

19 Mar


Originally posted by Clarkey10

Heres another one I posted earlier, which i get when clicking continue after loading the game.

> crash:
    R5Apex: 00000000004C34A5
    EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION(write): 0000000000000000
    kernel32: 000000000009BC10
    ntdll: 000000000007FF88
    ntdll: 00000000000178C8
    ntdll: 0000000000027E8D
    ntdll: 00000000000184CF
    ntdll: 000000000004BAC8
    R5Apex: 00000000004C34A5
    R5Apex: 00000000004D1A70
    R5Apex: 00000000004C6901
    R5Apex: 000000000020AE75
    R5Apex: 00000000004A002C
    R5Apex: 00000000004A099E
    R5Apex: 00000000004A110F
    R5Apex: 00000000004C04BD
    R5Apex: 00000000004BFEA6
    R5Apex: 00000000004C0297
    R5Apex: 00000000004BEAB7
    R5Apex: 00000000004C0852
    kernel32: 00000000000159CD
    ntdll: 000000000002A2E1
    rax = 0         
    rbx = 0x00B10010
    rcx = 0x0DC78BD0
    rdx = 8194   // 0x00002002
    rsp = 0x31F8F5F0
    rbp = 0x3985971E
    rsi = 0         
    rdi = 0x0000000140EF...
Read more

I believe this is a out of memory crash, have you tested lowering texture streaming settings? Also, what are the specs on your hardware?


Originally posted by Clarkey10

Literally anything, ive crashed while dropping, after being revived, spectating, going into a wraiths portal. It doesnt matter what you do in-game, you will crash just randomly either with memory error or no error at all. Its honestly infuriating to play and crash all the time especially when you get to top 3. Im crashing way more often after this update as well. I also crash more often if i dont repair the game in-between crashes.

    R5Apex: 0000000000359B37
    kernel32: 000000000009BC10
    ntdll: 000000000007FF88
    ntdll: 00000000000178C8
    ntdll: 0000000000027E8D
    ntdll: 00000000000184CF
    ntdll: 000000000004BAC8
    R5Apex: 0000000000359B37
    R5Apex: 000000000035A708
    R5Apex: 00000000004C04BD
    R5Apex: 00000000004BFEA6
    R5Apex: 00000000004C0297
    R5Apex: 00000000004BEAB7
    R5Apex: 00000000004C0852
    kernel32: 00000000000159CD
    ntdll: 000000000002A2E1
Read more

This is useful, thank you, and I'm sorry you have these issues. The first two lines are the most relevant, since those being different indicates a different crash from the one in the OP. If you have other crash logs with different first few lines, please post them.


Can you provide any additional context for what is happening in game when it crashes?


Could you post the crash file generated by the game? (See patch notes for details)


Could you post or send the crash file, as listed in the patch notes?

10 Mar


Originally posted by Pure_Golden

Do we have an estimated date for that?

I do, but I’m completely not at liberty to say what it is. Unfortunately, even estimated dates tend to get taken as a promise, and if they slip people get angry. I leave to the folks here that make the official announcements.


Originally posted by PleaseBuyMyGoods

They have a 15min one in Rocket League which is definitely a deterrent. 5min would be nice.

What I don't like is how you don't receive XP when you quit the game, WHEN EVEN YOUR BANNER HAS TIMED OUT. Really don't f**king get that one.

Edit. I don't leave when I'm downed, I will wait until squad dies or my banner times out (if not playing with friends). I don't want to spend 10min watching camping randoms to save all my xp being stripped...

This should be remedied in the next major update.


Originally posted by its_a_me_SPAGHETTI

No please, never do this unless you make a ranked mode.

As noted by MANY players, a disconnection or a crash that isn't in the ability of the player will cause a 5-minute ban which is very unfair.

If someone is pissed that he cannot press leave match and press "Ready" because a teammate left then it shouldn't affect the entire community.

Any implementation will take these (and other) issues into account. We would never do something so simple as “penalty for any disconnect”.


Send to myself or /u/Jayfresh_Respawn please. If you want to submit via email, PM me and I’ll give you an contact to send to.


It’s third pick, but it try’s not to pick someone who was idle during character selection as well.

07 Mar


Originally posted by Rozari

Hi, one quick, but important question - is loot in lootboxes generated upon recieving or upon opening? If i already have a Heirloom - will i have a chance of getting another heirloom in future in saved-unopened lootboxes?

Yes, you would have a chance under those circumstances.


Originally posted by Mendokusaii

Can someone clarify -

Skullpiercer Headshot damage multiplier reduced from 2.5 -> 2.25

Is this change for hop-up or for the hop-up on wingman specifically? Did an unintended nerf for longbow go through?

Wingman only


Originally posted by Aetherimp

Thing is... On the Longbow the Skullpiercer is just fine.. so does the damage multiplier adjustment effectively nerf the Longbow, which was already in a good place?

(Edit: gotta love getting downvoted for a legit question.)

The changes are limited only the the Wingman

04 Mar


Originally posted by Bioleve

any news about the influx of chinese cheaters?

We have been banning players regularly, and will continue to do so. I can't really provide more information than that.


Originally posted by wigwam2323

Summoning respawn dev... /u/scriptacus!

Thanks, should be easier to track down with the repro you guys provided.

01 Mar

25 Feb

24 Feb

23 Feb