It’s being extended past this week
It’s being extended past this week
We’ll get some extensions on the event and rewards, as well as bonus login rewards going
Bussing isn’t against ToS, you’ll be a-ok
As mentioned in the post that just went out (Incoming Bot Ban Wave) our CS team is on high alert in case of any false bans. Appeals will be immediately escalated for urgent review while we roll out this wave.
Regardless of folks opinions on this,- yes. Here is the Amazon Games Code of Conduct to review.
If you violate this Code of Conduct action may be taken against your account, whether that means you are suspended or banned based on the circumstance.
Héros d’Archésia,
Comme nous poursuivons notre combat contre les bots dans Lost Ark, nous voulons informer les joueurs qu’une vague plus large et plus massive de bannissements de bots sera déployée au cours de la semaine prochaine. Bien que nous bannissions toujours les bots du jeu, avec cette vague à grande échelle, vous devriez vous attendre à voir des fluctuations plus importantes du nombre d’utilisateurs jouant simultanément à Lost Ark, et les files d’attente devraient diminuer au fil du temps.
Si vous êtes pris d’une manière ou d’une autre par cette vague de bannissements, sachez que notre équipe d’assistance examinera les contestations de bannissements avec une attention particulière pendant cette période. Si vous constatez que votre compte est suspendu ou banni par erreur, veuillez créer un ticket directement auprès de notre équipe d’assistance afin que nous puissions faire le nécessaire dès que possible : ...
Read moreHéroes y heroínas de Arkesia,
Seguimos luchando nuestra batalla contra los bots en Lost Ark y queremos haceros saber que vamos a llevar a cabo una oleada masiva de bans durante la próxima semana. Aunque baneamos bots del juego tde manera constante, creemos que con una oleada de baneos a gran escala como esta deberíamos ver fluctuaciones más significativas en el número de jugadores concurrentes de Lost Ark y las colas de acceso que afectan a algunos servidores deberían reducirse con el tiempo.
Si de alguna manera alguno de vosotros se ve afectado por esta ola de suspensiones a gran escala, tened en cuenta que nuestro equipo de soporte revisará las apelaciones de prohibiciones con diligencia adicional mientras esto continúa. Si consideras que tu cuenta está suspendida o bloqueada incorrectamente, envía un ticket directamente a nuestro equipo de soporte para que podamos revisar la situación y volver el acceso al juego lo antes posible: ...
Read moreHelden von Arkesia,
unser Kampf gegen die Bots dauert weiterhin an und im Zuge dessen wollten wir euch mitteilen, dass wir in der kommenden Woche eine neue, groß angelegte Bannwelle starten. Zwar bannen wir täglich Bots, jedoch könnt ihr bei dieser großen Bannwelle mit einer signifikanten Änderung der Spielerzahlen und mit der Zeit deutlich verringerten Warteschlangen rechnen.
Solltet ihr ausversehen auch von der Bannwelle betroffen sein, könnt ihr jederzeit unseren Support kontaktieren, damit wir das Problem schnellstmöglich lösen und euch wieder nach Arkesia bringen können.
Schreibt dafür einfach ein direktes Ticket an unseren Support über diesen Link: Einspruch gegen eine Sperre - Support | Amazon Games
Wir wissen, wie sehr ...
Read moreHeroes of Arkesia,
As we continue our battle against bots in Lost Ark, we want to let players know that will be rolling out a wider, massive wave of fresh bot bans over the course of the next week. While we are always banning bots from the game, with this large-scale ban wave you should expect to see more significant fluctuations in the number of concurrent users playing Lost Ark, and queues should decrease over time.
If you somehow get caught up in this large-scale ban wave, know that our support team will reviewing ban appeals with extra diligence while this is ongoing. If you find your account incorrectly suspended or banned, please file a ticket directly with our support team so that we can get you back in the game as soon as possible: ...
Read moreVykas is still going to be included in the June Update when it arrives
Whoops, it wasn’t clear in my first post, thanks. Edited.
I hear you and understand how you’re feeling, and I appreciate the comment. I’m going to point a little bit back towards my above posts for these answers
In a different post, you stated “roughly mid-June” though, roughly mid -June is right now, it’s also Thursday. Next week is NOT mid-June, it’s late June, so it feels very misleading to have said that
Sometimes things shift and change. Folks asked to know target dates and timeframes even if they might end up being a little different – “official” dates won’t be locked until an official announcement happens, but in the meantime I do try to provide insight or estimates where I can when I can.
I get a lot is going on right now but at this point just give us a heads up on an actual date you’re targeting and if needed,
Like I mentioned above, unfortunately we are not clear to share a release date yet. As soon as we can, we will let you all know.
Because that was the plan, and sometimes things shift and change. Folks asked to know target dates and timeframes even if they might end up being a little different.
We are still moving towards a June Update, which means that it would come this month/in the next few weeks, yes.
Unfortunately we are not clear to share a release date yet. As soon as we can, we will let you all know.
This week’s patch will not include the June update
RMT is against the game’s TOS. If you participate in RMT, you run a very high risk of an account ban.
No, it does not mean that – in my post after this, I mentioned how bots are constantly evolving and changing. There’s sort of a shortlist of things that have been done and worked on in this post from a while back, but as the bots adapt to our mechanisms we need to put new ones in place. That’s what I was referring to.
Will raise this internally, I am not sure outright if it is possible
I am not condemning this for any reason, please do what is right for you, but I do want to let you know if you chargeback a transaction you do run the risk of getting your wider Steam account banned as that is usually Valve’s path forward when it comes to chargebacks on the platform.