Curious, what are those configs for and what does it mean by LevelUp?
They are the only way you can get additional claim stakes and papers without settlements. Levelup means a new star.
Curious, what are those configs for and what does it mean by LevelUp?
They are the only way you can get additional claim stakes and papers without settlements. Levelup means a new star.
Originally posted by merlinspet: my game is crashing on what appears to be an avatar selection screen, right before the main menu should appearPlease send a mail to [email protected] with your logs after the issue appeared and a description of the problem: ... Read more
Anybody having problem with Twitch drops? My Eco accounts says that both steam and twitch are connected, but Twitch still shows "connect" button that sends me to Eco page that requires me to login even though I'm already logged in.
That's on twitch side, we were told "waiting" will resolve it by itself.
"SettlementSystemEnabled": false for
Make sure to configure these two in as well, otherwise you can't get claims:
"ClaimStakesGrantedUponLevelUp": 0,
"ClaimPapersGrantedUponLevelUp": 0
"DetailedDescription": "<b>This official ECO server is hosted by Strange Loop Games in the EU. The current cycle runs for the time frame noted in the server name.\n\nPlaying on this server is subject to rules viewable in its Ecopedia (F1). Our Game Masters do not actively monitor this server, you need to contact them on our official Discord if you need help.</b>\n",
What is the maximum character length for the DetailedDescription ?
If i remember correctly it does not have one, once all info for the server display panel goes over a technical limit, the description will be cut off. That includes the server name and any variable info.
That's the correct one, here the one from one of our official servers:
"DetailedDescription": "This official ECO server is hosted by Strange Loop Games in the EU. The current cycle runs for the time frame noted in the server name.\n\nPlaying on this server is subject to rules viewable in its Ecopedia (F1). Our Game Masters do not actively monitor this server, you need to contact them on our official Discord if you need help.\n",
Works fine here, what is too long will simply not be displayed.
PingPerfect should be fully ready in any case, given they are our official partners. Any host can get the files starting with release and could try earlier versions for a long while. There is tons of template changes they may need some time to update.
There's a stickied thread for server advertisements. Posting individual threads them is against the rules.
The post does not violate our rules, it does not state the name or any hint on how to join it. It's akin to the posts where players search for a specific server recommendation which are also allowed.