

24 Mar


Kicking a fellow employee off the team like that before mission extraction is most certainly against company policy, and strongly frowned upon by Management. It is not simply rude and in straight violation of the Company Rulebook, it hurts the quotas!

Do not let the actions of this one fool get you down, Miner. Go have a brew, then get back in there with better miners that knows the value of teamwork!

23 Mar


Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

Silly dwarves. The tips are u/robert_gsg's pay for all the work he does for us because he doesn't get paid enough and needs the extra money. Heh. who doesn't need all the money they can get in today's world though...

My Art Team needs snacks.

01 Mar

06 Feb


It will be available alongside the other.


You will launch the Legacy mode separately. Basically, you'll get a little popup that asks which version you wish to start when you click Play in Steam.

We're releasing this almost precisely like it was, so expect weapons to act quite a bit differently and lots of weird and/or annoying glitches. :D


Never forget.


It's almost like some bugs rarely live long enough to get infected...I wonder if there's a cause for that...

*Eyes you all sternly*


What hath science wrought.

30 Jan


It isn't only about the quality of the edit, it's about the quality of the idea.

Proof? Gotcher proof right here!

17 Dec


The elves are merely inert yuletide decorations. Any rumors that they move around under their own power is hearsay and the product of mass hallucinations. Check your oxygen levels, Mineres.


Management maintains that there is no Null-Zone on Hoxxes, and any spreading of rumors to the contrary is a violation of company policy.


10 credits will be deducted from your paycheck per barrel, Miner. You are welcome.


Squish that elf. Whatever you do, squish that elf.

20 Nov


Keeping an eye on this thread. Some very good suggestions here - and agreed, we could definitely stand to branch out a bit more when it comes to more international hairstyles. Keep the good ideas coming (feel very free to include picture references), and we will look into it!

16 Nov


Any time now, it says so right there. :>

07 Nov


Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

I'm surprised u/Robert_GSG hasn't chimed in here. Or if he did, I missed it.

I'm just eating popcorn and reading from the sidelines.