We have explained in the past in great detail of the gameplay challenges and limitations these types of bombers present and why for the air/ground meta, aircraft exactly like the MiG-27 and F-105 are more relevant. Whilst not ruled out entirely, its not something considered for the time being.
It has already been passed.
According to all the information the developers currently have, the C.7 model we have did not have a pulse Doppler radar.
Whilst there were models with larger radars, their nose was significantly larger. Which is not a the model we have.
If plans are not 100% certain or definitive yet, then we cannot give a 100% certain answer for sure. Only the information we have from the developers
I believe it's better to at least have an answer than none at all.
Apart from what BVV mentioned in th last Q&A, there's nothing new to say at the moment. If we do, it will be via the news / announcements.
Providing they still meet the source requirements, they can be passed for consideration as suggestions.
Documented suggestions is for reports that are subject to developer review as a suggestion as they are not something that is a predetermined "issue". This could be armour on modern vehicles which is entirely suggestion based or a missing feature.
It's possible, but not currently planned.
Right at this moment no. They are modules on ships. But we don't exclude the possibility later.
Name was changed. Israel test flight location was also changed.
That's probably a new record for off topic spam, we have had to clean the thread a bit
A reminder for those that are already aware, but appear to need another reminder, this thread is not for feedback on the current major, nor to report issues with it.
If you wish to leave feedback on "Winged Lions", you can do so here:
If you wish to report a bug, you can do so here:
If you believe something is wrong from a historical perspective, you can report that here with your evidence:
Please note that the correct place to make a bug report is here: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/655-bug-reports/
The controls issue is known and under investigation. For some of the others you mentioned, additional examples and files will be necessary.
Sound issues can be reported here: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/589-sound-issues/
The R-3R/S combination is already under consideration. Anything else should be properly submitted with the relevant material via historical reports. Sadly we cannot do much with whats here.
We said several times that the values were still being worked on and have been. The only bug now is in the protection analysis showing identical overall values when they are not.
This is a known bug with the displayed armour values appearing identical in the protection analysis. It will be rectified in an upcoming update.
Thanks as always guys to everyone and for
@magazine2for keeping things organized.
All that's left for me to say is please be sure to leave your feedback on the major here:
No. They are modules on ships.
All current in game naval nations will have hydroplanes on at least 1 ship.
Tomorrow guys, stay tuned to the news
Plus the Leclerc XXI
We never said a French top tier fighter was coming this patch.