

06 Mar


Based on all the feedback, people are far more satisfied with this result. So we do not intend to review the situation again as the vast majority of the feedback is now positive on the SK-105 situation.


There was:

As you can see, the majority voted for it to be in the French tree, which it now is too.

Functionally, both vehicles are identical. We already have Argentine vehicles in the German tree. So this makes the most sense.

A later one with an FL-12 turret is an entirely seperate modification, which we don't have here.

If you want to make a suggestion for other versions, please feel free to make a suggestion.

Yes majority. As you can see the majority of people are happy with this change and think its a goo


We did what the majority asked for. As I said, you cannot please everyone. So we did what we could do with the current vehicles.


They had HUD gunsights:

Here is the F-104S

Its slightly more dynamic in line with the relative position of the guns, compared to the current sight.


The French community got the tank they asked for. The SK-105. The stabilizer was reported as an issue and was removed with a player made bug report. None the less, we listened to the community and gave exactly what was asked for.

The argument was that the Austrian version should be in the French tree. Both tanks are identical, both nations are getting one and exactly what was asked for is coming to the French tree.

Naturally some people will always find fault and take issue with everything, but we did the best possible outcome here.


More missiles does not always mean better.

We have. Both the British and French Jaguars can receive upgrades over time and the British have other variants potentially to explore too.


Off topic removed. I dont know, again, why this is being discussed here


They are, but different national operators


Its not, because the Mirage IIIC was already better than F-4C from the outset and competed really well with the F-4E from the get go and still does. IIIE is an even better C correcting all the current weaknesses of the C, so in game, it will be a toe-to-toe top competitor once again.

The British have multiple versions.


We currently have 2 aircraft as nuke carriers for each BR. Jaguar was capable and was chosen. There are lots of aircraft that could theoretically carry or were intended to carry such weapons, but we don't have them all as that in game.

SK-105 from the outset was intended to go into the German SPG branch, so we needed a version of it there. The community wanted the Austrian version to be in the French tree, so we did that and then the Argentinian version was the next best candidate to go into the German tree since Argentina does not have a tree in game and we already have 2 Arge

05 Mar


France has the Mirage IIIE this update, a better version in game terms of what was already one of the top fighter aircraft in game.

Later versions of the Jaguar will come in the future.


After the MiG-21Bis and F-4E/EJ, Mirage IIIC was already one of the top performing aircraft in game. A new variant with a better engine, RWR and Countermeasures will bring it back into the top almost immediately.


AIM-9J/P is also planned. The 4 pylons are just the first step.

04 Mar


Rank II now. Originally one of them was in Rank I.


Helicopters yes. Because its their only form of self defence really against jets.

It does not mean it will be on aircraft anytime soon

Far too soon for the ICE. AIM-9L and AMRAAM.


AIM-9L is all aspect (which we dont have for any aircraft) and there is insufficient information that the current version carried them for sure beyond a single photo.

03 Mar


Unless that pod under the nose is something else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And a British radar too, so perhaps we should put it in the British tree for having British equipment )))


Afaik there was a hold up in the CCIP department. The Etendard takes into account the wind and displays on the HUD, within the working angle and the bomb aiming point is based on multiple variables (angle of dive, wind, bomb drag coefficient etc). However, the manoeuvre expected once the pilot pull the trigger is toss bombing, with a resource between 2G and 6G. Not the standard CCIP we have.

Different sources were submitted for A32 which clearly showed it had CCIP.