We do have staff that works weekends specifically, but you are correct in that the entire broader team does not work every single weekend. They are human, this is a job, and they do need time off.
We do have staff that works weekends specifically, but you are correct in that the entire broader team does not work every single weekend. They are human, this is a job, and they do need time off.
No, the responses aren’t given to placate anyone, just to let y’all know we’re still here and dealing with it. It is an extremely frustrating situation for both players and in terms of communicating around it, because like I mentioned before, it’s super challenging to talk about work being done when it is not currently having visible effects.
The team has been all hands on deck for a long while – the major issue here, from what I have seen (I am in no way a tech expert) is that the botters evolve so quickly. I can assure you no one has slowed down, but it’s like cutting off the heads of a damn hydra. You can see a little bit into this when we have those sweeping waves of bans that clear out bots for a bit, but then they pop right back in shortly after, often with new workarounds and methods and whatever else they come up with. When the botting issue is referred to as a “war on bots,” it’s hardly a metaphor.
The team was already aware of the queues over the weekend, and folks are working through potential mitigations today
We will still have a June Update coming roughly mid-June, and don’t plan on skipping this – when we are clear to exact dates, you will have that info.
Most of our staff does play on NA West, and were facing down the queues this weekend too. We are very aware of this issue, and teams are working to mitigate it where they can.
We are not expecting the problem to be overshadowed. Bots are the most highly visible issue in the game, and we are extremely aware of this and have folks working around the clock on these issues. Unfortunately, it is difficult to communicate further plans when things are just being developed and worked on and developed and worked on without player-facing impacts yet; as soon as I have more information that I can share so will all of you.
I don’t have a “server lock” button myself, but we’re definitely discussing all options and paths
Long term problems do still require long term solutions, which are still being worked on and escalated. But while that takes time, will keep trying to do clear outs because player experience has taken a big hit
The queues are more than a little rough, and I apologize. Have been told the team is going to try several methods of queue clearing throughout the day
I appreciate the analogy. Metaphor? I’ve been out of school for a while, whatever you call it, I like it
We’re working on plans to alleviate these pains in the Europe West region; there is active development taking place to make sure we have transitions that are as smooth as possible, and once those details shake out we’ll communicate them
There was a feature requested a while back to have report options directly from mail; I believe this is still in development, and I apologize for the mail spam in the meantime.
I do want to call out that the CMs here are not support staff, and do not have the ability to ban any players from the game or review or action on reports, so posting in the forums is not an effective way to report players. Sending that screenshot in through here will be your path: Report a Player or Guild - Support | Amazon Games
Took just a few extra minutes, but this issue should now be resolved in all regions including North America West. Thanks for your patience!
Issue should be resolved for players in all regions excluding North America West, still working through things there
We should be good to go in all regions. Thanks for your patience!
Issue should be resolved for players in all regions excluding North America West, those folks will unfortunately have to standby for a bit…
Team is on it now
We’re on it, thanks for the reports.
Appreciate the feedback – we’ve mixed and matched some Fever Time event rewards in the past as well. I’m sure they will make a comeback
This should not be an issue – as long as you’re playing from an approved region we publish in you should be able to select the in-game region of your choice. Would suggest opening up a support thread or ticket if individuals experience this issue
That is 100% how our contract with SGR works.