

16 Dec


Originally posted by Rahain

Very cool! Thanks for the info! Not sure why got down voted for asking haha.

Take my up vote!


Originally posted by Rahain

What do you typically work on?

Mostly meta-game systems - cosmetics, challenges, Ranked, events, etc.. I was the primary engineer on the Katar customization system. Did the work to make custom deathboxes a thing. The tracker artwork change - so you can have art/starts split - was my project, stemming actually from a proposal I wrote on my first day on the job. Did a bunch of work to enable the MMR-based system for Ranked from S17-19 (and to then roll it back in S20). Did the development on the Ranked Trials feature in S19. A lot with our Stats system - and the Challenge that are driven by that system. My very first feature was splitting badges up by category in S8. If you are an OG, you may remember when it was just a giant list of badges...

15 Dec


Can confirm. For the information that's conveyed to other players in the Lobby, we only update that information when a match is played (updates your current score) *or when a player logs in for the first time in a new season* (to then reset your rank). So this is normal. The exception to this would be Preds, because we always show ladder position for the *current* season. So if you had a friend that finished a previous season as a Pred and then didn't log in, you shouldn't see them still as Pred.


Congratulations! Game dev guy in my 40's here. Like to believe I can still do it too! Code that is... I'm a potato at the game itself Gold 4 was my best, and that was a struggle. I'm high Silver on a good day. But I like to think I still make cool stuff.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Xplissit666-

Nah this is not correct man, this is 100% a bug. I've 8000 hours on this game and it's only happening recently, and it only happens on 1080p. 1440p it's completely fine. It makes selecting things from the inventory extremely difficult. The inventory menu is jumping around

OP edited. Should know better by now not to second guess Reddit...


Originally posted by Xplissit666-

Nah this is not correct man, this is 100% a bug. I've 8000 hours on this game and it's only happening recently, and it only happens on 1080p. 1440p it's completely fine. It makes selecting things from the inventory extremely difficult. The inventory menu is jumping around

Yeah, it might be that something bugged the *subtle* movement that *is* supposed to be there. I'll get a bug filed for investigation.

12 Dec


EDIT: so, known bug. Fix is coming. ONLY happens when you use non-native resolution. Sorry for bad info below. Just reminded me a lot of the fact that there is some intentional movement in this screen and I thought that was a bug.


So, this is by design. I actually flagged this as a bug when I first started working on the game. But it's meant to work this way. It should happen regardless of screen resolution.

In terms of the "why," the Designer who implemented said that it actually "feels" more natural to have the UI respond to your directional input. Like, if you think of the game's history and roots in Titanfall, a lot of the HUD stuff comes from having that perspective of being inside of a Titan or inside of a Pilot helmet. So your HUD is going to move a bit as you move.

It still kind of weirds me out, but I can confirm it's entirely intentional.

08 Dec


Originally posted by Cold-Reputation-4848


Here's a video. It's pretty simple : everytime i click on the event, the game crash.

Thanks. weird. We'll take a look. That's super helpful.


Originally posted by Cold-Reputation-4848

Sure. Which part does you want to see ?

Whatever you are saying that you cannot access in the store.

Also I just confirmed that unfortunately the Ultimate+ is not currently available in Belgium because of how we grant the immediate rewards. Sorry about that. I will at least see if we can update the website copy to explain that.


Originally posted by Cold-Reputation-4848

Thanks for all the efforts ! You don't have to just for one player. It may just be me who missed something or just a small bug i have. My game is a bit buggy with the shop so maybe it's linked. (I just can't access the collection event.)

you also can't access the event shop? Any chance you can post some screenshots of what you see in the lobby? TIA


Originally posted by Cold-Reputation-4848

Thanks. It seems like i can't buy it in Belgium since some rewards are apex packs. I suppose respawn didn't want to waste time for a specific battle pass just for one small country.

I'll check, but it shouldn't be the case that I'm aware of. We have a standard process to swap packs for crafting materials in the game. And I can tell you, we do a LOT of testing for your one small country!

(Give me a couple days to get back to you...)


The two variant skins are locked to the Ultimate+. It's in the More Info button in-game. And also here -

Specifically, the section "Legend Skin Variants"

Only change for Belgium is that we can't give you Apex Packs so have to give you crafting materials instead.


Originally posted by StaticShatter

i've flagged to anti-cheat team.

07 Dec


Originally posted by MrPheeney

I could've sworn I read something more recent, maybe in patch notes that stated DX12 would be made the standard soon

Yes. Let me see if I can find out when that was/is. I'm not on the rendering team.


Originally posted by MrPheeney

I'm not sure if they implemented it yet, but maybe you're on the DX12 since it seems to run better than DirectX 11 and they announced that it would be made the default version that is run for the game

you can check DX12 in the EA app or Steam - updated May 2024.

Hard to give any feedback on "smoothness." Could even be related to your own network/ISP behavior.

05 Dec


I'm so sorry this happened. *if* you encounter this type of behavior and are able to get a recording of any of it, we can take action. In general, it's hard for voice chat to take action absent evidence (unlike text chat), though if you do report them it is followed up on; if there's a lot of reports for the same player(s), I think that makes a difference. But if you are able to get a recording of it, the CS team can take action on that. I know that's not necessarily the first thing on your mind when going through this.

03 Dec


Originally posted by CepbIuQ

Hello, i know its maybe the wrong place to ask, but i never saw another developer and dont know where to report this bug. Its a minor so i doubt apex will notice, but if its possible, could you please pass up the message to reactive skins responsible team? For years now, reactive PK is bugged, at least in Mixtape. If you make killz with it, and then swap gun, it goes back to level 0, untill you make another kill. Its really bothers me because i play exclusively mixtape and love both PK and its reactive. Thank you in advance!

fixed internally. should be going out soon.

29 Nov


Originally posted by StaticShatter

Thank you so much for everything you do. It's my birthday today and Apex has been one of the greatest gifts I've ever received in my life. Looking forward to more exciting things ahead. :)

Are we getting legend specific win trackers anytime soon? :P

I did ask about this specifically when the Tracker system went live. Good reminder to bump this. I am pretty sure we'll add these. I just have no idea when. But I have pointed out that this is missing for all new Legends and for anyone that didn't already have it. I'll ask again.


Originally posted by Aeif

Thank you for your work on Apex Legends. Despite the hardships and the playerbase butting heads with you guys, we really do love the game, and we love that you are just as passionate about working on it.

Would you mind talking about a project that was much more challenging than you initially anticipated, but that ended up being very rewarding to work through?

The artifact system. I've posted about this a bit in some other threads, but that project was massive undertaking. There's no other system in the game that that allows for modular customization in that way* (*Gladiator Cards are also modular, but they have no gameplay element, so they aren't really comparable). Getting that all to work in a scalable and "efficient" (from an engineering perspective) way was a huge task. We had to build a ton of new tech - most/all of which is reusable, but still, it required a lot of new tech. And fixing some OG tech that should have worked but it turned out had been bugged (though not meaningfully so) from the outset. It worked... until we tried to get it to work with Artifacts.

There are 250ish different variants of the Katar itself - blade, power source, and handle - each of which as unique VFX and SFX. Like, getting those all to work - especially in a networked game - was a lot. Plus actually building the customization system. Networking...

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