

04 Nov

03 Nov


Originally posted by Perturabo_HofOlympia

That wasn't very Rock and Stone of you.

Please don't give GSG any ideas lol

*takes notes*

30 Oct


You will have several months to complete the pass, and anything you might still miss out on will be obtainable ingame through other means at that point.

25 Oct


Worst part is, I know exactly what I did wrong. X_X
Will attempt to remember to fix before next Halloween... xD

29 Sep


To answer plainly:The Modding Support update we just released is NOT Update 35. Update 35 is still on track and on the way in November.

And no, the dice are not to do with any of those. The dice is...something else. :>


Originally posted by Raijin-Caijin

u/Robert_GSG I would love to get your professional critique on any aspect of the design, execution, or even the feasibility of something like this.

I think they're super cool, man. Very nice work! And thank you so much for doing it!

In relation to DRG, they are probably a bit too over the top for how I generally see the universe - and dwarves, for that matter! A bit too much form over function, if you know what I mean - especially on the Scout. Then again, THE DWARVESMEN OF KARL wouldn't be ordinary combat miners, so perhaps that's okay!

It is definitely a point for me in relation to how I see the universe that it needs to be gritty and dirty and clunky. Yes, we have teleporters and anti-grav, but we still need to give the bloody things a good kickin' to get 'em working. Style- and feel-wise, DRG is Alien, more than it is Destiny. Not to poop on Destiny - it has some of the best designs I've seen - but it's set in a far more advanced and sleek universe than DRG is. Personally, I want BOLTS and OIL and DENTS and JURY RIGGED PARTS.

09 Sep


Rock and Stone, Miners. You are making Management proud.


I desperately want to hear this performed. Well done, Miner. :D

24 Aug

17 Aug


This is definitely one off my bucket list. Rock and stone, Miners. You're awesome. <3

11 Aug

05 Aug


Soon, Miner. Soon.


Wish I could be there, folks!

02 Jul


Rock and Stone, Miner.

30 Jun

31 May


That is some dedication and patience, Miner. Management approves.