

03 Mar


Grandmother is an Apex Predator-level quilter.

24 Feb


Originally posted by IdeaSweet

Can you help me too I am having the same problem

So based on the data we pulled, the delay happens extremely infrequently and it always does self-correct. Usually quite quickly (before you'd ever even actually notice it - i.e., by the time you got the Heirloom shop and saw your shard total, it already would be fixed, even if there was an issue at the exact time of opening. The OP's case where the delay was over an hour is super rare, though even then, it did self-correct. We found no examples where a player didn't actually get all 150. Unfortunately and in rare - less than 0.05% - cases, it just takes a bit for the shards to register to your account. The precise timing of a "bit" varies. Like, I didn't actually do anything for the OP. By the time I got flagged, checked, and replied, it was already fixed. I'm guessing that's the same as for you. You're probably already showing what you should be.

22 Feb


Originally posted by VonMillerQBKiller

Did you just tell this mans to get wrecked? Savage.

Get Wrecked is Lifeline's heirloom quip, so when OP said they were getting the Shock Stix, it seemed like an appropriate reply.


Originally posted by MyExScars

Can confirm, I can't thank you enough for how quickly you reached out man. Sending nothing but love!

Bout to go beat some ass with the lifeline shock sticks or die depending on sbmm, anyway ty kind sir

GLHF! Get Wrecked!


Originally posted by MyExScars

I appreciate you man honestly, ty

u/MyExScars - according to what I'm seeing, you SHOULD now have all 150. There was a weird delay where 100 of your 150 shards were not granted with the first 50. Taking a look at why that happened and also some options to prevent this from happening to others. If you could confirm that what I'm seeing on the backend - that you have all 150 now - is correct, I'd super appreciate it. Thanks and sorry. Not really the super special experience we hope for when you get an heirloom.


Originally posted by MyExScars

I appreciate you man honestly, ty

Investigating now. Thanks for the tag.

18 Feb


Originally posted by LanguageOver2221

Are some of the weekly challenges changed to be more challenging? Like instead of getting top 3 1 times it's now 15 or so times instead?.

That one was a bug. Fix is in and should be going out "soon." Should only be 1.

17 Feb


Originally posted by Architeckton

Would it be too much to ask for you (Respawn) to unlock the Tier 2 skin for those of us that bought the skin before the patch rolls out?

It would not make a difference. The system wouldn't let you equip it without the challenge being at Tier2 as well. We are working on an additional fix to restore lost progress and will update as soon as we have more information on that.

16 Feb


Originally posted by Iamphilmakis

I still not able to accumulate damage. I don’t think it has been fix

Yeah, so this is probably just poor communication on my part. There are always two steps to a fix. The first is actually fixing the problem in the game itself. That's generally how I think about things. But then we need to get that fix to you. That takes some time. That's how players, understandably, think about fixes. So I've "fixed it" - meaning found and corrected the problem - but it's going to be some time before that fix makes it way to all you. At least a week, unfortunately.


Originally posted by MrBootyLicker

Any fixes yet? Or will the stats be correct if we keep playing bloodhound or should we wait until there’s a fix?

So, the reset is, unfortunately, "permanent." I.e., it will not recover. BUT I'm trying to work through some options about how we might restore your progress. I got the fix for the core issue in today and hoping to get it out "soon." Now I'm thinking through what options we have to UNf*ck this for all of you who lost progress... :(

15 Feb


Originally posted by BUBBENSTEIN

Hey, so I’ll play a game of BR and it’ll track. Then a game of arena and it’ll track. A 2nd game of arena resets it to 0

That's the same as my co-worker. I think that these - and switching characters - make it more likely, but it's definitely not the root cause. There are some players who do all these things and are fine. Thanks again for helping me dig in. And sorry again.


Originally posted by NizzyDeniro

Oh ok. So can I get the emote?

Send me a message. I'm pretty sure we can get you sorted on that.


Originally posted by NizzyDeniro

No, the only thing I don't own of Wattson, is that new Legendary emote added this season. My account is IzzyGrizz on PSN.

No, the only thing I don't own of Wattson, is that new Legendary emote added this season. My account is IzzyGrizz on PSN.

Ah, okay! Figured it out. There was a bug in the Wattson pack. It wasn't properly awarding items ONLY from the Season 12 pool. Of which there was only one single item - that emote which you did not own... :(


Originally posted by Interesting_Fly_1409

Restating my game did not fix the issue.

Thanks. Internally, we have one guy who's in the same spot but everyone else I'm talking to it's working as intended. I'm working on a defensive fix right now. Unfortunately not something I can fix on the fly, but I will try to get it sorted ASAP.


Do you own every Rare-or-better *craftable* Wattson item? If you do, it just turns into a "normal" Apex pack. If you do NOT own every rare-or-better wattson item, can you send me a list of the items you don't own.


Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

Please keep me in the loop on if this changes for you. Feel free to message me. I've got one other report of this so far, but obviously any number that's not zero is bad. We tested this a ton and never saw this happen, but given that it's happening to at least you and one other person, I have some ideas about what might be causing it - there's a limited number of possibilities technically, so I'm basically just bucketizing them accordingly to what's even theoretically possible. Also you have my apologies. This is obviously not how it's supposed to work...

PS: one thing that might help - even though it absolutely should NOT be required - is restarting the game. I did a bunch of work to make sure this wasn't necessary, but at least one report I saw indicated that this fixed it. Which is a bummer, but at least it fixed it.

Also, any chance you see progress during the match? If you see progress during the match that is then resetting, that's my major fear. If it never progressed from zero - and you don't see progress during the match - that's bad, but very slightly less worrisome.


Please keep me in the loop on if this changes for you. Feel free to message me. I've got one other report of this so far, but obviously any number that's not zero is bad. We tested this a ton and never saw this happen, but given that it's happening to at least you and one other person, I have some ideas about what might be causing it - there's a limited number of possibilities technically, so I'm basically just bucketizing them accordingly to what's even theoretically possible. Also you have my apologies. This is obviously not how it's supposed to work...

10 Feb


Originally posted by Official_F1tRick

u/RobotHavGunz any comment if it's intentional that you can get the 30 kill squad badge (10-10-10) ? I feel like it shouldn't be that way and I wonder if it will stay as it is or get changed?

bug. fix going out today. though it won't remove the badge from any player who got it in Control.


Originally posted by VanguardVeteran

When Control launched, it was mentioned that you can earn Control-specific badges. However, these are not in the game. u/robothavgunz

Coming with the Anniversary event next week. Two events this season will have Control-specific badges.

09 Feb


Originally posted by NuggetHighwind

A regular pack purchased with Apex coins.

Thank you.