

10 Dec


Originally posted by nihhtwing

am i reading this wrong or did they nerf the shit out of Viktor's W?

I'm working on getting this line updated, but it's actually supposed to be:
1.1-2.5 (varies, random) -> 1.25

so it's actually an adjustment/slight buff

11 Jun


Scarra ward and dyrus flash, never forget

14 May


Originally posted by Freeeshooter

Did collector not get bumped to 25% crit or is it just missing from the patch notes?

Collector is now 25% crit chance, the notes will be updated with this info soon


Originally posted by RedditIsTooEasy

So they just scrapped Yun Tal Wildarrows from the patch or did they forget to add it ?

This one got missed, working on getting it added in now

19 Mar


Originally posted by Cat_Bot4

No mention of Vanguard. Anyone know what the status of it is? u/Riot_Riru

No updates at the moment, but once we have something it'll 100% be mentioned in the patch notes


Originally posted by Elidot

Yeah I copied it straight from the patchnotes. Its still typo'd as of writing this.

Mixed it up with another Gragas bugfix - you should see it updated soon!


Originally posted by JTHousek1

Solstice Sleigh

Bonus Movement Speed: 25% for 3 seconds ⇒ 20% for 2.5 seconds

/u/Riot_Riru/ unless something changed, the bonus HP effect duration should also be reduced

They're both tied to the same timer, i'll add a clarifying note. Thank you!


Originally posted by Elidot

Fixed an issue where Vandal Gragas Drunken Rage (E) animation could override other abilities’ animations.


wait what - is it still showing as E for you? I could've sworn it got corrected...

16 Feb


Originally posted by Deathstrker

Happy cake day!

Thank you!

15 Feb


Not sure how long Gnar was frozen, but I get the sense he isn’t the type to shower


If you’re ever looking for context behind why we change something, I would recommend checking out the patch notes for more context as we try to include explanations for why we make changes there. In TF’s case:

With the lack of Mythics in the new item system we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to broaden TF’s viable builds for those looking to take advantage of the newfound freedom with their itemization options. Ultimately, this should help players that are picking TF and suddenly find themselves against a tanky comp (or in an AP heavy comp) where AD TF is more appealing. These changes will mainly benefit those looking to build AD TF, but we also have a few smaller changes that will be beneficial regardless of the build. While we still expect AP to be his primary build and will support him with that in mind, but now he should have a viable alternative build.

He landed overtuned which is why we’re nerfing him next patch, but hindsight is 20/20 and experime...

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09 Feb


Originally posted by CarrotSweat

League Boomer here:

Gather round and let me tell you a tale.

Before the cannon was added, almost every player would take teleport as a summoner spell, because it was on such a short cooldown. In fact the cooldown was so short that you could instantly teleport to a lane at the start of the game, and then have it up again by the time minions spawned.

So one player would teleport to top tower, run forward into the bush (this is pre alcove, and pre 3 bushes) and drop a ward for all the other players to teleport to (there wasn’t a restriction on what you could teleport to pre ten minutes).

If the other team wasn’t doing the same thing, you would get free kills on whoever came up there, and then when minions spawned everyone would reset and teleport to their respective lanes with an item advantage.

It started spreading, because you had to match it or you would always be starting lane phase from behind. This is why they disabled teleport in URF...

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Thank you for passing down this important part of league history lol


Sorry about the misses, it’s something we’re working on. Not to justify the mistakes, but it’s a really antiquated/manually intensive process we’re trying to update now to avoid mistakes going forward

18 Jan


Originally posted by Riot_Riru

Welcome! League is definitely a lot to learn, but it’s also a lot of fun!

1) When you’re looking for champs to play honestly just start with whoever seems fun to you. The amount of champions can be intimidating, so don’t feel rushed to learn and play them all. Focus more on trying out champs that you find interesting - odds are it will be much more fun to learn with one of those champs than something someone told you was meta. We have a ton of awesome content creators that have guides on YouTube and the like.

1.5) Try not to get too anchored in what’s meta each patch as you’re learning the game. Metas will come and go, but if you build a solid foundation by really focusing on a handful of champs you’ll improve much quicker.

2) Don’t feel like you need to play ranked right away. You’ll see a lot of conversation online around what is / isn’t meta, how to climb, etc. which is great, but we also have way more casual modes that are helpful for learning like ARAM ...

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Oh and one more note I left out - try different roles out (top, jungle, mid, adc, or support). If you find a role that suits your play style that can also help narrow down which champions you might like to play


Welcome! League is definitely a lot to learn, but it’s also a lot of fun!

1) When you’re looking for champs to play honestly just start with whoever seems fun to you. The amount of champions can be intimidating, so don’t feel rushed to learn and play them all. Focus more on trying out champs that you find interesting - odds are it will be much more fun to learn with one of those champs than something someone told you was meta. We have a ton of awesome content creators that have guides on YouTube and the like.

1.5) Try not to get too anchored in what’s meta each patch as you’re learning the game. Metas will come and go, but if you build a solid foundation by really focusing on a handful of champs you’ll improve much quicker.

2) Don’t feel like you need to play ranked right away. You’ll see a lot of conversation online around what is / isn’t meta, how to climb, etc. which is great, but we also have way more casual modes that are helpful for learning like ARAM ...

Read more

09 Jan


Originally posted by TargetBan

Noticed some errors:

Tiamat is 1200g 20 ad.

Gold is wrong on Ravenous Hydra (3300).

Titanic is 55 ad 0 haste 3300g item.

Shojin gold and Health is wrong. (300hp 3100g).

Opportunity MS is 5%.

Kraken passive is based on current health now.

Didn't include Sundered Sky's temporary heal at max health and 6s cooldown per target.

Hexplate has 30s cooldown.

Infinity edge says it has 45% crit chance.

I'll check these against the information I got, thanks for taking the time to list these out!


Originally posted by WakingRage

He's playing Overcooked and Riot knows he needs all the help he can get in that game.

This fusion mashed potatoes and dumpling store isn't going to franchise itself


Originally posted by cbpickl

Doh, I can't read. Thanks

Same tho


Originally posted by UnfathomableVentilat




Originally posted by 2th

Which is apparently not part of Hourglass, somehow. Unless that is a typo in the patch notes. Recipe lists Hourglass as having Verdant Barrier in it instead.

It's was a typo, the actual recipe is Needlessly Large Rod + Seeker's Armguard + 400g