It was never intended to be released or sold in the first place, which is why it was swiftly removed.
It was never intended to be released or sold in the first place, which is why it was swiftly removed.
Please be aware this incident occurred this morning before regular work hours, so once folks started getting online we had to take the steps to learn about the situation, figure out what happened, and align on next steps before we could communicate it. We spent our morning working through this with urgency, but work doesn’t happen instantaneously
This was an error unfortunately, and it was never intended to be released. Details are here:
Read moreUpdate has been shared – Punika Growth Support Pack Store Removal
Had to figure out what was going on and what caused this when I got online this morning before I could get a message out, so these things take some time. I’m also pretty sure I have a fever so, ya know, not operating at 100% today. Appreciate the patience.
Héroes de Arkesia:
Durante el último mantenimiento semanal, se añadió por error a la tienda del juego un objeto llamado “Paquete de apoyo al crecimiento de Punika”. A pesar de que nos percatamos rápidamente y retiramos el objeto, aquellos jugadores que lo compraron podrán conservarlo.
Sabemos que el lanzamiento y retirada inmediata del Paquete de apoyo al crecimiento de Punika puede causar confusión. Este objeto estaba siendo testeado por nuestro equipo y todavía no estaba listo para salir a la venta en nuestros servidores, ni era esta nuestra intención por el momento. La publicación se produjo por un error en el envío de los archivos. Seguimos trabajando en los detalles sobre posibles “paquetes de apoyo”, incluida su disponibilidad, contenido y precio. En cuanto podamos compartir más detalles al respecto, os mantendremos informados.
Os pedimos disculpas por cualquier molestia que esto haya podido causar. Gracias por vuestra paciencia mientras resolvemos este er...
Read moreHeroes of Arkesia,
During last night’s weekly maintenance, an item called the “Punika Growth Support Pack” was added to the in-game store. This addition was unintended and the pack was promptly removed, however any players who were able to purchase the Punika Growth Support pack will retain it.
While we understand this prompt release and removal of the Punika Growth Support Pack may be confusing, this item was being internally tested and was not finalized for sale on live servers; it was not intended to be released, and made it into the client after last night’s maintenance due to an error in file delivery. We are still working through details regarding any potential offerings of “support packs” including their general availability, content, and pricing. We will provide additional details on future plans when we can.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we worked to address this issue.
Héroes de Arkesia:
Todos los servidores y regiones se desconectarán el 16 de junio a las 9 AM CEST para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal. Prevemos que esta desconexión durará unas 4 horas, e incluirá los siguientes cambios:
Gracias por vuestra paciencia. ¡Nos vemos pronto en Arkesia!
Héros d’Archésia,
Tous les serveurs et régions de Lost Ark seront mis hors ligne le 16 juin à 9h00 (CEST) pour notre maintenance et mise à jour hebdomadaire. La durée de l’indisponibilité des serveurs est estimée à 4 heures. Ce patch comprendra les changements suivants :
À bientôt en Archésia !
Helden von Arkesia,
alle Lost Ark-Server und -Regionen werden am 16. Juni um 9:00 Uhr für unsere regelmäßigen Wartungsarbeiten und das Update offline gehen. Die Wartungspause wird voraussichtlich bis zu 4 Stunden dauern und beinhaltet folgende Änderungen:
Es wurde ein zusätzlicher Track für 5 Tage mit neuen Login-Belohnungen hinzugefügt. Zusätzlich zu den neuen Belohnungen könnt ihr euch weiterhin die Rewards des Vormonats verdienen. Das gibt den Spielern, die Probleme mit Verzögerungen hatten, etwas mehr Zeit um ihre Goodies zu bekommen.
Das Enddatum des “Wildflügel-Insel” Events wurde um eine Woche verlängert, ebenso wie das Datum, an denen die dazugehörigen Belohnungsgegenstände ungültig werden.
Vielen Dank für eure Geduld! Wir sehen uns in Arkesia!
Heroes of Arkesia,
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming offline on June 16th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our regularly scheduled maintenance and update. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and includes the following changes:
Thank you for your patience, and we’ll see you back in Arkesia soon!
Thinking is good ‘n’ all, but Vykas’s model has not been changed at all.
The bans don’t ever actually stop, but there are times when we have new algorithms/detection processes that we can crank up to level 11 for these massive waves
It’ll be extended a bit, and a new one will come with the June Update when that hits
CMs don’t have the ability to ban players in game, so you’ll have to report them either in-game or by opening a ticket here: Report a Player or Guild - Support | Amazon Games
We have requested a feature to allow players to report mail directly from their inbox, so that should be in development and hopefully on its way soon!!
Cross posting this response from a similar thread.
You are correct that this is not the long term solution, which is why the announcement post (Incoming Bot Ban Wave ) has a paragraph at the end addressing that directly.
This action was taken to remove bots and clear out the extremely detrimental queues to help improve player experience somewhat in the meantime. We shared the post to let players know that this queue relief is on the way, and to let players know to reach out and not stress if they are falsely caught in this ...
Read moreYup, you will be able to get those glasses
This is going to be ongoing throughout the course of the week, at least. We definitely want to keep those queues low as much as possible.
Just posted this in another thread –
There is no mention of RMT bans in the notice about the bot ban wave because the bot ban wave is happening specifically to cull bots to clear queues, and the message lets players know to reach out if they get caught up in this.
Our bot ban algorithms do not have an impact on RMTers, because these are two extremely different types of “players” being tracked and actioned against in different ways. Reports of RMT are still being actioned against, but not as a result of the bot banning process that is happening.
There is no mention of RMT bans in the notice about the bot ban wave because the bot ban wave is happening specifically to cull bots to clear queues, and the message lets players know to reach out if they get caught up in this.
Our bot ban algorithms do not have an impact on RMTers, because these are two extremely different types of “players” being tracked and actioned against in different ways. Reports of RMT are still being actioned against, but not as a result of the bot banning process that is happening.
You are correct that this is not the long term solution, which is why the announcement post (Incoming Bot Ban Wave) has a paragraph at the end addressing that directly.
This action was taken to remove bots and clear out the extremely detrimental queues to help improve player experience somewhat in the meantime. We shared the post to let players know that this queue relief is on the way, and to let players know to reach out and not stress if they are falsely caught in this wave.