

15 May


Originally posted by ElonPleaseBuyReddit

This seems like a bad thing given the incentive to reach honor 5 is lowered.

The incentive is there to be honorable every game, which is good for everyone.


Originally posted by bz6

I’m guessing when you’re honour 5, the recall lasts for more than one game?

Yeah, lasts until you're no longer honor 5.


Originally posted by TH3RM4L33

Me and my friends are having a debate right now on how to understand your sentence. Do you mean that it's not only for honor level 5, but also for being the most honored (aka honor level 5 is NOT a requirement) OR it's not just for honor level 5, but only honor level 5 + most honored last game (aka honor level 5 + most honored is a requirement)?

Yeah, damn. That really is a confusing sentence. You can unlock this recall EITHER by being honor level 5 OR by being most honorable player in the previous game (for 1 game only).


Originally posted by sakamoe

Most honored as in if you get 2 and everyone else got 1 you get it, or does it need to be the 3+ honors thing where you get a chat notification about being the most honored?

I believe it's probably whenever you get a "leaf" in the scoreboard.


It's not JUST for Honor level 5. It's also unlocked for 1 game if you were the most honored player on your team!

08 May


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

Are there ever going to be anymore Eternals? Or are those just.....done?

Working on launching series 2 before the end of the year.

07 May


Originally posted by SoCalThrowAway7

Looks like eternals are still going to be specific champions related where as challenges have a more general focus

This is correct. Eternals are champion specific performance.

05 May


Originally posted by PupPop

While I agree that it is a good game mode, it's not a permanent. Summoner Rift is still the only permanent game mode with choice in champions.



Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

That's on summoners rift lol

Ah yeah, I misread his post. Good point!

04 May


Originally posted by PupPop

The fact that in the year 2022 there is no other map/game mode where you can SELECT YOUR OWN CHAMP other than summoner rift, is incredible.

Ultimate Spellbook is what you're looking for. Excellent mode!

01 Apr


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Hello Rovient, are you aware of the tokens bug? Unfortunately, we are not receiving tokens.

I believe we fixed it a few hours ago. Apparently it was a visual bug only (the tokens were arriving but no one could see them?) so you should still have the correct amount. Let me know if it's still not working!


Originally posted by CaptainSpranklez

anyone got any idea how much gridning it takes to get 2.2k tokens?

2.1 games per day (of SR) over the course of the event.

03 Mar


Originally posted by kiircsaki

Why not include TFT in those calculations?🤨 Also, do the points carry over or do we still have to waste on an entire game only to get from 199pts to 200 like with the Debonair pass? Assuming they don't, it's a huge waste of time.

Points carry over. We fixed it. Apologies for that!

02 Mar


Originally posted by Cypherous2

Again, you're assuming that based on the average, but for some its not going to be far less, for me playing ARAM this is a nerf because for the 33 minutes i need to play i can win 2 matches of ARAM and earn more tokens, the numbers aren't lying due to the number of minutes required to complete the new quest

You could also LOSE those 2 ARAM games and get fewer points.


Originally posted by Cypherous2

Assuming the same amount of time sure, but not everyone plays by hours, and for people with more restricted gameplay time this is a substantial decrease

It's identical.


Originally posted by ari_xiv

rip aram and tft enjoyers, a huge nerf to token gains :)

thanks riot

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by Cypherous2

Yeah thats still a nerf to token gains in the long run, you need to win a 33 minute SR to earn 10 tokens now instead of being able to win a 20 minute SR and get the same results, this is more time spent for the same rewards and is pretty disappointing really

Its pure greed

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by restinpeeperinos

*cries in aram*

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events. Even for ARAM.


Originally posted by NetSraC1306

It's astonishing how they can keep nerfing the passes and people keep buying em in masses. Just wow.

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by Arnhermland

Another skipped pass then, thanks riot for saving me money.

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.