in League of Legends. Some of them are super obvious, stat-stick style win-conditions (a-la Jax or Jinx) where they just have big numbers that add up to winning fights heads-up. Inversely, though, some champions have power budget shifted into less obvious win conditions, like Bard's super unique utility/roaming power or Ivern's contributions to utility for his team (like buff sharing and low-econ jungling). ...

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22 Jul


I believe in testing we found that without being able to cancel it with move commands, people (especially those new to Akshan) get "stuck" on the swing and don't get off when they want to. It's instinct for players to right click to move, especially since you can jump off in a specific direction to dodge skillshots.

With all this said, it's possible we should have just locked players out of accidentally jumping off instead. Not 100% sure here what's the best version.