

30 Mar


Hello everyone! :D

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Vel'Koz, Zilean, Syndra, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Leona's turn, for 12.7's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update is a smaller one, aimed at simply cleaning up some of Base Leona's older VFXs, while bringing them a bit closer to how they looked in the cinematic "The Call".

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.


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Hello everyone! :D

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Vel'Koz, Zilean, Syndra, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Shaco's turn, for 12.7's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update was mainly focused on giving Shaco's spells a more unique and modern identity, while also making them a bit easier to see.

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.

Here's a video preview of the changes for his n...

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28 Jan


Originally posted by Corkey

A couple of things I would like to add would be the lighting effect for his ultimate on the Battlecast skin. See here for an example of where you can see the light from the laser reflect on the metal.

The second would be to add a little more "depth" to his W, like in his Infernal skin. Example of Infernal, and example of default / Battlecast.

Yup, the lighting effect on Battlecast was re-added! It'll be there in 12.4. :)

27 Jan


Originally posted by MrButternuss

Before the Update, the Battlecast Velkoz ultimate used to give him a red glowing effect on his model, as if his tentacles started glowing from the heat.

This is now gone, and it really detracts from the power/heat the ult used to portay.


Woudl be really neat to add that one back in ;:D

Thanks a lot for the screenshot! I'm working on this right now. :)


Originally posted by DragonfruitNo4853

How come Battlecast Vel'Koz no longer has a glowing effect on his model when he ults?

Working on it!

26 Jan


Originally posted by puberty1

this looks so good thanks for the update and all of your work king

Thank you!


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

Base version, Battlecast and Arclight E now have same VFX and just color change. Both these skins are 1350 RP, they should have some differentiable effects right?

Infernal E feels lackluster with such minimal VFX effect

Blackfrost is hit hardest with the impactful ice type shards reduced in size and quantity in his E now.

Kindly rework this E to feel more impactful in all his 1350 RP skins.

They have different VFXs.


Originally posted by Sejjy

i hate to ask off topic but is the q the same width in terms of the spell or is it just indicators that changed to reflect the spell.

Only indicators! I can't touch anything purely gameplay-related. :)

I adjusted the post to better reflect that, sorry for the confusion!


Originally posted by spazzxxcc12

i understand you might not be the main person to ask, but do you guys have criteria for who gets VFX updates? like you have a list that goes okay this champ needs work, or is it a sort of passion project where one person looks at it and goes “yeah this needs work” then goes at it. id be very interested to hear as im curious why some champions like nidalee haven’t ever had a vfx update even though they have an ability that is frustrating (q in nidalees case).

It's a bit of a mix of the two, I'd say. Sometimes one of us sees something egregious in a game and decides to fix its champion's VFXs. Or sometimes we become passionate about a champion and see what opportunities they have for an update. Or sometimes we just go down our list. Really depends. :)


Originally posted by iDobleC

In case that you take suggestions, could Leona be considered for a future one?

We have a large list of champions we still want to update, don't worry. :)


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi


as someone who recently picked up infernal vel for the rainbow chroma, I appreciate your work! 💙

Amazing taste 👌


Originally posted by NightmareT12

Thanks for adjusting R following other users feedback, it looks great now! :D

Thanks! :D


Originally posted by SauronGortaur01

The power of the spell comes with the repeated damage ticks/stored casts and the ability to proc the passive on multiple enemies. Each instance of damage by itself is not that powerful.

So it makes sense to tone down the visual power levels as well since this is really not a 'boom tons of damage at once' skill.

Yup, basically that ^


Originally posted by Kabdiue

The only thing I'd address is how Blackfrost and Infernal E ability explosion VFX feel a bit weaker than the others, as if in need of a bit more "oomph". Base skin E is stunning to look at.

It's a magnificent job, thank you so much.

Yeah I've been keeping that on my radar. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by ihave4sight

Looks great! I'm having a slight struggle seeing the missile from his E before it impacts the zone. Would you be able to make it a little clearer for dodging/outplay potential?

Yes! I made it a little clearer based on feedback, and it should be closer to his more recent skins.

Hope this helps!


Originally posted by FirstSparkle

Hi Sir

there's also a HUD screen on his joke emote, could you update it? the colors don't match his color palette, and look like he's playing on a screen, but it would be amazing if that actually looks like it is Vel's telepathy, maybe making the words floathing, adding more particles and turning it into purple with some little thunder, I love the effect you guys used on DJ sona making little dots.

maybe making it looking like that, since vel talk a lot about biology, or even adding Watchers some kind of comunication and lettering\_F\_335973423\_PbRr19CoT1PSQl4EZnT8SxW6mz4U7TtN.jpg

Hey there! Yes, I can have a quick look at his joke HUD and make it match his color scheme a bit more!

Sadly the link you sent doesn't work. :(


Originally posted by Drakkros

This looks so much better

Amazing, thanks!


Originally posted by Darkslayer_

as a big Vel'Koz enjoyer, I quite like the changes. My only complaint would've been the base skin's ultimate looking funky, but the adjustments that were made look perfect! Amazing work, greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much! Glad to read that. :)


Originally posted by THESuperStuntMan

Was the width of current Vel'Koz's ult deemed to thick and one of the goals of the VFX to change that? I've never seen any complaints about it previously and I would think "big area effect damage that hurts a lot and slows" is as good a reason as any to have a lot of visual noise for. And especially since the ability is THE HIGH POINT of this champion it should have a big visual effect.

There's a difference between having something noisy and important-looking on a large area, and having something completely obscure said area, especially over such a long duration.


Originally posted by Scrambled1432

Yeahhhh! That looks a lot better. I really like the burnt grass too.

Aah nice, glad to hear it!