

08 May


Congratulations, Miner! It is not often we get to celebrate the intelligence of our employees, but this just goes to show that DRG not only hires the most capable, but also the BEST! Management sends their regards. And I am very proud of you. Rock and Stone!

08 Apr


What a battle! And what a cool video! Rock and Stone! You're all awesome! :D

12 Mar


Ignore it, Miner. The item is of no consequence, though Management urges you to bring it back. Stay where you are upon return, a team of helpful Company Operatives will be by to rid you of it very soon.


Karl travelled far and wide, leaving lasting impressions wherever he went.

11 Mar


Proud of you, Miner. Rock and Stone.

Now get back to work.


This is why I am so proud of this community. You guys make it all worth it.


Rock and Stone, Miner.

24 Feb


Originally posted by plunkheadshot

This game has been out for 4 years? Or is it the studio? I’m confused

It's the anniversary of the first public Early Access release.


Patience, Miners. It's a few hours still. But soon. :)

22 Feb


Originally posted by DarthConnor42

So I've been trying to piece your past together from the different things you've said to me, here's what I've got so far:

You used to be a really good scout from before we invented the plasma carbine, but during a deep dive you got your leg blown off by the gunner's burst gun, so management had you moved to mission control. Am I in the ballpark?

I am not at liberty to divulge personal details of such a nature, Miner.

07 Feb


Originally posted by Curdle_Sanders

Do you have the ability to kickstart yet?



Originally posted by Lord_Slorp

Anyone else looking at this and thinking: how the hell are they going to mold that?

I've held him in my hand, so I can tell you the answer: Very well! :D


Originally posted by Syrzan

Depends on where OP is from....

If he is from europe which considering that he posted this at 7am GMT or 1m eastern US... i would not even bother considering buying the lootbug.

The transportation to europe costs more than the actual plushie and then you have to pay a toll fee in addition (which in most countries is the item price + the transport fee and then the % of toll you buy from that).

If i go from my country that would be 25$ Plushie + 27,98$ shipping cost.

Those 52,98$ will now be the number with wich the toll fee is calculated, adding a splendid 11$ to it.

Total cost for a lootbug plush to europe: 63+$

Which again begs the question u/GSG_Jacob, u/Soren_GSG, u/Robert_GSG why a daenish dev company with a swedish publisher outsourced that stuff to the states and basically screwing fellow europeans over with it.

Read more

Well, since you ask: Several reasons, foremost of which is 1) cost, 2) quality, and 3) ease of procurement. Merch is expensive to produce and ship, unless you're selling very large quantities of it - for a small fish like us, making merch is not something we do to make money - it is simply not an option.

The American merch market is huge, well-established, and relatively easy to get into. We quickly found a partner there that could get us up and running with minimal time spent on our side - time we'd rather be devoting to the game itself.

At the same time we're actively looking into options for getting EU-based merch going. We have just not yet found a setup that fits our particular needs. But that definitely doesn't mean it won't be coming. Question is just how and when.

In short: the present option was pretty much "we can have SOME merch, based in the states, or we can have no merch at all". We chose the former.

04 Feb


These are good notes! Thank you for letting us know.

03 Feb


There was no Radioactive Exclusion Zone on Hoxxes until DRG arrived.


Hello, Miners! Sorry to hear this is happening to you - we're aware of the issue and hope to have a fix for you in the next patch.

30 Jan


The Launch Operator informed me that he saw you steal his lunch out of the fridge.

29 Jan


We are aware of and collecting data on this issue. Are you running the "Restrictionless Armors" mod by any chance?

28 Jan


Originally posted by off-and-on

Do you have any comment on the subreddit's current desire to split headgear into headwear and facewear?

Only that it's been on my wishlist for a long time. But as always, it's not as trivial as it sounds.


Long story short: We're making these changes because of truckloads of complaints about text being unreadably small on certain setups. This will be a running task - we will likely keep tweaking stuff up and down for a while. We are looking into ways of giving you the functionality you're asking for, but it's no trivial task - it requires us to go through hundreds of UI elements manually to set it up.