

26 Jan


Originally posted by synthwavevisuals

They're pumping these out pretty frequently that's cool

We have a couple more people helping out, now. <3


Originally posted by Soulsek

can you also buff him? giving his Q 50 more speed and 5 more movement speed would fix a lot of his weakness a the moment. I have over 3000 velkoz games and play him since release and this season he feels more shit than ever.

Sadly as much as I'd love to, that's not something I'm allowed to do. :')

25 Jan


Originally posted by snowypanda90

even tho you're just one person, you can't imagine how much i appreciate seeing old champions getting modernized, it feels like we're being starved for content for our old faithful champions from the early seasons but you're like the light at the end of the tunnel. really, thank you.

Thanks, glad I can help! <3


Originally posted by THESuperStuntMan

Looks great! Except for the ult. The actual laser is too thin and I don't like the bright light showing the end of the the laser. Makes it look like a tube. Really the effects that are there JUST to show the hitbox should not be as defined as they are. Show the hitbox with the ability itself, not with a flashing hitbox rectange.

Do you think reducing the intensity of the outside edges of the ult help? I'm currently bringing back some intensity in the main beam while toning down the edges a little bit.

EDIT: This is what it looks like now. Do you feel this is better?


Originally posted by ILoveWesternBlot

love the q and autos. The w looks a lil underwhelming, looks more like a sidewalk crack than a void rift u know?

Intended! The W has a very low power overall, so we toned it down.


Originally posted by LampiShu

Looks really solid, love the new Q! Only thing that is bugging me is the E in his base skin. I feel like it is fading away too fast, especially this part

Yup, I agree! I updated it slightly to be a bit more visible throughout its duration.


Originally posted by SmolAkita

Everything looks so beautiful now, Im SO satisfied.

Only complaints would be to make his W feel more impactful perhaps, and E in Infernal and Blackfrost to have a bit more visuals? Thats all really!

I just updated his Infernal and Blackfrost E indicators! As for the W, we'd like to keep it lower in intensity, as its damage output is much lower than the rest of his kit.


Originally posted by Fabiocean

Pretty sure Vel is like 8 years old at this point lol

time flies

*Feb. 27, 2014*

I can't believe Vel is already that old, I feel like he just came out...


Originally posted by Better_feed_Malphite

First of all, I love your work! I've been following your stuff since before your time at riot, when you made the darkstar ori fan VFX. I feel so honoured that you now get to touch my boi <3

I absolutely love the update and the w in particular looks amazing I think. However I have a few nitpicks:

  • the e of infernal and blackfrost now look really out of place, with all the other, older skins now having way nicer indicators. The blue circles just don't fit. For reference, arclights e works amazingly!
  • the ult honestly looks kinda... flat? Idk what it is but it just looks kinda weird, like it is in a plane on the ground. Maybe it's the ending part? I get that it's for visual clarity but without a massive glowing impact ball of destruction it just doesn't feel as powerful? Is there maybe some way to include that again without it overwhelming the line of the actual ult stop?
  • also I am kinda sad that people will now be less likely to underestimate my ...
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Thanks for the feedback! <3

I'm looking at updating Infernal and Blackfrost's E indicators, as they are definitely out of place now. :)


Originally posted by HRCK0

I'm loving it! However the E projectile animation feels a bit weak. What I mean by that is that I can barely see it (even in the old VFX). I remember the first time I picked up Vel'koz, I was surprised that Yasuo was able to stop my E with his windwall, as I didn't expect nor felt that it is a projectile due to the lack of VFX.

It would be amazing if that could be addressed as it feels like its Brand's W, ie not a projectile at the moment. Thank you for all the work regardless and have a good one!

Hiyo! Yea, I'm looking at the E right now. :)


Originally posted by Wolvenheart

I'm loving the update, the Q looks so pretty, but I am a little unsure on the W update.

In the current iteration, Velkoz rips a rift into the void, which shows this massive void energy on the ground in said rift, while the update does indeed still keep a rift, on the base and battlecast skin, I'm really missing that massive glowy rift.

for example:

This is personal ofc but I'd rather just have the old effect and make the colours pop a bit more, but that might be visual clutter in team fights so maybe that was a design goal.

It was intentionally toned down because of the very low impact that spell has - the damage is always really low and mostly only serves in proc'ing his passive. It was updated to reflect that. :)


Originally posted by Rooxstart

So good!! I love playing Velkoz and this has made me very happy!


  • Main issue is that the ult feels too blocky. I think that the actual laser should be thicker to reflect the hitbox instead of focusing on a rectangle underneath it.
  • In base Velkoz, the projectile part of the E ability is barely visible compared to other skins.
  • The Q hitbox indicator (or whatever you call the light blue thing that appears when you're aiming Q -before using it- ) could be updated to show the hitbox of the ability.
  • Also, it was not shown here, but when Velkoz spawns after death, there's a void-y portal thing that looks pretty crusty. Was that updated too?

That's all! Thanks for doing all these VFX updates for older champs <3

Hi! Thanks for the detailed feedback!

- I did try to have the ult laser be thicker and encompass the whole area, but it ended up obscuring the area way too much for way too long, so I opted for this solution here.
- Yes, that's something I'm having a look at!
- Sadly that's no longer something I can affect. :(
- Oh I'll have a look at that too, good catch!


Originally posted by feluciaa

This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, I love all your updates so much you never disappoint!

Sending love - Thorny

Thank you Thorny!


Originally posted by Nagashoes

I'm here just to ask why are comments turned off on your yt channel.

Cause it's my personal YT channel and I enjoy peace outside of work. :p


Originally posted by GaT0M

Im just here to say I love how the ult looks on all skins now, feels a lot bigger and more powerful

Glad you like it!


Originally posted by HakujaMyojin

Thanks man. I appreciate your reply. Hope you’ve been well! :)

Thanks! I've been doing a lot better these last few months. <3


Originally posted by CarrotvsBrocclee

I didn't think Vel'koz needed one. But these are still greatly appreciated

I didn't either, until I noticed his hitbox indicators were sliiiiiiiiiiightly inaccurate. :')


Originally posted by HakujaMyojin

Omg man thank you so much for taking your precious time to work on Vel’Koz! He’s the champion that got me to start playing league all those years ago. The changes are looking super clean I love it soooo much!

I wanted to ask you if it’s alright. All of his skins are really good, but I have noticed that out of all of them his release skin Battlecast has a very aged looking, glossy look on the metal. Is there a way that someone is willing to take a look and just reduce the glossiness of his metal body so that it doesn’t look so dated? (Kind of like when you vfx updated Kog’Maw and they spruced up his textures on his base model). I completely understand this is a passion project but I would really appreciate it if someone would be willing to consider it. It’s the reason why I’ve had issues using the skin after all these years.

Hi! Unfortunately, that falls outside the scope of this update. Sorry. :(


Hello everyone!

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Syndra, Zilean, Malzahar, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Vel'Koz's turn, for 12.3's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update was mainly focused on making Vel'Koz a bit more in-line with the rest of the Void champions VFX-wise, and (especially) adjust some of his less accurate hitbox indicators.

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion proje...

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13 Jan


Originally posted by highTrolla

Why doesn't SKT Vayne get gold rings?

Because it's a 750rp skin and I'm not allowed to change its VFXs. Sorry!