

04 Apr


Originally posted by BA2929

If you're going to implement this please fix your matchmaking so I'm not dropping without a full team. I shouldn't be punished for leaving if I'm being forced to drop alone or in a duo.

Just FYI, the penalty was never applied if your team wasn't full.

30 Mar


That's awesome, well done


Originally posted by The_Purple_Otter

PS4, and I've tried changing my audio output and playing with the in-game settings. So far nothing has worked

I'm not sure how on PS4, but can you try clearing your cache so that the game redownloads the patches and let me know if that helps?

27 Mar


This should be possible in the next patch or two

26 Mar


Which platform, and what fixes have you tried?


Originally posted by thpkht524

I've found it. How do i send it to you?

You can just copy paste it here, it's pretty small


Originally posted by thpkht524

How do you get crash logs?

See the most recent patch notes for details. If they were generated, they'll be in your documents folder as apex_crash.txt


Originally posted by thpkht524

I have never crashed a single time before in apex, after hundreds of hours playing it. Crashed 3 times when I updated the game and played it yesterday.

Can you send along any crash logs?

25 Mar


Originally posted by CaracolGranjero

I know you guys are very selective on what you reply to but can you at least let me know if you are aware of this? /u/Scriptacus

Can you summarize the issue, the thread is marked solved and it's kind of huge


Just FYI, you can report teammates from the "Squad" tab, which is available from the inventory screen.

24 Mar


Originally posted by orange0401

It was yesterday (after the patch and the discussion we had about my method to consistently crash)

Hmm. The adjustment was pushed Friday around 4-5pm PST. If this clip is from after that, it sure seems like the issue persists.


Originally posted by Daddysprinkle

Meant to say that all of the colors changed on my attachments etc.

Changed in what way? The only in game thing that can do that are the color blind settings. If it's not those, it would indicate either a hardware problem, or possibly your install of the game is somehow corrupted. Let me know any more details that your can.


When was this clip recorded? We are aware of hit reg issues since the season 1 patch, and have made some adjustments. I'd like to track down if this was before or after those changes.


Originally posted by GodLvl69

Xbox one. It’s not just me, it’s my friends as well. I understand that the game is new and y’all are trying y’all best. It’s just this audio bug has been on the game since it’s came out,but ever since the season 1 update, it’s every game instead of every other game now. I’m just fed up cuz I literally can’t hear enemies near me, or gunshots, and etc. it’s nearly almost impossible to play without that bug in a match. Thank you for replying, I really appreciate it.

I know it's a pain, but could you or your friends try the following? (Or let me know if you have already) 1) Delete the cache on the Xbox, then try running/playing the game (search "Xbox one delete cache" to find instructions). Fair warning if you try this one; it should delete downloaded patches and temporary files for ALL games on your Xbox one, not just Apex. If that's an issue for you, skip this. The idea here is to see if maybe there is an issue with the patches or the patching process.

2) Completely uninstall/reinstall Apex and then try running/playing the game.

If you or your friends are willing to try these, please let me know the outcome. Thanks.


Platform? For the record, we don't experience every bug internally that our players see in the wild. There are less than 300 of us at Respawn/EA, and 50+ million in live.


Originally posted by alwysonthatokiedokie

I had this crash after the season 1 update but there was no crash log anywhere in my PC.

That's a different kind of issue. Those are usually triggered by bugs in the gameplay logic as opposed to hardware or memory issues.


Originally posted by QuincyB92

Going to fix window mode issue anytime soon?

What's the issue?


Originally posted by PM_me_cute_Zoe_pics

No problem. Thanks for the communication!

You’re welcome %username%! It’s what we here at %company% live for!

[Your license for SuperCommunityComminicationBot 3.14 has expired]


Originally posted by PM_me_cute_Zoe_pics

Should probably clarify the BP bonus description then, since it simply says "2.5% per person" and not "5% + 2.5% when playing with 1/2 people".

Agreed. The wording there and presentation on the postgame screen are both being improved in a future update. Thanks for the feedback.

23 Mar


Originally posted by PM_me_cute_Zoe_pics

Hijacking to inform that the BP bonus unlocked at BP level 12 doesn't seem to work.

You have to be playing in a party