

28 Jan


We hear your pleas, Miners. Right now there is a technical limitation holding us back from just doing it - tagging it as a Beard would mean we cannot set it to autohide moustaches and sideburns, since only Headwear assets have the functionality at present. No promises, but we're looking into options.


We hear your pleas, Miners. Right now there is a technical limitation holding us back from just doing it - tagging it as a Beard would mean we cannot set it to autohide moustaches and sideburns, since only Headwear assets have the functionality at present. No promises, but we're looking into options.

Also, friggin beautiful work. xD

26 Jan


Yeah, that definitely looks like a mod issue to me. The squares are where we spawn decals on the floors - the big splashes of beer and oil. The shaders for those have not loaded correctly in this case.


We noticed this ourselves recently, so we're aware of it. We updated these particular armors recently, so looks like there's some bone freaking out. We're on it. :)

13 Jan

10 Jan


I'd like to pipe in here as well and say that this issue is actively being worked on. I will keep an eye on this thread, so keep posting those reports, folks!

07 Jan


Management assures me that your position at DRG will remain open for however long it takes you to regain your feet and return, Miner.

06 Jan


Originally posted by Smexxin

  1. Help.

Management is impressed and a little bit scared, Miner.


Management sends their regards, but also emphasises that you should allow yourself a break once in a while, Miner.


Karl would have approved, Miner.


Originally posted by GSG_Jacob

Glad you like it!

I’ve been running the dev stream twice a week pretty much since we added the Deep Dives, and it doesn’t get old. Sure, streaming is exhausting, but the game remains fun (granted, interacting with the community is part of it too). I don’t think it would have been possible without the theme or the procedurally generated caves, but it’s never boring. I’ve unlocked all the overclocks legit during the streams and occassional solo play, and I am still having fun. Doing the same without the banter, the RNG, the sometimes wonky stuff happening in eg. a story driven single player game would have rotted my brain.

Getting paid also helps

You're a beast, Jacob. Really hoping to join one of the streams this year (and get immediately trounced).

01 Dec


Originally posted by frasderp

Just want to tag onto this and say please don’t remove any mission types! I understand the themes etc, but it seems crazy to remove a huge amount of content such as the Industrial Sabotage missions.

Not to worry, we won't - as you say, building a mission like Industrial Sabotage is an enormous amount of work, and we do not want to throw out that much effort. Industrial Sabotage is here to stay.


I checked in Photoshop, and I was DISGUSTED to find out that it is indeed slightly asymmetrical. I've fixed the frame - but it might not go in for a while, perhaps even not until Season 02.

Sharp eyes, Miner.

17 Nov


This is certainly something we'd love to do, but it is absolutely not trivial to implement. I'm just the Art Director, so I can't give you any specifics, but I know the programmers get a haunted look in their eyes when it's brought up...

12 Nov


Management is usually very fastidious when it comes to employees surviving or not. I shall pass this on through the appropriate channels to our Top People.

10 Nov


Management does not approve of this sort of behavior. You did good, Miner, and have earned your rest.