

23 Mar


It has the wingtip flare launchers currently.


None. Currently just Ataka, gunpods and unguided rockets.


China is getting the J-8 this update for aviation.


Nope it's all good. Just a validation process for Telegram to confirm we are official.


Pretty sure everything has been shown at this stage. Apart from the Swedish Mi-28a which we haven't properly shown yet, but as Grom said was already mined.


Combat panini is also acceptable )))

Indeed it's a very fun little tank.


Some news has not fully returned yet as we have a lot going on. Generally they will run on a regular basis and news should return fully to normal.


Indeed but it's a far more suitable place to discuss it than here, which is also not a missile topic


Stay tuned to any official announcements. We won't go into details before then


Mostly everything for the patch bas been shown now, given its one of the largest we have ever had. But perhaps there might be something. Just not today.


Perhaps wait for the update before basing all your judgement on an incomplete features datamine. We haven't announced anything yet.

Also this Su-22 variant is German, not Russian.


There was already a suitable place to discuss this and its been pinned right under every RR topic for years

But you are welcome to use your own missile spesific one too.

22 Mar


Currently its just called Mi-28A.


There is a general lack of information connecting the T-1 to any meaningful / useful loadouts that would make it worthwhile in game. Additionally from an air-to-air perspective, Sidewinder claims aside, a single 12.7mm machine gun is not much use as a fighter or attacker in most capacities. Especially since the thing in question here that it would theoretically be replacing has a battery of 4 x 30mm cannon.

If more information about useful payloads and weaponry options come forward, then it could remain a possible addition to the game in some form. But right now its not being considered.

Generally apart from the few images already shared, there is lack of info thats required to implement the vehicle. Nothing so far has been worthwhile perusing in this area. Naturally people are welcome to submit topics with material if they have it.

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We don't only go off of interviews. However in this case there is very little evidence it was something even tested on the ASA and a pilot also clarified it was never used in the ASA. Its still under review none the less. But addional info would be needed as it's currently looking like just a copied section from the F-104G in some cases.


Not before the major that's for sure.

Likely we might reconsider some questions as this update changes a lot and covered some of the things within this major.


Most people are generally aware of how an update cycle works now with regards to blogs and publications.

With regards to more general plans we have been experimenting with Q and As, including the video fomat BVV did last time to try and answer more questions and outline more plans that we have in general terms. We will be Looking to see what else can be done there and make them more regular. (Either written or video)

The sort of plans you generally have referred too however previously (knowing the entire contents of a patch ahead of time) are not realistic however.


Even when we make loose roadmaps or even outline general plans, it can backfire with cliams of "broken promises" or "you lied to us" / "but you said X"

Most recently on the Dev server, when everything is fully labled as work in progress and subject to change, there have been claims here by some that we "missled" people because a couple of aircraft were not in their final configurations yet dispite the fact neither had had blogs or annoucments yet. When the realty was people wanted to see these aircraft as soon as possible, so we added them before they were fully configured to the Dev sever and things were far from final.

Game development is not linear. Plans change long and short term and because something was denied / hinted at previously does not always mean it's still the case tomorrow.

So it goes both ways. Some of the same people who want roadmaps or more upfront confirmation o...

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As always, there is every possibility we may expand variants over time. But feel free to submit any suggestions in the relivant area

I would not recommend doing it. Any modifications of the files in that capacity can trigger issues.