

13 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @iddpapi,

Could you please make sure to upload the text files requested by my colleague Hackaloken?

You may need to set Windows to show hidden files and folders to see the log file.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

In this instance I’d recommend lowering settings across the board.

Our system requirements recommend the desktop version of the 1060, and list the GTX 660 Ti as the minimum supported. The mobile version of the GTX 1050 is going to perform around the same level as the GTX 660 Ti - I’d actually expect slightly lower performance from it.

As we continue to optimize the game across future patches, performance will gradually improve. If you’re dissatisfied with the current performance, you can either request a refund from Valve if yo...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there!

Please attach the following files to a forum post;

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

A post was split to a new topic: Game performance

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

One of the most frequently discussed topics is changes to how you can respec both skill trees and class passives. Today we’d like to talk about the changes we plan on making in the near future. We are not yet ready to commit to these being in a specific patch.


  • In addition to despecializing skills, it will be possible to respecialize individual points.
    • As per the current functionality, you will still need to earn XP to re-gain a point to be spent elsewhere on the tree. (This can be done even at the level cap of 100.)
    • Additionally, it will only be possible to perform respecialization if it would not cause the tree to enter an invalid state. For example, you cannot use respecialization to remove your investment from a node that is a prerequisite for another node which you have also taken on your tree. In other words, you can only use respecialization to achieve a result which would be possible without respecializing.
  • ...
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12 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

This post is a wiki.

hmm why my screens havent a preview?
Test 2

Stormquake was here

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


The following post is a wiki, which means it can be edited by people other than its author.

The purpose of that post is to give people an area in which to experiment with formatting. While the live preview in the composer window does a good job of showing you how things may look, it is not always 100% accurate - for example, the appearance of oneboxes can change after the submission of your post. Thus, the next post exists for use as a sandbox.

Please note the following;

  • The wiki belongs to no single user; your revision can be overwritten at any time.
  • The regular rules of the forum apply here - vandalism will be moderated accordingly.
  • If you can not edit the following post, it means that your User Trust Level is currently 0. If you stick around, this should change within a matter of minutes.
  • If you see someone refer to “the wiki”, they are probably referring to ...
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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alright, so let’s clarify because there’s some confusion here.

Chapters and Eras are not synonymous. A Chapter is a part of the PvE campaign which characters play through prior to reaching the endgame content designed for higher level characters. Each chapter represents a significant part of the overarching story, and as a result thy can vary substantially in size. Eras represent different times in the history of the world. At release there will be 9 Chapters, which take place across 4 Eras.

Last Epoch uses time travel as a theme, and as you progress through the campaign you’ll be travelling both forwards and backwards through time. While we’ll be adding additional Chapters to the game - including another in next month’s content patch - we won’t be adding additional Eras to the game, or at least we won’t be doing so prior to post-release expansions.

For the sake of example, immediately after character creation, you begin Chapter 1 in the Divine Era in a zone cal...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


Could you clarify which zone your last chapter ended in?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there!

Please attach the following files to a forum post;

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you playing at Ultrawide 1440p?

I’d recommend trying a lower resolution as an initial settings change.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @johnolesen77,

Is the performance issue specific to certain types of area (e.g. underground, forest, desert) or a global issue affecting all zones pretty much equally?

Specific changes I’d recommend include;

  • Try changing Ambient Occlusion from Medium to Low
  • Try changing Volumetric Lighting from Medium to Low
  • Try changing Vegetation System from Medium to Low
  • Try changing Contact Shadows from Medium to Low
    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The first troubleshooting I’d recommend is renaming the file, and starting fresh with a new file in case there’s something specific to the currently existing file that’s causing the issue.

If that doesn’t work, we may need to examine the possibility of permissions issues. Could I ask which Operating System you’re using? It’s very difficult to help without knowing this.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

A post was split to a new topic: Game performance

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

A post was split to a new topic: Game performance

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

I’m going to move posts to different threads, as the specific advice we would give to people depends on numerous factors - particularly the hardware configuration of their computers.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

From your description I would suspect that the launcher detected data corruption.

I’ll pass on a request to improve its ability to handle data corruption more surgically.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

If the entire log file can’t be uploaded here, could you please link us to it elsewhere?

We do need to see the entire file.

11 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving thread to Bug Reports.

10 Aug