

12 May


Should hopefully be rectified soon.


Because as we have explained before. We have done such things in the past, and in terms of vehicles, giving this sort of information out early proved to be more of a negative than a positive.

We do indicate quite a lot of our plans in Q&As as well as increasingly more Dev blogs and now also with "It's fixed!" Where we highlight and talk about the fixes carried out that week.

11 May


Dev Blogs are when vehicles are at their earliest to show. Anything before that is subject to change and thus subject to disappointment or "yOu LiEd tO uS" when it doesn't come in time.

There is also no real benefit to give out plans for vehicles so far in advance. Not only does it kill hype, but really achieves nothing.


Not much longer. Sooner than most people have claimed today, thats for sure ))


We do this already.

Its called Dev Blogs.


Yeah except me, because its not.


Just a bit of an explanation on this.

When a low rank vehicle is made of any kind, its not "diverting resources" from a top tier one. Almost all vehicles are planned more than a year+ in advance and allocated time and planning according to such. Even those that are introduced into planning on a shorter term do not "take away" from existing plans or divert possible artist time away from something else. We plan a mixture of vehicles from low to top tier. Low tier vehicles are also particularly important as not everyone plays top tier and not everyone is interested in modern machines,


This was in 2018 and 19 by the way so Lockdowns were not an issue ))


*that should keep them busy and quiet for a few days*


That's a bit subjective. To some yes, others no.


They stalked my twitter to find those and no I don't think I've posted this one but nice try.


Something I've been waiting quite some time for. I had to climb underneath it and in it ))

But to be honest, a lot of cool things this patch for me.



Posting about that here isn't going to make the Dev blogs come faster ))

We have to explain every update that we can't just speed Dev blogs up because people get impatient. They come when they are finished and ready. Which won't be long now.


When all the major updates become a blurr and you mix Viking Fury and Ixwa Strike ))

Thanks fixed.

10 May


Hello. This is currently a known issue under investigation. We hope to have a bug fix soon!


Possible but again a bit too early for that right now.


We have already said there are such plans.


The problem is, with Northern Wind and Viking Fury we had a huge amount of vehicles with one of the largest national launch trees ever. So it created a very big expectation that every update to follow would have the same amount, which obviously they wont.

Sweden's release just had a huge amount of vehicles. Same with the Naval release.

I mean lets not kid ourselves, we know what some are going to say already no matter what comes )))


New Power was probably one of the largest updates ever.

Wouldn't expect to see something on that scale again for some time.