

27 Sep


Ew, never noticed this before. I've sent the issue on to the relevant people, that is obviously not intended behavior. Thanks for pointing this one out.


Originally posted by MikeSeth

The depth on the loading screen goes the wrong way, the deep dive exit pods can land on resupply pods, Bosco sometimes ignores leeches when they grab, and feels like engies turret ignores targets sometimes.

I did my part! :D

Management appreciates your diligence, Miner!

26 Sep


For the moment, it grants you nothing beyond bragging rights.


Every team member has to join with a promoted dwarf.


Originally posted by stalefish57413

Forgot to say thanks. You know in all the excitement :-)

Right back at you ^


Originally posted by stalefish57413

Super excited for Update 25. Left work early today to be able to play.

Anyone got a link for the patchnotes so i have reading material while i wait?


Psst. It's out!


Originally posted by ElQunto


...Just noticed a bug though: In the space rig theres a collision issue. You can walk in the air in the Top hangar.

Yeah, we just noticed too. xD It'll be fixed in the first Hotfix. :)

18 Sep


Yeah, we're actually looking into this - can't give you any timeframe, but I'd say chances are high for some nice improvement on this.


Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

Yeah, unfortunately there's no way to mute u/Robert_GSG (who is the voice of Management) :P

On the other hand, maybe add an option to do so for those who want it? That's not a hard toggle to add... and if dwarves don't want to listen to Management's warnings, they're going to get what's coming to them in the mines... ;)

I will not be silenced. (But I WILL send the request on - it's not an unreasonable one.)


New Mutators, and a little tasty something-something to find during normal missions - keep your eyes open. We'll have a big chunk for non-prestiged players in the NEXT update though: Machine Events.

12 Sep


...I can think of at least one fierce and already known species that are invading their territory...usually carrying large guns...


Originally posted by yrianotto

YOU GET A HAT! As an extra bonus, we have something special for everyone taking part of the free weekend. For this limited time only, we’ll have a special, handcrafted, hot-off-the-forge helmet available in the nearest Accessory terminal (it’s the first one you see when you exit the personal pods). Remember that this is only available during the Free Weekend, so you’ll have to go grab it in the Accessory Shop, or you’ll miss it.

For a second after reading the title I thought us early purchasers might miss out

What kind of monsters do you take us for? :D

02 Sep


Well, "0 meters" don't have to mean "surface". That's just sea-level. And on Hoxxes the seas are made of boiling acid. Probably a good thing you didn't dig up into one of those but into a mountain instead. Management has your back, Miner. Now get back to work.


No, YOU'RE very cool!

29 Aug


Originally posted by OhhHaiSenpai

Ugghhh idk how long I’ve been seeing this on my reddit now, but seriously the beard physics have me sold, going to look into getting it tomorrow when I wake up. Fricking BEARD PHYSICS. I can tell I’m going to love this game and it’s development team.

Glad to have you onboard, Miner. :)

Now get to work. We got quotas to meet.

28 Aug


Originally posted by pancakeQueue

Is the promotion key a consumable or once unlocked is reusable?

It's a one-time unlock per dwarf. Promote once, you have the key for that character from then on.


Originally posted by Baal_Redditor

Why is this awesome content locked behind a level grind, like most other games?

Basically, see it like our answer to how other games do late-game raids, that kind of thing. This is not meant for beginners.