

22 Jun

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Team Update refers larger articles that go out on our site when we have long form news to share with players: News | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG

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Wild wings island is still ending tonight, unfortunately :frowning:

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As the post states directly, more details will be coming in the team update.

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I like this guy

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Héros d’Archésia,

Tous les serveurs et régions de Lost Ark seront mis hors ligne le 23 juin à 9h00 (CEST) pour notre maintenance et mise à jour hebdomadaire. La durée de l’indisponibilité des serveurs est estimée à 4 heures. Ce patch comprendra les changements suivants :

  • La date de fin de l’événement Super Express a été ajustée au 20 juillet pour préparer le prochain événement Express. Ce qui signifie que vous devrez terminer vos missions d’événement avant cette date. En outre, n’oubliez pas de sélectionner un personnage pour l’événement Super Expresss avant le 30 juin si vous souhaitez participer !
  • Les bugs concernant l’Événement Happy Hour ont été résolus. Nous allons relancer l’événement du week-end dernier pour compenser les problèmes précédents qui ont empêché certains joueurs de pouvoir réclamer ces récompenses.

Pour obtenir des renseignements sur la Mise à jour de juin, veuillez consulter l’article suivant : ...

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Helden von Arkesia,

Alle Lost Ark-Server und -Regionen werden am 23. Juni um 09:00 Uhr für unsere regelmäßige Wartungspause und für das Update offline gehen. Die Ausfallzeit wird voraussichtlich bis zu 4 Stunden dauern und folgenden Änderungen beinhalten:

  • Das Enddatum für das Superexpress-Event wurde auf den 20. Juli verschoben, damit wir das nächste Express Event vorbereiten können. Ihr müsst also eure Event-Missionen vor diesem Datum abschließen. Vergesst nicht, dass ihr vor dem 30. Juni einen Charakter für das Super-Express-Event bestimmen müsst, wenn ihr teilnehmen wollt!
  • Das Problem beim Einfordern von Belohnungen für das Hot Time-Event wurde behoben. Einige Spieler konnten ihre Belohnungen nicht einfordern. Um den Fehler wieder gutzumachen, wiederholen wir das Event vom letzten Wochenende.

Infos zum Juni-Update findet ihr im folgenden Artikel: ...

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Héroes de Arkesia:

Todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark se desconectarán para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal el 23 de junio a las 9:00 AM CEST. El mantenimiento durará unas 4 horas e incluirá los siguientes arreglos:

  • El final del evento superexprés se ha cambiado al 20 de julio, en preparación para el siguiente evento. Esto significa que tendréis que completar vuestras misiones de evento antes de esta fecha. Recordad que debéis designar a un personaje para el evento superexprés antes del 30 de junio si queréis participar.
  • Los errores al reclamar recompensas en el evento Al rojo vivo se han resuelto. Vamos a repetir el evento del último fin de semana para compensar por este fallo que impidió a algunos jugadores reclamar sus recompensas.

Para enterarte de todo lo que viene en la actualización de junio, aquí te dejamos el siguiente artículo: ...

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Heroes of Arkesia,

All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming offline on June 23rd at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our regularly scheduled maintenance and update. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and includes the following changes:

  • The end date for the Super Express Event has been adjusted to July 20th to prepare for the next Express Event, which means you will need to complete your event missions before this date. As an additional note, remember to designate a character for the Super Express Event prior to June 30th if you want to participate!
  • Claim bugs for the Fever Time Event have been resolved. We will run an additional instance of last weekend’s event to make up for the previous issues that prevented some players from being able to claim these rewards.

For information on the June Update, please see the following post: ...

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1. Treat others the way they wanted to be treated

Do: be kind, build fellowship with other players, and be your best, unique self.

Do not: engage in behavior that diminish, threaten, bully, insult, abuse, or harass others. This includes any behavior that:

  • promotes or encourages hateful ideologies;
  • promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious medical condition, or veteran status; or
  • otherwise can make other players or Amazon Games employees feel unsafe, abused, taken advantage of, or disrespected.


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21 Jun

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We don’t have plans to bring the Mileage Shop or the way that the system functions into the game, but Amethyst Shards are in place to be a version of that so players can pick and choose to obtain these stretch items without necessarily spending so much outright. More offerings will be added in to this system over time

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We had an extremely effective ban wave happen over the past week, but this was not the end-all-be-all solution to the problem. While it would have been awesome if it was, there’s still more work to be done and other systems we are working to implement. We haven’t slowed down on crafting those, but will keep bashing the bots from multiple angles regardless.

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I am not familiar with what the email is from in the original post, but also hopping in to confirm players are ok to use Exitlag and it won’t get you banned.

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Server merges/changes are something that tech is still being developed and implemented for before we can utilize it as needed unfortunately.

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Glad this was sorted – we have folks sifting through bans quickly as the bot banning wave goes on. Reminder to anyone else facing this, please submit a ticket here Appeal a ban - Support | Amazon Games so it can get cleared up!!

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We’ve been blocked for several weeks now, yes, hence the lack of clarity around the June update

20 Jun

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I know this situation has been frustrating and confusing; I have been unable to share any details which is frustrating for me as well. There will be information coming this week that we can share with players.

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We’ll provide an update with more information this week, appreciate the patience.

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We’ll share an updated date as soon as we have that information ready to go. I know there has been some confusion around this update date and I apologize

17 Jun

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As the OP mentioned in the post, this is something SGR and Gold River are against, and do not wish to implement. I understand why some folks are interested in these types of tools, but it is not on the table for now.

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Ban wave is still ongoing, which is why queues have cleared out. Unfortunately different bots have different activities they partake in, which means a variety of parameters are needed for each case and it won’t be a 100% sweep. That said, we’ve requested a feature for block and report functions straight out of the mailbox so hopefully we have more on that soon.