

24 Sep


I agree. After seeing the WIP clips and images I almost couldn't play on the old rift visuals. I really struggled!

19 Sep


Originally posted by Jinunichy

The only person with enough gold to have 2 items in this game is the uberfed Fiora.Obviously if you decided to give every single player in the red team 2k gold they'd have an advantage.

Jayce and pyke are half way done building Fang if they so wished.


Originally posted by Yellofishy

And if I'm playing an AP assassin I should buy serpents as well I suppose

Assuming you have at least 1 teammate who can build it, just got to coordinate your engage.


Originally posted by M1zs0

Kayn has goredrinker and is building steraks, which has been the mandatory bruiser bundle for far too long now.

Steraks is 3100, and he has a phage. Assuming he doesnt have gold just sitting, he will have to earn another 2k to finish it.

Serpents is another 2.6k, and it sacrifices his tankyness to a fair extent.

He would need another 4.6k gold to be able to buy serpent without trolling. That is like 16 kills (less with shutdowns) or quite a bit of farming

Just buy serpents omegalul

Ok fair enough, so how about pyke or Jayce then? They're already going lethality.


Their entire team is made of squishy, basic attacking AD champs, so your team has almost entirely reduced their damage output by 12% with steelcaps alone (tbh, even cait COULD probably benefit a huge amount here from them too, depending on how protected she is during fights). Additional armor items just makes this even worse for them.

If Rhaast had Serpents Fang here (has so much AOE to apply the debuff) I think it's actually YOUR team that has a huge advantage.

Edit: Serpent's Dang is not a thing.

12 Aug


Originally posted by NovelAries

Anyone know how many tokens a day you should earn to get 2k tokens with the pass?

If you mean how much you'd need to play to get the 2k tokens within the event, roughly 2.1 games per day averaged over the event will do the trick.

07 Aug


These leaks are getting ridiculous; we have to throw away our current plan and start over every time. It's exhausting!

02 Aug


The answer is: reddit represents a very small, vocal minority of the player base. It doesn't mean that their opinions are not valid, or any less important, but it also doesn't mean that posts here necessarily represent the majority of player sentiment towards the game.

Reddit is super useful to find new issues or "player pain" as we call it, or even find some exciting posts praising good work or fun features, but most of our players probably don't even watch streams or come to reddit.

25 Jul


Originally posted by TheRealFakeMackie

Hey your icon is Dorn yeah?

Close! Some new primaris character from the Imperial Fists.


Originally posted by Sersch12

just curious, would different amounts of tokens for a win/loss be possible with this sort of hotfix?

Tokens, or sentinels points?


Originally posted by ScaleCorrect

That sounds like an extremely weird technical limitation, can you share something about how it happened?

We export mission configuration into a text file of sorts, which is uploaded to servers all around the world weeks before the event starts. Trouble is, altering those missions once in progress is extremely risky. Could wipe all progress, stop the mission working or... a bunch of other technical server issues I don't understand!

As such, altering the 100s of Sentinel missions to adjust for such a progress miscalculation was considered far too dangerous. The 600 points mission is literally the only safe way we could alter the player's progression rate. Anything more complex and we'd start risking server overload with the data processing.


Originally posted by ScaleCorrect

I don't get why they didn't just do all points increased X times. It was supposed to be x1,x2,x3,x4 by the week, the +600 started on week 3 so couldn't they just change it to x1,x2,x8,x20?

Technical limitation, sadly. We started with this idea.

20 Jul


Originally posted by CCSkyfish

Hello! I admit it's not optimized for sharing, this is just a personal doc I've been using.

Basically each row is a separate game, tracked via the Game column. For each game I record the date I played it on and the number of points in my active region, with a new column for each region.

Finished regions I highlighted green, but I copy the values down dozens of rows to keep the Diff calculation happy, which is just a a calculation of (sum of current row points) - (sum of previous row points), which tells me the number of points I earned that game.

The region column headers are just <region name> (points to complete the region) (number of games it took to complete the region).

Finally, the first column is just sectioned into which week of the event it was played on, since the points earned per game increase each week.

Ultimately, all I really care about is points per game ("Diff" column) and how many games it took to complete each region.

Read more

Thank you for your explanation!


Originally posted by CCSkyfish

And then there's me who likes stats. 600 extra points per game does seem like a lot, but I'm not complaining.

I'm finding it tricky to read your table here. Mind explaining it?

29 May


Ruin-what? You're not making any sense, man.

26 May

20 May


This post is... odd. I'm seeing very clear alternate options for all example champions, with some even higher WR than the most commonly picked item. The problem is that no one is changing what they buy.

I see this is more of an issue with how Riot "weights" what defines our recommendations in the shop than anything else (we currently heavily value what's bought more often than what's the most effective WR increase).

12 May


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

I don't think it's a good solution to leave the reactive helmet in because it's confusing (not exclusively but most imporantly) for Renekton's opponents, a Renekton player is going to be more aware of the skin's features and Renekton's team doesn't have to care as much about gameplay clarity as the team playing against it. I think the toggle should be ON or OFF not OFF or Reactive, because that's still leaving the player the ability to trip their opponents. I know it's a cool idea you're trying, this is just my opinion.

What part do you feel is confusing? Looking for info.


Originally posted by Mumphord123

What is the button for toggle? just tried control 5 and it did nothing

It's going to take a few days to arrive on PBE probably.