For the time being, where possible its currently every weekend. That can however change.
For the time being, where possible its currently every weekend. That can however change.
This one remains open.
If the statistics show that is required from their new positions. We will be keeping an eye on all vehicles changed.
Not really, just the first part of the year is particularly heavy. Here in the UK for example we just had 3 in the last 3 weeks. 2 more in June.
Most of the changes have come from player reports and information posted and all of them are historical. A lot of the information provided in the past appeared to be incorrect.
Sorry to disrupt your theory. A simpler explanation was that Monday / Tuesdays were holidays in Russia. So things just knocked on a day.
They have it because they are played as light tanks. As I mentioned above, classification and thus abilities is given based on how players use the vehcile.
Suggestions are for players to express their wishes and the community to also add their input. To developers then check them over and give them some thoughts. The criteria for making suggestions and also the current criteria for vehciles to enter the game are both clear.
All of the helicopters in the Swedish helicopter tree where used and / or tested operationally by Sweden.
The other vehcules you mentioned where from a time before the criteria has changed. Their existence in game does not mean more like them will be added. Particularly as we have started removing some (German tanks) and replacing them where it's possible to do so.
Vehciles are categorised based on their use in game. Not their "in real life" classification.
I would need to check the specific reports, but if something is over 3-4 years, its worth revisiting unless it has already been given a definitive answer.
The only report I can find open bomb wise specifically for the G8N is for the Type 3 Number 150 Mark 5.
If there is something historical other than that bomb that it could carry, I would suggest reporting via a historical report with evidence. That old report does not seem to generate any result. Likely it was made on an older system and/or didn't transfer over onto our newer bug reporting system that we had a few years ago.
As it was only ever intended as a decal news artwork, this is the largest offical resolution as far as im aware. But we will ask if its possible.
This one was accepted, pending review:
As mentioned in the blog, it will just be initially for the first batch of aircraft in Winds of Change. At least that is the current plan. However work is ongoing.
Nothing has been scrapped.
The feature was still in development at the time of the update release, but we wanted to share more information with you guys ahead of the bulk of it being datamined. So we decided to do an early blog ahead of when we normally would. Its often something people ask for is more communication about upcoming features ahead of their actual release so we decided to do it.
We said it would come in this major update cycle (between this major and the next) and thats still the case with no changes. Its a hugely technically complex feature with many considerations to also bare in mind in terms of setups and configurations.
Off topic cleared out. Plenty of places to leave your feedback and opinion guys. But what was being discussed had nothing to do with this topic.
Im not sure what answer you seek here. The missile is currently based on the best available sources and info available that the devs have. You claim it should have better performance, but so far only 1 secondary source confirms a 4.5km all aspect lock.
It is possible the absence of agreeing source material also means that 1 secondary source is all there is and is therefor incorrect. Which is why the devs cannot make a change based on only 1 secondary source without any further agreeing ones.
Second source is a private website / 3rd party blog which does not provide a source for any of its claims or statements. Such sources are not accepted:
They are just meaningless emojis and it happens to us all. We cant ban everyone that leaves a confused face. I'd be here all day sadly. They don't mean anything or impact your forum rep count. All in all they are totally meaningless.