

10 May


You can expect them soon. Not going to give specifics, but soon™


I thought to myself, I haven't checked the rumour topic today, but its a quiet Monday so surely not much could have happened there.

*Opens topic*

I didn't know I was a Yugioh card now but ok ))

Today is a Victory Day holiday in Russia, so we almost always have no news or posts on the site etc unless it would be a minor patch or something on that day.

As for Dev Blogs, its still a bit too soon to give any hints or dates, but you wont have too much longer to wait and this patch has some really cool things across the board

08 May


Because a respected historian has no evidence to suggest it was built does not mean he is the only source on the matter.

There is quite a lot of information and technical specs of the J6K.

Japan in particular has a finite number of piston engine fighters we can use for event vehicles without impacting the main tree or standard premiums and the J6K was the most interesting and requested options of those after such examples as the Ki-94-II and Ki-87 were already added.

From this aircraft onwards though, we no longer plan to introduce any paper aircr


You can use any of these vehicles to get the right efficiency to research the vehicles you are going for. Given you are researching the HSTV-L and F-4C, you should have plenty of options.

Of course you can remain using Rank IV if you want too, but it will take considerably longer playing vacuoles 2 ranks lower and that's why you are seeing low rewards.


Nobody is being penalized

This is the way vehicles in War Thunder have always worked. Its not possible to split their
nationality and in terms of WW2 era Hungarian or any minor axis nations, we have said for some time they would be with Italy.

07 May


We have said for some time now Italy will be the home for the minor axis nations. This includes Hungary and Romania. Both of which have vehicles in the Italian tree.


You are using inefficient vehicles for the vehicles you are trying to research.

For example, two of the vehicles in your line-up are effective up to Rank V. Not Rank VI and VII:


As I said, they haven't been released yet. They are fixed pending deployment.


Italy doesn't have the same gaps and in fact has better vehicles in these positions.

Italy has the F-84G and F-84F to cover the roles of R2Y2 and Centuaro and R3 T106 FA in the positions where the Ho-Ri is.

Other gaps in any tree will be filled with real existing vehicles rather than paper tanks, which we have already said are no longer part of our addition policy.


Its also entirely off topic as its not coming now. The tank isn't even in production yet.


Known and reported issue thanks


Not exactly sure how as I said, both were introduced before the Italian Ground Forces tree was even a thing. It was over a year later before the Italian tree ground was even introduced, by which beforehand we had already made it clear of our intentions to cease adding any "paper tanks" for all nations.

November 2017 was the last Ho-Ri and December 2018 was the introduction of Italian tanks.

Over a year difference.

As I said, they would be replaced if they could be, but they cant.

Thats no reason however to then just add more paper tanks after


R2Y2 Was introduced at a time when paper was an option when there was no other alternative for a tree. Ho-Ri was also something similar but far more material was available than on P.43 and also much more of it was grounded. Either way, we no longer plan to introduce such machines and have made that clear for some years now.

Both of them would be removed and replaced if viable alternatives could be found and have sufficent material to introduce to the game. But for the time being none exist.

The fact they remain in game for now is not a reason or justification to add mor


We have said for some time, the Italian tree will be home to minor axis vehicles. For now that's been premiums mostly.

We don't have any immediate plans for a domestic branch of either nation in the main tree.


If you purchase the Battle Pass for season 3, you can collect all 4 vehicles including Toldi and then trade your 2 exchange coupons for a free battle pass next season.


A wooden mockup is still not anywhere close to a real vehicle and is not much more of a step than paper. It's not viable to be implemented currently.

To all relevant purposes, it's a paper vehicle. Arguing about it further than that because it had s Woden model meaningless.

06 May


We cant forward reports from the RU side.

Needs to be reported here if we are to forward it


This one has not been forwarded, so must not meet the guidelines of the RU forum.

This is already fixed pending release.


We dont have any reports on these, so they will need bug reports.

I reported this myself after having it in Helicopter EC for 5 games in a row with the A-129 International. That issue is known, but if its also for the CBT we will just need some evidence (Screens + Replay) to add to the report.